To Dubai

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to Dubai Nov 05, 2007
Hello to all,

I’m new here so don’t mind if I posted this in the wrong place :roll:
Ok, so I want to come to Dubai in December and I need to know if I must have a visa.
I live in Romania, which is a member of Schengen and EU.
My plan is to visit Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Are there any restrictions for Abu Dhabi if I get to Dubai, as an European? I really have no clue, and since that’s the first time a come in the Golf don’t mind me for asking all this things…
Thanks in advance!

Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Nov 17, 2007
Am sa it-i raspund eu , pt ca si eu vreau sa pelc in Dubai si ma-m interesat la agentie, da ai nevoie de viza, poti merge fara viza numai in tarile Uniunii Europene. Si nu cred ca o sa ai restrictii pentru Abu Dhabi o data ce ai viza pentru UAE, numai ca o sa trebuiasca sa le arati unde vei locui pe toata perioada.
Sper sa it-i raspunda si cei care sunt deja acolo ei iti pot da si mai multe informatii.

I'm gonna answer you, bcs i want to go to Dubai too, i was looking at a travel agency, yes you need a visa, you can go withouth only in EU countrys.And i dont think you will have restrictions for Abu Dhabi once you have a visa for UAE, only that you will have to prove them where you will stay .
For more information is good to answer you some one who is already there...
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