Buying A Cat In Dubai

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May 15, 2007
Chocoholic wrote:And that's fine my friend, as long as you take on board the fact that buying from a pet store will encourage more cruelty and theft.

Here's one for you! I rescued a little kitten this morning, after he was ceremoniously dumped on Diyafah street and was dodging the three lane traffic. I stopped my car, much to the annoyance of the other motorsists and rescued this poor little thing.

He's now making friends (sort of) with my other cat and dog.

are u going to be a crazy cat lady. please leave me all the money they usually have lot of money in grocery bags.

Dubai Expat Helper
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May 15, 2007
Well, at lively thread if nothing else!

My 2 Fils worth is as follows:

Long haired cats suffer a lot in the heat of Dubai, even if your apartment or villa is air-conditioned; we had and still have in fact, one (cat that is).

This necessitates trips to the vet at least 5 to 6 times a year for shaving and grooming; this is in addition to the hairball problem that they develop over time from self-grooming.

BTW the cat was adopted after it was found living on Jumerieh beach at the beginning of summer.
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May 15, 2007
I brush my cat everyday, I have to as he's constantly molting. But he loves it. I wouldn't have said that clipping was particularly good idea, as the fur also insulats against heat as well as cold. That's what my vet told me anyway.

The little kittne has wor himself out hissing and spitting at the dog, who has a huge fascination with it. You've never seen something so small try to make itself look so big, like one of those cartoon cats running along on it's claws - it's hilarious.

The other cat, although not very impressed just gives it the odd sniff then wanders off and sleeps.

Don't know what to call him, he has these gigantic ears - looks like Gizmo from the Gremlins - maybe that's a good name.
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