Gotta agree with some of the comments here.
Whether you like to admit it, or not, the playing field aint level. In my experience here, locals expect to be given instant respect without having earned it. The whole "arrogance" thing. They expect to have no responsibility and all the authority. If you pause for a sec and think about that, it's actually quite sad. Eventually, it's pretty easy to see many many companies here with the senior staff having little or no clue about how to do the jobs, but wanting all the kudos. The whole "promote them to the point of incompetency" thing.
And don't mention qualifications ! I have it on the very best authority that teachers can only put "good" or "excellent" on locals report cards. That applies if they have not even attended any lectures

Unbelievable but true ! How the hell can these people survive in the real world ? They don't ! They are then spoon-fed and presented with senior roles in companies that they have no idea how to run and far less ability to even try.
So what about us expats ? Are we just pimping ourselves out to teh highest bidder ?