Global WealthBuilders Offshore Privacy Club

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Global WealthBuilders Offshore Privacy Club Jul 31, 2007
Hi all forum members,

I want to introduce a great online opportunity called Global Wealthbuilders Offshore Privacy Club. This is a real company based in Panama. With this opportunity you can make money and protect it at the same time.

Please read the article below.


Online Opportunity and Asset Protection

Government control is becoming more and more a concern for the average citizen around the world. This is not a political statement but only an observation of reality. Not only is government control an issue but also the concerns of working very hard all your life and then to wake up one day and have an individual, corporation, or even a spouse trying to take some or all of your assets.

There are ways to protect you. And once again network marketing has come to the rescue to make this process available and affordable. Global Wealth Builders Offshore Privacy Club should be of interest to anyone looking for a ground floor opportunity and a way to protect one's assets from governments and others who may try to control them.

Global WealthBuilders Offshore Privacy Club is headquartered in the country of Panama, ALL income earned by its members (except Panamanian members) is totally tax free under Panamanian law. As Panama has NO tax treaties with ANY other country, that income is also NOT disclosed, or available to ANY other government.

The concept is unique and provocative. The owners of Global WealthBuilders Offshore Privacy Club have gone out of their way to protect the privacy of their members and to afford the company secrets only to paying members. As a home based business venture this program gives member money streams of income.

The program started in early March of 2007 and launched on the 1st of June in the same year. Over a hundred thousand internet marketers joined the pre-registration process and 2,500+ became paying members and are well on there way to earning a $95,000.00 – tax free - monthly income. Unlike multilevel marketing (MLM) companies, members keep all the cash they earn and are not required to sponsor new members in order to move up.

Global WealthBuilders Offshore Privacy Club is an internet marketing club that allows members to earn the money they desire to live - and maintain - an upscale lifestyle. With an income upwards of $95,000 members will now have the option to work while lounging at the beach or in any location of their choice. The Global WealthBuilders Offshore Privacy Club gives its members a new set of assets in the form of cash. As their name suggests, they are a global club, welcoming members from all over the world.

One of the best ways to describe the Global WealthBuilders Offshore Privacy Club is to think of it as four separate clubs joined together.

The first club is a "Products Discount" club, similar to Sams Club, Costco or one of the many online product discount clubs available. How does it work? The Club provides members with fully personalized, replicated websites they promote. They make a profit from the items sold on their websites. The profit is the difference between the retail price of an item and the member's price. If a product has a member's price of $15.00 and retails for $45.00, then the member making the sale earns the $30.00 difference. There is also nothing for the member to buy unless they choose, or ship. The Club handles those details and the members get to keep the profit.

The second club is a "Digital Products" membership club. There are literally hundreds of these types of online clubs available that charge monthly membership fees of between $25.00-$49.00 for access to the products they offer.

The third club is a "Financial Protection" club. Our members are provided with the very latest information on how and where to structure their financial assets to best protect them and provide the privacy that so many people around the world now desire.

The fourth club is a "Business Opportunity" club. In this club members can offer their products to other members inside the Global WealthBuilders Opportunity Club.

And here is another unique aspect of the Club. When you join as a paying member you are paid up through one full year. Those who join after you do the same thing so you can enjoy monthly profit for the next twelve months without worrying if those you sponsored will quit in one or two months. They can't. They are also paid up for one full year. And your next yearly payment will be handled by conveniently by having them deducted from your current commissions in years to come.


If you want to know more go to . Just join as a free member and read all the details.


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