Dubai, City Of Wonders

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Dubai, city of wonders Nov 24, 2007
this places is indeed a city of wonders, both in pisitive and negative way.
so now they are increasing salaries with 70%...never ever heared of such an increase before. probably for a reason. but whats interesting is that only for gov. sector. what will happen with the majority who will not have this increase? because the costs will go up for sure. and how will this effect the economy...
ive been reading the papers (thou i could have sticked to only one, no matter which one, cos all were saying the exact same thing, letter by letter...are these really separate newspapers? :roll: ) and the articles were calling what should have been qualified as an economical decision, a kind gesture of our beloved rulers. hilarious....

any opinions?

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Nov 24, 2007
It will do nothing but increase inflation and drive more nationals out of the private sector.
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Nov 24, 2007
just FYI .. 70% for *federal employees* ... those guys haven't got a raise in ages .. and its not alot of people ...

so people who work for the respective local emirate governments are not included in this increase.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Nov 25, 2007
It's UPTO 70% which mean the local will get it around that much for others it will go according to their grade + yes its only for federal gov. not pvt. not even authorities
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Nov 25, 2007
Oh its upto 70% the famous SALES board infront of any shop in Dubai.. upto 70% discount?
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Nov 25, 2007
I know expats working in DEWA, RTA and a civilian branch of the army. I guess they are not feds.
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Dec 10, 2007
ok, i came to the same thread.... :?

this place is just a piece of work. i mean yes, it is worth visiting and being overwhelmed by it cos there are so many things u dont find in other cities.
on the other hand, there is no such thing as law here. "laws" are only meant to fcuk one up whenever is possible. but those created to protect u and make sure that many times those very basic rights are respected, are up to the mood of those in charge. i mean, there are so many things that a company for ex could never ever do or would even dare to think about in europe. yeah yeah, i know this is not europe, but one might think dubai wants to move towards european/us, etc standars not backwards to saudi.

im working for one of the most well known companies in dubai, yet the owner does whatever he wants. just found out today something that makes me wonder why the fcuk am i still here in this country taking shit from stupid ppl.
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Re: Dubai, city of wonders Dec 11, 2007
raidah wrote:this places is indeed a city of wonders, both in pisitive and negative way.
so now they are increasing salaries with 70%...never ever heared of such an increase before. probably for a reason. but whats interesting is that only for gov. sector. what will happen with the majority who will not have this increase? because the costs will go up for sure. and how will this effect the economy...
ive been reading the papers (thou i could have sticked to only one, no matter which one, cos all were saying the exact same thing, letter by letter...are these really separate newspapers? :roll: ) and the articles were calling what should have been qualified as an economical decision, a kind gesture of our beloved rulers. hilarious....

any opinions?

Raidah :roll: I very much agree with you... Dubai-The city of Wonders should be changed to Dubai-Where everone wonders?? (I mean what next would be favorable or unfavorable to expats) :?: You might wish to take a look at the thread "WHAT PEOPLE LIKE ABOUT DUBAI" and there are many bitter facts raised about this place by me without answer!!! Yet there are many who still feel that this place is gonna get better!!! The question is WHEN???????????
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Dec 11, 2007
this place does have a lot of things that make it unique, good destination for vacation, good choice to make lot of money (if amongst the lucky ones), etc. and for a city built out of nothing i think its making big steps.

BUT, there are 2 aspects they are not handling properly. one is the way construction workers, hospitality workers, etc are being treated (thou i have to mention i understand the reasons behind them, regardless if i agree or not), and laws/rights versus western(european)/us/aus etc citizens. i mean no offense to anybody, but ppl from these countries represent the majority of intellectual workforce in the place.

bottom line, whether for one reason or another, for one's interest or another's, this country/city should put more effort in making laws and specially making sure they are respected by the poor, by middle class and most of all by those with a title thinking to be above everybody (mention no2 : the powerfull and rich is all over the world "more equal" than the rest, it would be foolinsh to think othervice, but its more acceptable if went along with the law in daily small things and project oneself as "model citizen", and avoid or go against the rules on big scale. funny thing, sometimes those are less visible than the small irregularities which come across like a spit in the face "cos im a sheikh/multibillion company owner, etc, so i do whatever i damn please to do")

anyway, like i said, dubai is making big steps for which it should credit, but it will be a long time before you will have ppl expressing an opinion without the fear of being fired and kicked out from the country.
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Dec 14, 2007
At least you can express an opinion in places like here!

