Have just read the story in Gulf News. Un-friggin-believable.
For those of you who don't know, some guy is in court facing a possible jail sentence/deportation(?) because of a sticker on his car windshield.
And yes, the sticker read 'Kiss My ...'
It seems some holier than thou jobsworth type objected to it and requested the driver remove it (he didn't). What a total baby.
Granted, the guy shouldn't have put the sticker up in the first place. And definitely, he should have removed it after being asked.
But I think you know the point I'm making. It's the same old Dubai shit,
drives you fcuk in crazy. Surely, surely there are more important things to be prosecuting people over!
Of all the crimes being committed in this city right here, right now - does this guy really deserve to be in the dock?
Place drives me mad...