Dubai On Squidoo

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Dubai on Squidoo Jun 23, 2007
Have you heard of Squidoo yet? It's the next in-thing after blogs and is so easy and free!

You can create a web page (or pages) on the fly about your favorite topic and it is completely free too.

I have recently created a squidoo lens about Dubai Hotels and you can view it at .

May I request 2 things, please?

1) Visit the above link and offer your suggestions for inclusion / improvement in the feedback form over there.

2) Pass the link to some of your friends. I want as many inputs as I can get to make this lens a meaningful and useful one.

For those of you who are familiar with Search Engine rankings, squidoo is a great SEO tactic. I created a lens with the keyword new online income opportunity and it has come to page 1 among a search result of over 22 million - and that has happened in less than 1 week - truly awesome!

BTW, your squidoo lens can also earn you $$$.

If you are interested to create your own lens at squidoo, visit

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Location: Abu Dhabi, UAE

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