Rude Drivers.....

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Sep 26, 2005
easternjewel wrote:You think people who do not violate traffic rules dont crash??
anyways my point is, you can not brake the traffic rules but can still create chaos. Like drive too slow, and lead the jam :arrow:

yes those who follow traffic rules DO CRASH !!! because of those IDIOTS WHO DOESNT FOLLOW THE RULES .....

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Sep 30, 2005
mAJOR pAIN wrote:
easternjewel wrote:You think people who do not violate traffic rules dont crash??
anyways my point is, you can not brake the traffic rules but can still create chaos. Like drive too slow, and lead the jam :arrow:

yes those who follow traffic rules DO CRASH !!! because of those IDIOTS WHO DOESNT FOLLOW THE RULES .....

Accident = mistake.
Why blame the bad drivers lol
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Sep 30, 2005
FeiPo wrote:
easternjewel wrote:You think people who do not violate traffic rules dont crash??
anyways my point is, you can not brake the traffic rules but can still create chaos. Like drive too slow, and lead the jam :arrow:

not saying everyone follow the rules accident will not happen(and i am not only talking about speeding but everything they do on the roads e.g changing lane in double line, not indicating etc...), but it will minimize the possibilities...

minimize the possibilities? yes I totally agree with you on this.
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Oct 05, 2005
I passed my driving test out here a year ago and got to say the last piece of advice given me from the traffic cop when I asked what I do when I have some lunatic speeding behind me on SZR when the limit is clearly 120, he told me to speed up... I mentioned the fact that I would get a ticket, he replied " Your problem madam"!!!

I do stick to the speed limit and yes, it does annoy alot of road users, but the limits are for safety.

A few weekends ago, some guy speeding through lights at Park and Shop hit a pedestrian, shopping as far as the eye could see and the windshield was completely shattered, doesnt bare thinking about!

I must say though that although Im a female driver, I have noticed an increase in good manners whereby when Im let out from a junction etc, the other driver happens to be a man!!!

And one Q, when your given the middle finger salute from another driver, are you so tempted to return the gesture?
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Oct 05, 2005
Does anyone else find it odd that a thread about rude drivers is in the Romance section?

Anyway one thing I’ve noticed a lot more of, is when someone comes up from behind frantically honking and flashing their lights is more often then not a Caucasian women and when I’m signaling to change lanes the person that makes a gap is more often a local.

There are definitely good and bad drivers in both the expat and the local communities and in both sexes. I just don’t agree with the stereotype that women are more careful and courteous nor do I agree with the stereotype that all arabs are aggressively ignorant.

As for the single finger salute, I’ve definitely done this a fair number of times in Dubai but apparently “saluting” the wrong person can land you in a lot of trouble.

If you are going the speed limit that is totally kewl just stay out of the left lane, if everyone used the left lane only for passing the traffic would move a lot smoother, those people that are committed to speeding wouldn’t be weaving between lanes (which is a lot more dangerous) and there definitely would be a lot less road rage.
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Oct 05, 2005
hahahaha i just noticed that when i typed S$XES in my original post it got changed to fun, i didn't realize this board had censorship.
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Oct 17, 2005
I don’t agree with the stubbornness of u guys.

U should understand that people don’t live your mood and causality. The guy behind you lighting for you could be in a hurry for serious thing, rushing for a job interview, speeding for his family waiting in the Airport with no body to drop them home, or many other reasons.

If others r breaching u DON’T HAVE THE RIGHT TO PUNISH THEM. There is authority in charge can take care of him.

For me, in spite of my car is so fast 2 seaters one, I always give a way as soon as I notice a car approaching even if it doesn’t light or horn.

When I started driving years ago, I had that mood of harassing everybody I don’t like. I used to show my driving skills stupidly even with four-wheelers contain families.

But when one of the stupid guys did the same to me, and we ended up with an accident, I discovered how much stupid and loser I was in spite of it was his mistake and he was forced to pay for my car.

