This Western World Sucks

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This Western World Sucks Oct 10, 2007
I have just seen a documentry "911 Mystries" on google videos which explains how american Govt has brought down towers. I am still in shock to see those images. Jeez man how one can do it. How westerners can do such a thing. Its so disgusting man I can believe it. Oh God what is wrong wih this world.

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Oct 10, 2007
Well as a westerner, I feel the same, so please don't associate me with a bunch of neocon's sitting in the pentagon or the white house, unless you want to fall right into the way they want you to think.
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Oct 10, 2007
I think that its highly improbable that the government really planned the attack in any way, not because they wouldn't do something like that (its well established that sections of the federal government have planned false flag terrorist attacks against American assets before), but because it seems very implausible that, if it was a government false flag operation, they would have done it the way they did. For instance, you'd think that at the minimum they'd have thought to use Iraqis rather than Saudis, from an organization with ties to the Iraqi government rather than their buddies in Afghanistan, since that would have made it easy to get support for a war on Iraq (the entire point of having a government orchestrated terrorist attack) without wasting resources in Afghanistan (they clearly didn't invade Afghanistan for the pipeline considering that the Taliban were going to give it to them anyways). Secondly i think its somewhat implausible that of all of the high profile targets they could have picked, they would have chosen such expensive ones as the twin trade towers (and as it turned out all of the surrounding buildings); you'd think they'd have picked an out of date warship (which is what they were planning in the 60s) or a football stadium if they thought they needed mass civilian deaths, or just stuck with an under-used side of the pentagon (which is a target that would make a lot more sense from the point of view of a government agent than a real middle eastern terrorist).
UAE, Dubai Forum starter
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Oct 11, 2007
Well I heard this theory long back and that some muslim organizations claim it was done by jews. I personally do not believe in that.

On the other hand, If you guys want my opinion, pardon me for being so blunt but I think the senior leadership of these terrorist organization may well be penetrated by western agencies and I wont be surprised a bit if they are on their payroll.

It is the brain washed muslim youths which are being used as implementation tools and it is in the best interest for western powers to continue on this line and for that they definitely need to plant their guys in these organizations so that the 'acts of terrorism' should continue and they can get all the budget money they want to implement their strategy on the world.

I wish and sincerely hope that some one from inside would come up and expose this on day.

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Re: This Western World Sucks Oct 13, 2007
shahrez wrote:I have just seen a documentry "911 Mystries" on google videos which explains how american Govt has brought down towers. I am still in shock to see those images. Jeez man how one can do it. How westerners can do such a thing. Its so disgusting man I can believe it. Oh God what is wrong wih this world.


Note to author - white people with boot polish on their faces didn't hijack planes and fly them in to the heart of New York and Washington, I, ahem, "suspect", it may have been someone else...

The US loves a conspiracy theory but is able to find the truth in 90% of cases. Apply that to whichever country you come from and tell me if it stacks up.
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Oct 14, 2007
Anyone who believes that planes were the cause of the collapse of all three towers after looking at the available evidence is a conspiracy believing nut job.

Buildings do not come down at free fall speed from a fire, no other tower structures built over the past 50 years have collapsed through fire, even the ones which have burnt for over 24 hours. Also add in the fact that building three collapsed whilst other building in between building three and twin towers still stand intact today.

These were controlled demolitions.
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Oct 14, 2007
You guys really need to see a doctor :roll: :roll:

Osama Bin Laden and AQ have openly taken responsibility for the attacts on 9/11, both in planning and execution

Are you saying OBL is a liar??

Get real you numpty's everyone knows the cause of the collapse of the twin towers was because the intense heat/fire from the FULLY FUELLED planes that melted the steel inner core and this is what caused the collapse.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Oct 14, 2007
I don't believe in the conspiracy theories about the twin towers - but the videos about the other events on Sept 11 do look fishy to me.

Firstly the pentagon - was it a plane crashing in or a missile? Why is there no evidence of the engines hitting the building, but only a round hole?

Also Flight 93 - was it taken down by a missile or not?


That said, the fact that the twin towers did fall at close to free-fall speed and there was no sign of the steel core etc - its enough for the consipiracy theorists to hang their arguments on. The surprising thing for me is how many Americans are buying into this argument now - including some high profile officials...

What is amazing though is that Sept 11 was organised and carried out by a group of less than 100 people - and look at the trouble they've caused! I wonder what their actual intent was - and whether they have in some way achieved it with all the 'war on terror' reactions.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Oct 14, 2007
I concur with Arnie, when the bad guys have actually confessed to the crime, why we insist on proving otherwise? They have brought nothing but shame and hate against muslims. I am very much interested in Conspiracy theories meself but there should be a logic behind it. There is a distance possibility which is only possible if osama and company are actually CIA spies :-)

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Oct 14, 2007
shafique wrote:I don't believe in the conspiracy theories about the twin towers - but the videos about the other events on Sept 11 do look fishy to me.

Firstly the pentagon - was it a plane crashing in or a missile? Why is there no evidence of the engines hitting the building, but only a round hole?

Also Flight 93 - was it taken down by a missile or not?


That said, the fact that the twin towers did fall at close to free-fall speed and there was no sign of the steel core etc - its enough for the consipiracy theorists to hang their arguments on. The surprising thing for me is how many Americans are buying into this argument now - including some high profile officials...

