There is a permanent exhibition about Zheng He in the China mall at Ibn Batutta - an exhibit that I passed many times without looking at. Yesterday I was showing some guests around and went and read the accounts of this man.
I'd seen a documentary on him and his navy and how it was one of the largest (if not the largest) in history. However, I didn't pick up on the fact he was a Muslim from this documentary - but was surprised at the time of China's dominance of the seas at the time - and the fact I hadn't heard of this. That in itself was a fascinating story - especially the inexplicable decision of a later emperor to destroy the navy and give up maritime dominance.
However, the 'discovery' that the admiral was a Muslim was a surprise and a quick look at the wiki entry above showed he is also involved in the development of Islam in Indonesia and Malaya. I always thought it was traders who took Islam there..and wasn't aware of this aspect.
I don't really have a point to make - just sharing some information that I wasn't aware of before. I guess it just goes to show that there is a lot of history out there and I have a lot to discover!