If u want to live safe, to keep in a good mood always, just learn to control your nerves in the critical moment and give a way for others even if they disturb u in warnings.

It is stupid to lose your time, effort, and money in an accident you could avoid if u were stronger than your anger for two seconds!
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Oct 17, 2005
Lee, Who are you trying to kid? Most of the morons flashing and rushing are locals who have no consideration for other people on the roads, normal people don't try to broadside you, or force their way through tiny gaps.
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Oct 17, 2005
Choco I have to disagree with you, most of the morons flashing their lights aren’t local although they definitely make up their fair share of morons. Actually you contradict your own previous post when you said:

It's sad to say that many people who come from countries with high standards of driving end up driving like idiots here

If we all look at our selves and our own friends as Lee suggested the roads would be that much better.
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Oct 18, 2005
Well most of the people who come roaring up behind me are in big 4x4's with ridiculously 'illegally' blacked out windows, so obviously 9 times out of 10 they're locals. And many people from other countries do end up driving like nutters, which I think is sad, if everyone had a bit of courtesy for other road users you wouldn't have any problems.

Sadly the idiots on the road have little or no regard for anyone and go through their daily life, shoving and barging other people out the way, stick that attitude behind a steering wheel and the result is what you see on the roads.

The police are useless, if you had a police force made up of locals I think it would go along way to stopping many of the problems, or even a multi-national police force, then you'd stop the biased towards drivers of other nationnalities, this problem is getting better, but locals still think they're always right!
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Re: Rude Drivers..... Oct 18, 2005
sa4877 wrote:Hi,

Just had another one of those fcked up drivers chewing at me today. What the hell is one expected to do in such situations.

I am talking about the driver behind you who flashes his lights at you and almost knocks you from behind even though you are driving at the max permisable speed. What is one suposed to do?

1. Speed up and get a ticket?

2. Move into another lane and let someone else break the law?

Any comments?

There is not a lot you can do in that situation. Unless you are the type who wants to teach the guy a lesson. A buddy of mine starts applying his brakes gently so his car starts losing speed. This is sure to annoy the guy in the back. Probably get some horns blaring. When that happens my buddy applies some more brake. Until the speed is reduced to a crawl. Let the guy in the back get the message. If he wants to go above the speed limit then let him find another way of doing it. Not by mowing over you.

You are on the road and you have a right to be there too. You pay the road taxes the same as he does. Just because he owns a souped up car, with great pickup, does not mean he can bully others. If more people start doing this to the bullies I think we might just knock some road sense into them.

Cheers :twisted:
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Oct 18, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:It's sad to say that many people who come from countries with high standards of driving end up driving like idiots here, as trying to drive properly can be impossible sometimes and the attitude is, if you can't beat em' join em'.

totally disagree. what is the majority of the population here in Dubai? (no offence to anybody who is from that part of the world, but it's fact)

Chocoholic wrote:Plus the majority of problems I've seen are caused by speeding and people yapping on their mobile - you absolutely cannot concentrate on driving with a phone stuck to ear. Every mobile comes with a hands free kit, so I don't know why people don't use them.

taotally agree with you

Chocoholic wrote:Plus you know those little orange lights on the side of the car, activated by flicking the stick thing on the side of your steering wheel - they're really useful little devices, they're called indicators and you know what? They let other people know where you want to go.

Same can be said for all 3 rearview mirrors!

Chocoholic wrote:Altough I have to say, I've never seen anywhere else in the world where when you indicate, people will actually close up the gap you wanted to move into - on purpose - MORONS!!!!!

it's funny watching it, everyone is so damn scared of losing a place in the traffic.
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Re: Rude Drivers..... Oct 24, 2005
Funlover wrote:
sa4877 wrote:Hi,

Just had another one of those fcked up drivers chewing at me today. What the hell is one expected to do in such situations.

