
First sorry if I write something uncorectly because I do not knove English very best.I am from Croatia and I have a big property by the beautiful river Mrežnica.Intirely property is 50 000m2 big.Half of that is in one piece,half of that is not.In that first piece is 2100m2 construction land.There are two waterfalls,natural water source for drinking.Some people in government told me that my property is very profitability but I do not have money to invest in it,so I want your help.I want your opinion what price of that property are you suggest and are here is someone who is interested for invest in that or to buy all 50 000m2 of land?I will try to put here some pictures of property and I would be obliged if you would halp me somehow.I write in this forum because Dubai have the most beautiful buildings in all of the world and and I want that some of people from Dubai come here and build that paradise here what they have there.