Wife To Husband Visa?

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wife to husband visa? Oct 18, 2007
hi to you all, i'm new to this forum ang I dont know if this has been asked already but I still want to hear from you all. my husband is looking for a job as a nurse in dubai but I have an offer there right now. If i can go there first can I get my husband and eventually our children ages 8 and 9? assuming he can find a job right away!. how long can we get residency? my niece told me that husbands can get thier wife through husband visa but wife can never get thier husband. is this true? i would really appreciate if someone can have an answer to this mind bogging question of mine. thanks to you all. :? :? :?

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Oct 18, 2007
hi there,

if you were in the medical proffesion such as a doctor or nurse, yes you could sponsor your husband and children - otherwise not. there are a few other catagories, but these are normally specialist jobs.

the uae law expects the man to be the bread-winner of the family and all most legal issues revolve around the male as the family sponsor.

you could always take the job in dubai, then arrange for a visit visa for your family to come over; hopefully your husband would then be able to find employment during this time and take over the sponsorship of your children (so that they could stay as well). you would simply stay on on your own sponsorship.
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nursing job Oct 18, 2007
hi! thanks a lot for your reply. anyway, if ever that i'll be the first to have a job in dubai can I send resume of my husband to different hospitals and use my niece's add in dubai? in your opinion can he get a job in two months time? what if the employer sends invitation letter to him and he's here in the phils? is it true that if an employer sends an invitation letter to an applicant he/she is surely hired or not? thanks a lot again.
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Oct 18, 2007
there are a number of issues here.

1. firstly if your husband is recruited directly from the philipines then the employer is responsible for getting him to dubai (airfares etc.)
2. if your husband is already in dubai and then apples for a job he cannot ask the employer to refund the airfare
3. there is a posting i did in the Professionals section of this forum titled "tips for working in dubai" have a look through that as well, as it covers some of your questions.
4. the application process is varied, normally they should send you an Offer of Employment letter, if you accept the terms (and you are outside the country) they should ask for a copy of your passport so that they can apply for a visa and labour card for you.
5. visit visa's are normally only valid for 30 days, i have recently read that they may be tightening up on the process of extending these as well.
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Oct 18, 2007
Thank you very much! thanks also that i've found this forum, you're all so cool.
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Oct 18, 2007
service with a smile :D
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