I am talking about the driver behind you who flashes his lights at you and almost knocks you from behind even though you are driving at the max permisable speed. What is one suposed to do?

1. Speed up and get a ticket?

2. Move into another lane and let someone else break the law?

Any comments?

There is not a lot you can do in that situation. Unless you are the type who wants to teach the guy a lesson. A buddy of mine starts applying his brakes gently so his car starts losing speed. This is sure to annoy the guy in the back. Probably get some horns blaring. When that happens my buddy applies some more brake. Until the speed is reduced to a crawl. Let the guy in the back get the message. If he wants to go above the speed limit then let him find another way of doing it. Not by mowing over you.

You are on the road and you have a right to be there too. You pay the road taxes the same as he does. Just because he owns a souped up car, with great pickup, does not mean he can bully others. If more people start doing this to the bullies I think we might just knock some road sense into them.

Cheers :twisted:

used to do this, but it can backfire on you with you really pissing the guy off and the whole thing can get ugly very fast... best to just slow down and move over and ignore the moron..
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Oct 24, 2005
we are not morons, but people who believe that we own the road!

check ya mitrrors and get out of the way, fast! we will have far better brakes than you guys will ever have, so hitting the brakes in front of us will NOT work!
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Oct 24, 2005
yorky500 wrote:we are not morons, but people who believe that we own the road!

check ya mitrrors and get out of the way, fast! we will have far better brakes than you guys will ever have, so hitting the brakes in front of us will NOT work!

YEY YORKY! thats the spirit! I M WITH YOU!! :twisted: :P :D
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Oct 27, 2005
easternjewel wrote:
yorky500 wrote:we are not morons, but people who believe that we own the road!

check ya mitrrors and get out of the way, fast! we will have far better brakes than you guys will ever have, so hitting the brakes in front of us will NOT work!

YEY YORKY! thats the spirit! I M WITH YOU!! :twisted: :P :D

come on eastern yorky is already taken by feipo :lol:
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Oct 29, 2005
sniper420 wrote:
easternjewel wrote:
yorky500 wrote:we are not morons, but people who believe that we own the road!

check ya mitrrors and get out of the way, fast! we will have far better brakes than you guys will ever have, so hitting the brakes in front of us will NOT work!

YEY YORKY! thats the spirit! I M WITH YOU!! :twisted: :P :D

come on eastern yorky is already taken by feipo :lol:

Is he....... ? but i still supoort him lol :lol:
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heh! Nov 17, 2005

I can bet people like you don’t even drive. If u r that much lust to gear try a rental boxster in Dubai Autodrum. U will look like fido dido in a weight lifting gym. I saw many newbies like u discovering how looser they r. So keep on dude. U ve got the pretty easternjewel support.
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Re: heh! Nov 17, 2005
Lee wrote:yorky500

I can bet people like you don’t even drive. If u r that much lust to gear try a rental boxster in Dubai Autodrum. U will look like fido dido in a weight lifting gym. I saw many newbies like u discovering how looser they r. So keep on dude. U ve got the pretty easternjewel support.


before you comment about people perhaps you should take a look around the forum and try and at least get some of your facts right.

Firstly, I am the one of the oldest on the forum and secondly, I have been driving for over 20 years, so please .............................................. :twisted:
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Re: heh! Nov 17, 2005
Lee wrote: U ve got the pretty easternjewel support.

yep yep..
pls shOOoooo..!
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Nov 19, 2005
easternjewel wrote:
mAJOR pAIN wrote:
easternjewel wrote:You think people who do not violate traffic rules dont crash??
anyways my point is, you can not brake the traffic rules but can still create chaos. Like drive too slow, and lead the jam :arrow:

yes those who follow traffic rules DO CRASH !!! because of those IDIOTS WHO DOESNT FOLLOW THE RULES .....

