British-Asian - Is Dubai Racist?

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British-Asian - Is Dubai racist? Jun 13, 2005
I am currently in the process of interviewing for a job in Dubai. The job is with a Asia-Pacifc company and wanted to know about racism in Duabi. I am a British-Asian (dark skinned) and will join the new company as an Associate Director. I will be meeting very very senior executives (all nationalities).

I have heard the there is a class system and that Asians are treated as second class citizens. Is this true?

Is there any advice for someone like myself to avoid such discrimination?

What will happen when I am in a non-business environment?

Many thanks for any help or advice.


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Jun 13, 2005
OK, so you are from the subcontinent... Racism is alive and well in Dubai and is even directed against other fellow arabs from different parts of the Arab Nation....

You just gotta live with it and deal with it and not let it bother you. But it is so in your face that you need to have a personality that can let you brush it off or else you will be miserable.
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Jun 14, 2005
Hey Jeremy,

It's very sad to say that there is a lot of racism in Dubai and I hate it!

But matey, you've got a wicked job by the sounds of things, don't let people give you crap, stick to your guns, things I hope will change.

Good Luck :wink:
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jun 14, 2005
:twisted: There is a lot of racism in UAE.

there exist as we can say 3 groups of people in UAE. The Arabs, the Asians and the white skins.

Arabs and white skins treat asians like trash. And asians wen they get a chance of revenge i swear they will tear them into pieces. Hehehehe. But hey there is nothing to worry about.

People still live together. and things are getting better but at a slow pace. there are now good educated arabs who are very kind and treat people kindly.

But still all 3 groups make fun and jokes of each other. Dont worry u will adjust within no time.
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Re: British-Asian - Is Dubai racist? Sep 01, 2005
khanj wrote:I am currently in the process of interviewing for a job in Dubai. The job is with a Asia-Pacifc company and wanted to know about racism in Duabi. I am a British-Asian (dark skinned) and will join the new company as an Associate Director. I will be meeting very very senior executives (all nationalities).

I have heard the there is a class system and that Asians are treated as second class citizens. Is this true?

Is there any advice for someone like myself to avoid such discrimination?

What will happen when I am in a non-business environment?

Many thanks for any help or advice.


I consider Dubai as labor camp for Indian and Pakistani people , this camp is not in Germany but in middle east ;0) !!

Arab people , they are so called God of Dubai . God sent 124,000 prophets and all of them came to middle east but still see Arab people are same ;0) ……….Look even US is struggling in Iraq …

Search on and u can find book about “Arabic culture” and might you get idea how to make them happy .

White people ….. when you are white ppl always give u the benefit of doubt no matter how idiot u are ;0) . I don’t think white manipulate Asian ppl. White ppl , who are educated from reputed institutes can not do such kind of mal practice.

Asian people …….i call them cheap labor. Poverty is mother of all evils. You can see they spend 101% times making their arab boss happy ;0)

u dont need to worry , u must act upon what Bush said" there are few deaths and injuries in Iraq but thats not serious ;p
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Sep 01, 2005
HP you are such a sad sad sad sad person.... Your attacks on Arabs makes me pity you for being so simple and plain stupid.

What is the thing about 124,000 prophets in the Middle East and that arabs are still the same?? I don't get it and you probably have no clue what you are talking about either....

USA struggling in Iraq?? Yes so, we know that, whats your point? If you have one...

Book on Arab culture to make Arabs happy??? What on Earth are you talking about here??? Oh, I get it... We arabs are like little children and you are here to make us happy.... Oh youpie!!!

And your George Bush quote is badly placed after all these anti-arab comments and the fact that they come a day after 1000 people are killed in Baghdad....

Go back to Denmark....
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Sep 01, 2005
Thanx Liban, that should fix him well.

I noticed his attitude in other posts on here, I was gonna set him straight, but figured he was so pathetic he doesn't even deserve a reply..he can't even write good English!

He's a hypocrite by going to Arab countries seeking employment or even a visit if that's his attitude.
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Re: British-Asian - Is Dubai racist? Sep 22, 2005
khanj wrote:I have heard the there is a class system and that Asians are treated as second class citizens. Is this true?

Yes, regrettably there is.

Is there any advice for someone like myself to avoid such discrimination?

Mix with educated, professional people and you shouldn't have any problem.

What will happen when I am in a non-business environment?

The worst kind of thing is that you might be refused entry to a nightclub, while you watch "european-ethnicity" people being allowed in.

Don't let this put you off - there are British Asians etc working here. Generally speaking subcontinental Asians find they are paid less than European expats, but working for an international company and having European nationality this shouldn't happen to you.

I wish I could tell you there is no racism here, but there is. Like anywhere. On the upside, there is virtually zero racial violence here, unlike many European countries.
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Re: British-Asian - Is Dubai racist? Oct 17, 2005
khanj wrote:
What will happen when I am in a non-business environment?

Many thanks for any help or advice.


This will happen:

"ew! Dubai is full of sleaze bags! I got chatted up by at least four highly minging indians and one of them even followed me home! I'm scared now!"

Taken off a posting I came across on another topic by DXBgoddess, who describes herself as 'British female'

And a rejoinder from someone called 'Liban', "Watch out from those poor Indians, they are just looking for a single white girl to get laid.... "
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Re: British-Asian - Is Dubai racist? Oct 24, 2005
speakeasy wrote:
khanj wrote:
What will happen when I am in a non-business environment?

Many thanks for any help or advice.


This will happen:

"ew! Dubai is full of sleaze bags! I got chatted up by at least four highly minging indians and one of them even followed me home! I'm scared now!"

Taken off a posting I came across on another topic by DXBgoddess, who describes herself as 'British female'

And a rejoinder from someone called 'Liban', "Watch out from those poor Indians, they are just looking for a single white girl to get laid.... "

Sad but true... racism is a very very ugly part of dubai.. :?
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Oct 24, 2005
Yes like everyone else that has responded has said there is racism in Dubai, being of Asian origin and British you've likely experienced it back home as well.

Having said that though, there are a lot of people who aren't racist in this city and there are quite a few successful Indians in Dubai.

The part that really irks me though is those bars that you may be not allowed to enter, many of them are owned by Indians, actually although you'll never know this but many of the most popular spots in Dubai are owned by Indians, I'm aware of one large Indian Conglomorate that owns a bunch of bars in this city and they hire Aus/UK managers and instruct them not to allow Indians in as that is what they feel their cliental want.

Although not Indian myself, I am darker skinned and get mistaken for Indian on occasion I've only experienced racism at a couple spots and for the most part live quite a good life in Dubai.

Remember it is these fu£ks problem not yours and enjoy life.
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Nov 08, 2005
Personally haven't come across any malicious or degrading racism here. I think by the term Asian you have to segregate out the Indians and Pakis from say SE Asians, as yes the former seems to fill up the construction/manual labor quotas.

I'm a Thai/Singaporean mix so look a little like a Filipino so that took a litlte getting used to when I first got here cause people will just assume you're something you're not. This really doesn't differ much from any other western society.

I think the problem of class discrimination is more abundant here than racism.
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