Watch comple movie In The Name Of GOD (Khuda kay liye) online.
www.khudakayliye.co.nr update: all the links are fixed.
The long awaited movie Khuda Ke Liye - In the Name of God a movie by Shoaib Mansoor is finally heading towards release. The movie revolves around a Pakistani young man (Shaan) who goes to the United States of America for higher education. During his study years, the tragic event of 9/11 takes place where the World Trade Center is turned into dust. In a long array of investigations and arrests, the young man gets arrested by the American authorities; and his younger brother is being motivated by his old friend Shershah Hameed Sheikh on the path of God and to quit all musical activities in favor of the “straight” path. Meanwhile, his uncle (Humayun Kazmi) arrives from UK with his only cousin Mary (Iman Ali) who wanted to marry her non-Muslim boyfriend back in the UK against her family’s wishes. He brings her to Pakistan where Shershah tucks them to their village in a tribal area near Afghanistan. There tries to escape but Shershah follows her and brings her back to the village. The experiences of the young man are shown in this movie. There are plenty of other issues that are highlighted in this film. Iman Ali makes her cinema debut with this film, and enacts the character of a Pakistani-Briton. Austin Sayre also makes her film debut and plays Shaan’s wife. The young music prodigy Ahmed Jahanzeb produced the soundtrack for the film. “Shoaib Mansoor’s mission is to show the world that all people are not as extreme as they are perceived to be,” said line producer Leigh Jones. “He wants Americans to see that all Muslims are not extreme terrorists, and he wants Pakistanis to see that most Americans are not these petulant children.
update: all the links are fixed.