Accident = mistake.
Why blame the bad drivers lol


bad drivers = mistake

mistake = accident

Over confident = less carefull

Stupid = is the guy who thinks that he just because he have a good car and make and brake gives him enough reason to tail gate ....

Extremely stupid = is when you think that with good brakes when you hit it it will make you stop instantly NO you MORON !!!! specially when your travelling 150 KM/H and when your tail gating !!!

Now do the maths add all that up !!!!!

the only thing that is keeping yorky alive is luck if he really do drive that way ....

basically its simple ... you want to brake the rules and get a ticket go right ahead but you move lane because as long as i know im on the legal speed i aint moving flash your lights as you want ill just move my rear view mirror and fuckin give you a finger !!!! and maybe just maybe still smash my brakes if your close enough !!!!

i hope they bring these new cameras where for example they will put a camera from point a (for example infront of fairmont) then another one at point B (lets say) in front of the mall of the emirates (same side of course as point a) then the camera will take you registration and when it did it will have a time stamp and it will calculate the time on how much time did you travel from point A to B ... apparently it calculates how long will it takes for a car to travel if the car is constantly travelling at lets say 100 km/h and any vehicle who exit point B earlier than that figure would be penalized because it means he had been exceeding the speed limit of point A to point B now that is a nice radar camera thingymajigs i bet yorkys one month salary wouldnt be enough for the tickets he will get everyday ... if dubai have that ....
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Nov 20, 2005
mAJOR pAIN wrote:Stupid = is the guy who thinks that he just because he have a good car and make and brake gives him enough reason to tail gate ....

Extremely stupid = is when you think that with good brakes when you hit it it will make you stop instantly NO you MORON !!!! specially when your travelling 150 KM/H and when your tail gating !!!

basically its simple ... you want to brake the rules and get a ticket go right ahead but you move lane because as long as i know im on the legal speed i aint moving flash your lights as you want ill just move my rear view mirror and fuckin give you a finger !!!! and maybe just maybe still smash my brakes if your close enough !!!!

Stupid is the person who can't swallow their ego and would rather risk their own life by slamming their brakes - causing an accident and/or road rage, than not wanting to get out of the way. There's plenty of lanes so if you want to be 'stupid' and risk your own life then you are none the wiser.

mAJOR pAIN wrote:i hope they bring these new cameras where for example they will put a camera from point a (for example infront of fairmont) then another one at point B (lets say) in front of the mall of the emirates (same side of course as point a) then the camera will take you registration and when it did it will have a time stamp and it will calculate the time on how much time did you travel from point A to B ... apparently it calculates how long will it takes for a car to travel if the car is constantly travelling at lets say 100 km/h and any vehicle who exit point B earlier than that figure would be penalized because it means he had been exceeding the speed limit of point A to point B now that is a nice radar camera thingymajigs i bet yorkys one month salary wouldnt be enough for the tickets he will get everyday ... if dubai have that ....

Assuming both cameras are able to record every single registration passing it and there is a resource to calculate all vehicle speeds then it still would really only work if people do not exit between point A & B. Which means you'd have to position the cameras much closer together.
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Nov 20, 2005
basically its simple ... you want to brake the rules and get a ticket go right ahead but you move lane because as long as I know im on the legal speed i aint moving flash your lights as you want ill just move my rear view mirror and fcukin give you a finger !!!! and maybe just maybe still smash my brakes if your close enough !!!!

Spoken like a true American :roll: :roll:

The roads are for everyone and the left lane is the passing lane, if you are going 120 and the cars to your right are going 100 yes you have the right to be in the left lane and Yorky or whoever is behind you should slow down but in turn as soon as there is a gap in the middle lane you should show the same courtesy and move over. What is happening more and more on Dubai roads is people don't move out of the left lane, other people get angry, make California lane changes to the right pass you and then cut in front of you, and likely it won't be long until some Fcuk will cut back into the left lane and slam on his breaks and let you rear end him,

Have you really taught anyone a lesson? Honestly if people just adhere to the left lane is for passing only the roads would be a 100 times safer than they are now.

