Sun worship.... and how it makes total sense to worship something as such as the Sun and the planets which the sun poles (here me out, and no I don't have jos sticks burning or a spilff on the go).
Without the Sun we would be nothing at all; there would be no light and subsequently no photosynthesis for plants to create oxygen for us to breath - the whole earth would be a mass dark chasm void of life at all apart from perhaps some bacteria blurbing away in the earths crust.
There is also the much debated fact that most of the worlds present major religions have borrowed astronomical cycles and ritual from older religions (especially Christianity) and layered it into their own scripture and in turn persecuted anyone for believing in the old 'original' ways (witch burning + destroying idols etc). So at some point prior to the big three it would have been the heritage of us all (just look at Egyptology, European Pagans, the Babylonians etc).
So anyway I pondered to myself what a great religion it could be - for instance the Sun does not want to punish anyone for sin, it does not judge, it just gives life - that sounds like a creator that I could get along with.
You also would get to see him / her / it every morning with your own eyes and then on the 25th of December celebrate it's return.
We would all worship the same God as everyone else in the world. We would all understand it's importance and perhaps be in tune with how the Sun and the life and nature it has created are all connected - instead it seems most are more obsessed with going to some place after they die. There would be no 'I am a Christian and Jesus is the only truth' or 'I am a Muslim and Islam is the only true light' 'Or I am a Jew and your not joining my club'
Would that not be quite swell?

For anyone who does not have a clue what I am talking about;