Homeopathic Clinic In Dubai.

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Homeopathic clinic in Dubai. May 26, 2007

Can you recommend me a good homeopath for my three years old son please ? We have come from a cold country and he is having tremendous problem with cough very possibly from the A/C. I am tired of giving him antibiotics !!!

Best regards.

Dubai Expat Wannabe
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May 26, 2007
have the name of a good one, just checking my file to see if i can find her, in the garhoud area near the airport... will get back to you.

suggestion, check the filters of the a/c, if you stay in a building with central a/c get the maintenace people to clean the vents and ducts (this is supposed to be done every 6 months), aslo look at buying a humidifier from a pharmacy
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May 26, 2007
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May 26, 2007
Thanks a lot. Will try and revert with my experience.

Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jun 10, 2007
what are the news? any progress?Please let us know cause we have a siimilar problem.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Homeopathic clinic in Dubai. Jun 10, 2007

We had absolute nightmare with the pediatricians here in Dubai. Our son is ill for quite sometime of cough and cold and we felt as if these doctors have got a list of antibiotics and they try them one by one !!!

We have got a reference of Dr Rose Todd (Homeopath) but unfortunately she is presently on leave. Before going on vacation, she had recommended us to visit Dr. Riyaz Badami (another homeopath) who has got his clinic just opposite Burjuman center (Tel. 04- 3973665).

He has just started his treatment to our son and we have stopped all antibiotics and those traditional stuff. So far so good. Need to wait for sometime to see the final result.

One thing I must say. This doctor is very confident which we liked.

Welcome to Dubai.

Dubai Expat Wannabe
Posts: 5

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