Emarat Accused Of Strip Searching Workers Over Tips

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Emarat accused of strip searching workers over tips Nov 02, 2005
Don't know if you saw this article in 7 days, but attendants at Emarat petrol stations, say the company regularly performs strip searches to make sure they're not keeping any tips given to them.

What the hell?!!!

If I want to give these poor guys who work all day in the sun and gas fumes the couple of dirhams I would have got as change as a thanks for their hard work, isn't that my business? And what does Emarat do with the money they take off them?

Disgraceful - everyone should boycott Emarat over this!

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 02, 2005
Sniper it's not bloody funny! Imagine the indignity of the whole thing for the sake of a few dirhams!

I sometimes wonder about you and how you can make fun of something which is so humilitating to other people.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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... Nov 02, 2005
There can be no doubt that the Emarat attendents maintian the highest standards of service compared to any where in the world. It is really humiliating for us the custmers to know that these guys have to go thru such stuff
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Re: Emarat accused of strip searching workers over tips Nov 02, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:Don't know if you saw this article in 7 days, but attendants at Emarat petrol stations, say the company regularly performs strip searches to make sure they're not keeping any tips given to them.

What the hell?!!!

If I want to give these poor guys who work all day in the sun and gas fumes the couple of dirhams I would have got as change as a thanks for their hard work, isn't that my business? And what does Emarat do with the money they take off them?

Disgraceful - everyone should boycott Emarat over this!

If this is true, it is really sick. I am really dumbstruck by the mindset of some employers in Dubai. I think it's time employees in Dubai stuck up for their rights. The labourers have had enough and have begun protesting and it seems to be working now as their wages are being paid.

This strip search is a gross violation and hopefully something is done to end it ASAP.
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Re: Emarat accused of strip searching workers over tips Nov 02, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:Don't know if you saw this article in 7 days, but attendants at Emarat petrol stations, say the company regularly performs strip searches to make sure they're not keeping any tips given to them.

What the hell?!!!

If I want to give these poor guys who work all day in the sun and gas fumes the couple of dirhams I would have got as change as a thanks for their hard work, isn't that my business? And what does Emarat do with the money they take off them?

Disgraceful - everyone should boycott Emarat over this!

If this is true then its disgusting. Those pool souls, I always tipped them when I was in Dubai and will tip them when I return.

These people suffer all day in the heat and stink of exhaust fumes and always have seat dripping from them as they run around like animals and now they are to be strip searched???? :?

Sorry but fcuk this unfairness.... :(
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Nov 03, 2005
That is F’n brutal, so if the attendants are being strip searched so they’re not keeping the tips, who is getting the tips? Is it being pooled or is management pocketing it? Either way this is just F’d up, the guys that work at the Emarat I fill up at are awesome, very helpful and always in a good mood even with 20 cars backed up. I like to tip them and it disgusts me to hear this.
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Nov 03, 2005
Ya i am a big fan of emarat stations too .. they got excellent staff and everything you need in the mart ..

but this is just ridic ... i plan on asking the guys next time i am there to fillup ..
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Nov 03, 2005
Agree totally with what everyone has said, and I think it is bl00dy disgusting that they treat their staff this way. I always tip these guys, They work damn long hours for next to nothing, if I have a few spare coins, then I will always give them to them.
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Nov 04, 2005
I think it is high time Dubai should have trade unions and also employers association...
Minstry of labour and social affairs don't get to know much..
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Nov 04, 2005
What happends to the money? Does it get pooled and shared among the workers? Does it heck! Emarat keeps it and puts it into it's own pocket.

Shameful, shameful, shameful - I'm never using Emarat again!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 04, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:What happends to the money? Does it get pooled and shared among the workers? Does it heck! Emarat keeps it and puts it into it's own pocket.

Shameful, shameful, shameful - I'm never using Emarat again!

I agree, Im using Eppco and Adnoc (which are turning out be nice gas stations actually).
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Re: Emarat accused of strip searching workers over tips Nov 06, 2005
If I want to give these poor guys who work all day in the sun and gas fumes the couple of dirhams I would have got as change as a thanks for their hard work, isn't that my business? And what does Emarat do with the money they take off them?

Disgraceful - everyone should boycott Emarat over this!

Provision of service is the part of job ,the business of fuel station differs from food and catering business. So employees working at fuel station shouldn’t expect the “ tips” from customers and if customers pay extra amount that should go in the account of company.

The purpose is to discourage the customers to pay the extra amount to employees. The company wants to prove that employees are not doing an extra effort to earn tip but they are following the policy of company to provide extra service at Zero cost .

HP reloaded
Spokesman of Emarat group
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Nov 06, 2005
I hope an 18 wheeler runs you over soon.
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Nov 07, 2005
Hp, once again you prove what a prize plonker you are.

In most other countries, we have to fill our cars ourselves etc etc etc. These guys provide a service, they're no different to a waiter in a resturaunt and we tip them for good service, so why not these poor guys who're probably lucky to earn 600Dhs a month!