Also I've been to Texas and with my own eyes I’ve seen someone get rammed on purpose for not moving out of the left lane, a doully with a bush bar behind a vette (I’ve heard its comman), if you take your newly licensed attitude back to your home you'll experience a lot worse than you will here.
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Nov 20, 2005
fayz wrote:Spoken like a true American :roll: :roll:

With his grammar? I'd seriously doubt that!
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Nov 20, 2005
The roads are for everyone and the left lane is the passing lane, if you are going 120 and the cars to your right are going 100 yes you have the right to be in the left lane and Yorky or whoever is behind you should slow down but in turn as soon as there is a gap in the middle lane you should show the same courtesy and move over.

Stupid is the person who can't swallow their ego and would rather risk their own life by slamming their brakes - causing an accident and/or road rage, than not wanting to get out of the way. There's plenty of lanes so if you want to be 'stupid' and risk your own life then you are none the wiser.

I totally agree with both fayz n XRW.
I dunno why people are offended to move on lane next to the extreme left. In all cases one should not be stuborn and risk ones safety. When I say I want to speed up & cars in front of me should move I mean to say that they can stroll drive on the other lanes.. these cars keep long gaps and make the entire lane slower. Because I have this philosophy on raods, I will follow it when a car behind me wants me to give way and get lost cause its speeding then I am... I will not then think about the fines this driver will have to pay, or invention or introduction of more new types of radar and blah blah.. I will give indicators, and move when its safe enough for me without freaking out.. or braking
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Nov 22, 2005
sniper420 wrote:
easternjewel wrote:
yorky500 wrote:we are not morons, but people who believe that we own the road!

check ya mitrrors and get out of the way, fast! we will have far better brakes than you guys will ever have, so hitting the brakes in front of us will NOT work!

YEY YORKY! thats the spirit! I M WITH YOU!! :twisted: :P :D

come on eastern yorky is already taken by feipo :lol:

And luckly Feipo is still alive, not sure when I will die in Yorky's car tho.
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Nov 22, 2005
I'm such a careful and slow driver when you are in the car :lol: :lol:
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Nov 22, 2005
Actually just to correct you Fayz, every lane on the left of the lane furthest to the right is an overtaking lane!

I can't stand these morons that sit trundling along in the middle lanes, they are one of the problems, you should always be in the right hand lane unless you're over taking.

Easternjewel I get what you're saying but some of the nutters don't give you the chance to wait for a gap to pull over to the right, they literally try to barge you out of the way or will attempt to undertake you. If I see a car coming up fast behind me then I will automatically move over as a matter of courtesy, but if there's no space or cars in front and to the right of me what do they expect me to do, vanish into thin air?

Plus you should always leave space between you and the car in front, enough to be able to stop in an emergency, can't stand those people who find it necessary to glue themselves to the bumper of the car in front, they're endangering their own lives and other peoples.
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Nov 23, 2005
Heard this from a friend.

He was going down SZR the other night and was in the middle lane, cop car came trundling past in the outside (fast) lane, when this 4x4 car came out of nowhere, started to tailgate the cop car and flash his lights for him to move over! hahahahahahahahahahaha

Guess what, the cop moved over and the 4x4 spead away! WTF, hahahahahahahahhaha. The 4x4 had AD number plates. Nowhere in the world would have this hapened, other than in Dubai. Man, the guy in the 4x4 has some HUGE cahooners.
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Nov 23, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:Actually just to correct you Fayz, every lane on the left of the lane furthest to the right is an overtaking lane!

I can't stand these morons that sit trundling along in the middle lanes, they are one of the problems, you should always be in the right hand lane unless you're over taking.


I stand corrected 8) You are right, it should be like this.

Guess what, the cop moved over and the 4x4 spead away!

HAHAHAHAHA now that is a Kodak moment, classic.
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