I'm currently facing a very big problem with my (ex) employer.
I used to work in Dubai last year and was issued a residence visa. Everything went well until the company decided to stop my activities because of lack of benefits. I'm still in contact with the owner and I left in very good terms.
I joined another company in Abu Dhabi but since october I've been facing a lot of problems:
- Accomodation was part of the contract but I had to wait 4 months to actually get one. He didn't gave me the money, he just rented a room in a shared flat. I'm a single european male and I was sharing a flat with arabic ladies which is totaly forbidden.

- My salary: he never gave me what he promised. The last two months, he cut my salary by 30%.
- It as a webdesign company and I actually had to pay for the internet connection the last 3 months to be able to work...
- My visa is the worst: He never actually bother about it, I was telling him every week to do something about it and he just didn't do nothing. At the end there was a huge fine (AED6000) and I ended up paying it. Now I still need to pay another 2000 for I don't know what and leave the country and come back.
Now he fired me since he doesn't want the company to operate anymore (I was the managing director) and I had to leave the accomodation the very next day without nowhere to go.
I come from France, a country were employees are respected and protected by laws from abusive employers. I took the decision to leave UAE as soon as I can but first I wanted to find out a few things :
Can I take legal actions against him or I just need to publish a press release explaining everything about it ?