The problem is one that does not have a simple answer. The expolitation of expat workers is not just in the UAE, but all around the world. Where there is work and a booming economy, there will always be a need for a cheap and plentiful workforce. The Americans use the Mexicans, the Western Europeans use the Eastern Europeans and here they use everyone. Its not being done out of charity or a sense of fairness, its being done solely for the benefit of the nationals in every case.

So the Federal National workers get an 'up to 70%' pay rise? It will not affect the majority of expats here as they are either earning much less or much more than them already. What it will do is add to the ever increasing spiral of inflation. The locals push for ever higher rents in an attempt to 'milk the franchise' before the property bubble bursts, there are additional official charges and costs added to our expenses every day...and if you want to complain, then the answer is trite and always the same: If you don't like it, live somewhere else.

Has anyone ever thought to ask why many locals here are trying to return their UAE based investment so quickly? If any of them have investments outside the Gulf, then they need to cash flow to feed the payments as the currency exchange rates for the Dirham , due to the dollar pegging, are dreadful. The Dirham is virtually worthless outside the UAE now.

Its a big circle.

We all feed it in some way.

:? :? :?

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Dec 16, 2007
Me loves the current Exchange Rates - Dubai is just getting cheaper and cheaper

:D :D :D :D :D :D
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Dec 17, 2007
arniegang wrote:Me loves the current Exchange Rates - Dubai is just getting cheaper and cheaper

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Not for us paupers who live and work here...

:( :( :(

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Dec 17, 2007
What about the rest of us that love it here, but cannot afford to live here because of the inflation and raising rate of rent?

Its not so much " If you don't like it, then live somewhere else" because for some people it is not a viable option for one reason or another. No matter where you live, there will always be disparity between people's income and there will always be people who cannot make the choice simply to uproot and live somewhere else.

The increase of salary for goverment sector is great for them. But for those of us that are not so lucky to get a boost in salary have to suffer the consequences.
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Dec 17, 2007
abarawakijess wrote:What about the rest of us that love it here, but cannot afford to live here because of the inflation and raising rate of rent?

Its not so much " If you don't like it, then live somewhere else" because for some people it is not a viable option for one reason or another. No matter where you live, there will always be disparity between people's income and there will always be people who cannot make the choice simply to uproot and live somewhere else.

The increase of salary for goverment sector is great for them. But for those of us that are not so lucky to get a boost in salary have to suffer the consequences.

There is another agenda here: The whole concept of Dubai is to ONLY attract the most elite, wealthy tourists in the world who can AFFORD to spend here and therefore bring their high net worth investment in valuable currency to the country. This is the reason for the dispropportionate number of 4, 5 and even 7 star hotels here and the outrageous cost levied for a below average doss house room per night.

Unfortunately, to attract this kind of VIP tourist, you have to market stuff, build stuff and then staff stuff. These are the people, the common people, who simply can't afford to live here but will tolerate it because its better than the situation back home. Exploitation is the name of the game.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Dubai Knight
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Dec 17, 2007
Is it really better than back at home though? for some it might be the case no matter how bad the situation is. But for some, it might just be on par and they are attracted here due to the lure of the possibilities this place holds.

The elite can afford all the luxuries that this place can provide, but it is the common people that have to live here in servitude.

Rant over. Sorry its been negative.
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Dec 17, 2007
abarawakijess wrote:Is it really better than back at home though? for some it might be the case no matter how bad the situation is. But for some, it might just be on par and they are attracted here due to the lure of the possibilities this place holds.

The elite can afford all the luxuries that this place can provide, but it is the common people that have to live here in servitude.

Rant over. Sorry its been negative.

Many people feel the same, don't worry.

The quality of life here can be better than back home, but you can't retire on the long term if you are throwing all your income away in rent and high costs of living when you are working.

One hand gives...the other taketh away!

:( :( :(

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