What is amazing though is that Sept 11 was organised and carried out by a group of less than 100 people - and look at the trouble they've caused! I wonder what their actual intent was - and whether they have in some way achieved it with all the 'war on terror' reactions.


I am surprised at you Shaf :shock:

The flight that went into the pentagon strangely enough, left lots and lots and lots of little body pieces scattered about - all over the place it seems.

There is this new fandangled thing called DNA Shaf - you know, its a system that was used to identify body parts of the people who boarded the missile - sorry i meant plane.

:roll: :roll: :roll:
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Oct 15, 2007

Strangely, the photos I have seen of the pentagon building do not show much debris and certainly no body parts. Have they really found DNA of the passengers who were on the plane?

If the engines of the plane didn't survive, I'd be surprised that DNA evidence survived.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Oct 15, 2007
it is a documented as follows:
for the nutcases to read and:...

for those who travel at these things called Airports, where we see these big things with wings called airplanes and lots of numbers on big TV's etc there is this: ... _Flight_77

its a bit like saying flight BA107 that departs Heathrow every evening took a jolly to Lapland or didnt take off at all with the passengers that got on, were actually all hiding in the toilet at the departure gate.

We could all read crap about every theory going about anything you like, at the end of the day people need to take their rose tinted specs off and "get back to basics".
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Oct 15, 2007
arniegang wrote:You guys really need to see a doctor :roll: :roll:

Osama Bin Laden and AQ have openly taken responsibility for the attacts on 9/11, both in planning and execution

Are you saying OBL is a liar??

Get real you numpty's everyone knows the cause of the collapse of the twin towers was because the intense heat/fire from the FULLY FUELLED planes that melted the steel inner core and this is what caused the collapse.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Including building three which was not hit by an airplane?

Where does bin laden actually admit to planning the attacks? Actually says he planned the attacks or provided support to carry out the attacks?

* The only person I can trace who provided support was Lt. Gen. Mahmood Ahmed, Director of Pakistan's secret service. In October he wired $100,000 to hijacker Mohamed Atta.

As for the wikipedia links - they list debated and un-answered theories, but do not address and certainly do not invalidate them.
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Oct 15, 2007
arniegang wrote:You guys really need to see a doctor :roll: :roll:

Osama Bin Laden and AQ have openly taken responsibility for the attacts on 9/11, both in planning and execution

Are you saying OBL is a liar??

Get real you numpty's everyone knows the cause of the collapse of the twin towers was because the intense heat/fire from the FULLY FUELLED planes that melted the steel inner core and this is what caused the collapse.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

bin laden aint never taken responsiblity for 9/11 .. please quote ur claim ... cause as far as i know he just given he's respects to whomever carried out 9/11 an given them his support .. but he aint never said he or anyone in his legit organisation did it.
Mr. DubaiForums 2006
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Oct 15, 2007

I couldn't stop my self from commenting on your post.

If Osama and his companions did not confess to doing the crime against humanity, isn't he an accessory to the crime by respecting and praising those who did it ? And all of this In the Name of God, thats pathetic to me.

One of my friend has send me a song translated in english but originally from a Pakistan movie. Islam advocated for spreading peace and harmony in the world and not mischief and yes Islam wants all muslims to stop those who conspire against muslims day and night, but in no way it preaches its followers to kill general public!.

Try to think for a second, Usama and his companions could have at least condemn the people who did the 9/11 and other similar acts saying that Islam does not call for such acts, instead their actions had unleashed mighty US and allies to invade any muslim country at will, create emergency situation and civil wars. I mean who is beneficting from all this and who is suffering, you see everywhere muslims are being targetted and by whom by people in their own countries. Think about all those muslims who emigrated to the west and about those children which are dying every day as a result of your wars and then you say its all in the name of God.


Don't play with God's name...For God's Sake!
God is mine as well...Dont steal him away from me...For God's sake...

God is great..the most merciful and benificiant...
Then how do I admit that he is only Wrathful...

God is simple, Try to understand...
For God's sake or in the name of God...God is beautiful ....
my heart doesnt believe that he is only a punisher ...
God is merciful..try to understand for God's sake..
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Oct 16, 2007
All I have seen of OBL is that he quite digs making a video every now and then.

A video response to osama bin laden;

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I Cant Sleep Anymore Oct 17, 2007
Please help me. I didnt sleep since i have been through all that.

I have gone through all the videos of Mr steven jones and alex.

I have been through all the government response and investigation and media reports.

I hated these conpiracy theories and nuts for a long time and didnt believe them but this time they have proved me wrong.

Oh God honestly I still dont want to believe them but all those are making sense. This time its not a lie. It is not and now I know that.

I never thought not even in my dreams that this world is this crual.

Oh people all of you arabs, westerns asians all of you are eveil. I hate you from the bottom of my heart.. all those who know, who knew and who did it and even all thosewho now know and living with it and not doing any thing...I hate you from the bottom of my heart. .

you people dont deserve this planet, this world and this life.

Just go away
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Re: I Cant Sleep Anymore Oct 17, 2007
shahrez wrote:
you people dont deserve this planet, this world and this life.

Just go away

Get a grip...
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Oct 18, 2007
I was thinking that RVP but didnt have the heart to bring him doen to planet earth :lol:
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