Mayflower wrote:
and who gave u right to talk about india and pakistan?
I have the right to talk about anyone, IT IS MY OPINION, Now you don't want me to express myself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mayflower wrote:not in the past 1000 years india has tried to occupy any other nation unlike iraq (ok its not iraq but sadaam ) who occupied kuwait and threatened the stability and peace in ME ...
Wake up, Saddam didn't have Nukes nor WMD, Don't you read the news???????
Mayflower wrote:v r true peace loving people but dont expect us to be defenceless in time of attack
And why the Hell Iran don't have the right to defend itself (like India, pakistan or N. korea) or like the United States, nor anycountry in the Freaking Middle east, and only Israel ??????????
And you talk about double standard. Wake up.
Mayflower wrote:but please please realize there are more number of islam terrorists out there and they are fuelled by such senseless unthinking speeches... and it puts a whole lot of innocent people in danger
Just check the history books, people killed in the Crusade, People killed in Chichnya, Cosova, and welll, Iraq too. Terrorists don't come only with beards and from caves, they come in Uniforms, in Suites and with the agreement from their nations.
At least the islamic terrorists are not in uniforms and backed up by their nations. And Most educated, and enlightened muslims against terrorism. (note there is a difference between terrorism (ie bin laden) and
defending your right (palestine) which is a good cause)
Salute to all matryars, soilders and fighters in the palstine.
Mayflower wrote:in UAE, they have agreed recently to revise the text books in schools in such a way that they dont encourage islamic terrorism ... why dont u wake up and see around u ... even u all r playing double standards ... dont justify violence just becos its for retaliating another violence ...
Well, whatever they do in Education all over the ME will not make a difference, as noone take his religion from Schools as it is already F**ked up.
If people found the right way and the just in this world, why would someone go and blow himself in his enemy (Palstine vs Israel) Why would some lady give birth to a kid that is going to be killed by a soldier?? In a sociology class i had, there was an american indepandent journalist doing a documantry in Palestine and an 14 y.o boy just commented that he want to grow up and be a matryar, the reporter asked him Why you wanna end it up yourself, he said that he is gonna die anyway, his brothers were killed young by the soldiers so why die for nothing, at least he is taking casualties in the enemy.
Well, everyone got his ideology. but lets be honest.
What is applicable to one nation, why it is not for another???
Why the states have the right to elect their president and people just accept his decisions (invade Iraq, Afghanistan, and i think syria is next, then Iran) ??? While people don't accept the president of Iran "Saying" or objecting to the stauts of the Holocost????
Note that the first took action, the second just talked about history, who is more dangerous???????????????
Why the United States, Israel, India , Pakistan, N.Korea can have WMD and nukes while the rest of the world just sit like sleeping ducks??
It is even for everyone or noone
Anyway, I have the right to express myself and opinion, you have the right to object but don't have the right to shut me up Mayflower, yes i talk about India, Pakistan, N.Korea, and the states, what is wrong with that?? i didn't say bad things or good things about them, i just stated facts.
Go sue the news papers who wrote (Vulgar Display of Powers) on their cover pages when the nukes show between India And Paki started.
Anyway, cheers all, have a wonderful life in our freaky unjust world