If I tip, it's between me and the person offering the service, and why should it go into the pocket of the big billion dollar company and not the guy I've given it to?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 07, 2005
HP i am not sure...you do it intentionally or you are really that dumb..
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Nov 07, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:Sniper it's not bloody funny! Imagine the indignity of the whole thing for the sake of a few dirhams!

I sometimes wonder about you and how you can make fun of something which is so humilitating to other people.

What the hell did I say? Oh mein GOD!! Choco is hallucinating! :lol:
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Nov 07, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:What happends to the money? Does it get pooled and shared among the workers? Does it heck! Emarat keeps it and puts it into it's own pocket.

Shameful, shameful, shameful - I'm never using Emarat again!

Well if u dont use emarat, it wont redress the situation of those poor workers. Instad I would meet up with the manager or emarat HQ and give em my opinion. It's so bad they "Stripe -search" retards - lack empathy :x
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Nov 07, 2005
sniper420 wrote:
Well if u dont use emarat, it wont redress the situation of those poor workers. Instad I would meet up with the manager or emarat HQ and give em my opinion. It's so bad they "Stripe -search" retards - lack empathy :x

What the hell is your problem calling the employees of Emaraat "retards"? You sound so much like HP sometimes its unbeleivable!!

Pathetic children.
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Nov 07, 2005
In most other countries, we have to fill our cars ourselves etc etc etc. These guys provide a service, they're no different to a waiter in a resturaunt and we tip them for good service,

At restaurants, customers mostly depend upon the presentation of waiters about the menu ( e.g. dish of the house,specific wine with particular dish). The good presentation and service of waiters lead to up selling and cross selling.

But at fuel station, attendants can not convince you to get petrol instead of diesel. Customers usually know what they are going to purchase.

At restaurants people usually spend 30-an hour but at fuel station ,the interaction is not more than few minutes.

so why not these poor guys who're probably lucky to earn 600Dhs a month!

Liban used to give very nice advice to people" if you dont like dubai then leave it "

Those guys understand a,b,c of terms and conditions before being employed.

HP :oops:
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Nov 08, 2005
Moving back on topic.

I just came back from an Emarat station, I asked 2 of the station attendants what happened to tips and they both told me management takes it. I asked about the searching and they said yes it happens, instead of tipping this time, I shook the gentleman’s hand and that is the last time I will buy gas from Emarat. I asked about the searches and he said this happens.

I asked them if they knew Eppco/Enoc attendants and they said they did, these stations allow their employees to keep tips earned.
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Nov 08, 2005
When I come back to Dubai next week I will not be filling up my car in Emarat stations as I did before.
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Nov 08, 2005
Sniper, I'm not seeing things, you deleted your insensitive post, or the mods did!

Fayz, Good for you! If people stop using Emarat they'll soon get the message.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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.. Nov 08, 2005
I have stoped going to Emarat stations since and plan to boycott Emarat for the next 3 months.

i have also sent in a mail to Emarat to make sure that the co. understands and has a feel of the public opinion.
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Nov 08, 2005
Good idea, why not email: info@emarat.ae put for the attention of their management and give them hell!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 09, 2005
Stop being childish peepz……… don’t think that a company ll bankrupt if fayz , choco or liban wouldn’t use its services.

what about having riots in Dubai like France ? Or what about having a news paper " Voice of people" ,choco being chief editor ? You can use news paper to discuss such kind of issue :P

I smell riots in Dubai , it ll start from satwa and spread all over UAE like France...........................
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Nov 09, 2005
HP, have you seen how many letters there have been in 7 days every single day from people over this topic! No I suppose reading a paper even a free one is beyond you.

Virtually everyone I know is stopping using Emarat and their friends, and people they know and so on and so on.

And yes people can make a difference, you know people should use their voices to let these big companies know what they think of them more often, if they start to lose money, then of course they're going to start to listen.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 09, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:HP, have you seen how many letters there have been in 7 days every single day from people over this topic! No I suppose reading a paper even a free one is beyond you.

Virtually everyone I know is stopping using Emarat and their friends, and people they know and so on and so on.

And yes people can make a difference, you know people should use their voices to let these big companies know what they think of them more often, if they start to lose money, then of course they're going to start to listen.

come on choco ,u hardly know the bunch of loosers hehehe ( 0+0 +0 ) .People can only make the difference if Media launch a propaganda war against such kind of so called "malicious business practice " .I assume it is not allowed in Dubai .

How many people visit Dubaiforums.com? i never see more than 4 online users :P

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Nov 09, 2005
rosa parks was only one person, never underestimate the will of a person.

wait a minute you probably don't even know who that is.. read here first then respond as you see fit.
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Nov 09, 2005
Absolutely right Fazy, Rosa Parks was an incredible woman. She's just been given top honurs and a state burial in the states.

FYI - Rosa Parks was a black woman and she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus, making people fight for equality.

She was a total inspiration.

You see HP, it takes one person to start and others to follow, so why don't you do the right thing.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 09, 2005
Why are we wasting or time and bandwidth trying to explain to a buffoon like HP how one person can make a difference? Its not like he will ever understand...
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