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Bleakus wrote:hope you like it
i found the movie to be a disappointment
enjoy the show
Tropic23 wrote:I will watch it
errtime wrote:s h i t tiest movie ive seen in ages
elizabeth becomes the king of the pirate brotherhood, aslo captian of the chink ship,
will becomes captian of the flying dutchman
jack swallows is retarded as usual, oh he kills the guy with the octupus head
the black woman turns out to be a goddess
and that barbosa steals the black pearl in the end, but swallows teals his map of the fountain of youth
overall, a pretty s h i t moive
Bleakus wrote:hope you like it
i found the movie to be a disappointment
enjoy the show
errtime wrote:^^^^ sheesh
u love the guy with the octopus head.
EyeCandyDiva wrote:Funny, during the commercials before the movie started, there was "Shrek:The Third" trailer. When Prince Charming slapped his face, I thought: here goes Bleakus avatar!
Bleakus wrote:EyeCandyDiva wrote:Funny, during the commercials before the movie started, there was "Shrek:The Third" trailer. When Prince Charming slapped his face, I thought: here goes Bleakus avatar!
yeah the movie is greatcant wait
MaaaD wrote:just saw it last night, i thought it was much better than the last one .. the final fight between sparrow and davie jones was really good ... i was under the impression this was the last one but the ending made it seem like there might be more !
EyeCandyDiva wrote:Don't know, it would be wonderful if there will be a fourth one though no Davy Jones will be in it
Chocoholic wrote:I've been umming and ahhing whether to go see this or not. Still can't make up my mind.
yujinn wrote:I wasted 30 dirhams and 3 hours for this crap! There is no coherent storyline and Mr. Depp is overacting and is not funny!
Everyone has their own agenda, so many irrelevant things happening, blah, blah.. I'm tired.
EyeCandyDiva wrote:The special effects (I don't what is it called properly) was magnificent, each time The Flying Dutchman jumps out of the water is a breath taking scene, the huge water circle and when the ship turned upside down are great, terrifically made one too.
Bleakus wrote:EyeCandyDiva wrote:The special effects (I don't what is it called properly) was magnificent, each time The Flying Dutchman jumps out of the water is a breath taking scene, the huge water circle and when the ship turned upside down are great, terrifically made one too.
yeah the special effects in the movie were great, very well done in that part
MaaaD wrote:i was under the impression this was the last one but the ending made it seem like there might be more !
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