How To Get A Credit Card In Dubai A,S.A.P.?

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How to get a credit card in dubai A,S.A.P.? Nov 21, 2005
Have heard all band has salary limited to request a credit car. one of my friend, his job is a bit special. his basic salary can't reach it. but he got commission from his work. and also have saving in bank. so as his situation, how can he get a credit card as soon as possible?

thanks in advance!

Dubai Forums Talker
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Nov 21, 2005
I know ME offered me a secured visa i.e. a visa card with the limit about the same as my savings right away, very little paperwork to if you decide to go this way, I think just a passport copy. No need to transfer salary, very low interest, etc. I’m not sure if this is the type of visa that your friend is looking for but you did mention he has some savings.

I didn’t pursue this option when offered to me, so don’t know if there are any hidden catches. Good luck
Dubai Forums Knight
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Nov 24, 2005
that sounds much easy. but my friend has saving in Standard Chartered. Do you mean that he has to open a new A/C and also transfer some money in ME . then they only can provide a visa. right?

so is that fast way? just take some cash to any bank to open an A/C. and the same time you can get a credit card from them?

just have no idea !!!


Dubai Forums Talker
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Nov 24, 2005
Sorry buddy, I don't know the details but maybe you could call Standard Charter and ask if they offer a similar option, i.e. get a credit card from Standard Chartered that is secured by his savings in Standard Charter.

Good luck
Dubai Forums Knight
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Nov 25, 2005
U want to have the ability to pay in Dubai right?

So, easy thing: get a VISA or Eurocard/Mastercard somewhere in your city, and no worries. With a VISA or Eurocard/Mastercard u can get money out of every money-automate in Dubai and probably pay in every store. :)
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Nov 26, 2005
I will tell my friend to check in standard chartered whether they will offer a credit card or not.

thanks for your informtion. buddies!

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