STATUS: Open Relationship

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STATUS: Open Relationship May 16, 2007
ok u players out there.. can u tell me what benefits do u get in an open relationship? first, what is an open relationship? can u love someone in this set-up? is there any expectations?

can u also love romantically in an unconditional manner? im confused with what gracy said... what is happening? am i missing something?

pls enlighten me.

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May 16, 2007
There can be unconditional love.

when two people know that they like each other, but are not sure if they really want to be together, they give it a shot through live in relationship to find out is this what they want?

there can be a situation where u love someone but there are certain conditions which can come in the way, ex- distance. you know you want each other, love each other, but due to circumstances and distance cannot be together( its easy to say fly to him/her- but is not practical everytime). In this case it can be an open relationship- unconditional love, no this is just my point of view, others might think differently.

But to enlighten u i got a simple solution - turn on the lights in ur room :lol:
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May 16, 2007
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE - no one can ever give this to you. Only GOD gives unconditional love (as per the religious teachings). I still have to verify on this teaching first.

Human as we are, we aren't capable of giving unconditional love. There's always a 'condition' no matter what. On the other hand, mothers are capable to love unconditionally to her son or daughter.

Unconditional love to opposite gender = impossible!
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May 16, 2007
i love tania unconditionally, does that count :D
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May 16, 2007
it counts it counts :lol:
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May 16, 2007
asc_26 wrote:UNCONDITIONAL LOVE - no one can ever give this to you. Only GOD gives unconditional love (as per the religious teachings). I still have to verify on this teaching first.

Human as we are, we aren't capable of giving unconditional love. There's always a 'condition' no matter what. On the other hand, mothers are capable to love unconditionally to her son or daughter.

Unconditional love to opposite gender = impossible!

Are you saying fathers are not capable of giving unconditional love to their children?
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May 16, 2007
^^here we go :lol:
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May 16, 2007
i would say, i am the living proof of loving a man without asking anything, (as in anything) in return...he might love me back but i never ask it or expect him to commit on me.i showed him i loved him, but i never expect nor ask him to loved me back nor to commit in me in is his prerogative to do so, or if he found real love while we have a romantic relationship, he is free to leave me and so do i with commitments, no hard feelings...just enjoying the pleasure of an open relationship has to give us....amen.. :oops:

i wish i did enlighten u P'hoy :D
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May 16, 2007
asc_26 wrote:UNCONDITIONAL LOVE - no one can ever give this to you. Only GOD gives unconditional love (as per the religious teachings). I still have to verify on this teaching first.

Human as we are, we aren't capable of giving unconditional love. There's always a 'condition' no matter what. On the other hand, mothers are capable to love unconditionally to her son or daughter.

Unconditional love to opposite gender = impossible!

Agree... unconditional love is not impossible though... but certainly very very rare.
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May 17, 2007
Thing is...due to cultural differences...most westerners are more on "open relationship" coz they are "afraid of commitments"... and most asian are die serious about it...simple as that...
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May 19, 2007
asc_26 wrote:UNCONDITIONAL LOVE - no one can ever give this to you. Only GOD gives unconditional love (as per the religious teachings). I still have to verify on this teaching first.

Human as we are, we aren't capable of giving unconditional love. There's always a 'condition' no matter what. On the other hand, mothers are capable to love unconditionally to her son or daughter.

Unconditional love to opposite gender = impossible!

I would not say its impossible, although it is very very rare. like 1 in a million. I agree with you about the mothers love, thats so true. Mothers(fathers to a certain level) always want to see their children happy, i think thats their only condition.
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May 22, 2007
:o EXACLTY i agree with lakambini TWO THUMBS UP . Unconditional love are for people who only believe on it. it is rare but it happen.
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Jun 03, 2007
in a genuine relationship there is no place for a 3rd one. end of story.
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Re: STATUS: Open Relationship Jun 05, 2007
panaghoy wrote:ok u players out there.. can u tell me what benefits do u get in an open relationship? first, what is an open relationship? can u love someone in this set-up? is there any expectations?

can u also love romantically in an unconditional manner? im confused with what gracy said... what is happening? am i missing something?

pls enlighten me.

Open relationships have been defined the latest book of "Concord", which was published from Oxford express and you can get it from
.Search for title (my fck buddy ).

Because of copy right i am not allowed to write more about it without the permission of publisher .
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Jun 25, 2007
.............can work with me, i am all open :roll:
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