On September 11

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On September 11 Sep 11, 2007
Never Forget.

Never Again.

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Re: On September 11 Sep 11, 2007
Concord wrote:Never Forget.

Never Again.

It comes every year and how stupid , someone sent me the SMS "happy 11 september" :oops:
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Sep 11, 2007
Same here Conc

Thinking today of all those who sadly lost their lives
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Sep 11, 2007
hmm its the same everywhere even at my office
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Sep 11, 2007
Strange...I'm not feeling it so much this year. I mean, I don't see the same kind of coverage in the media...

Most of the coverage has been the McCann case on SKY, and the Surge report on the other channels...
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Sep 12, 2007
the world changed that day, for better or worse

i'll never forget it. it changed me and my perceptions forever.

no event ever concentrated american focus like 9-11

woe betide those who ever forget what that massacre wrought upon the world... and the ashes it rewarded the perpetrators of that horror.
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Sep 12, 2007
may god bless the people who died on any catastrophe

not many people seem to remember that other massacres that happened in the world? how come?
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Sep 12, 2007
some disasters mean more to others, its an individaul and personal thing bleaky.

9/11 is very personal to some on here. It doesnt mean though that we have no interest in other disasters/tragedies.
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Sep 12, 2007
^^your right arnie, my bad

sorry for the loss concord, may god give you strength
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Sep 12, 2007
I can't even remember the date of the tsunami. December something? 9/11 gets all the hype.
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Sep 12, 2007
never forget, never again?

well thats been said many times in history, and unfortunately we havent learned yet.

I wonder what it will take?
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Sep 20, 2007
Hi gtmash. The tsunami was Dec. 26 and yes, that should be high on everyone's thoughts each year. 100 times more people lost their lives due to the tsunami than on 9/11. Since it was a natural disaster and not human caused, people tend to place that in a different category. Loss of life, no matter what the cause, is equally sad and troubling.
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