Singh wrote:Hey,
I'm moving to Dubai soon (most likely in a few weeks) and sorta have a few questions if anyone's interested in answering (thanks for which are given in advance!) and clarifying.
Just to introduce myself a bit, though: I'm moving in from India, but have been a Singapore citizen since birth (still have the passport, and went for 2 years in the army as required). Been living in India most of the time though, but shifted cities a few times. Currently 22, jobless and looking for some work in Dubai.
I've worked in quite a few places till now, ranging from Administrative work in the Army, to working in a shipping company and more recently, a Game Master (GM) in an MMORPG for K2 Networks (American MMO Publishing company). Love gaming too - been playing since the good old days of Contra 1 & 2, and been hooked ever since.

Despite this, most of my interests have been in writing, especially science fiction and fiction. I've written several stories (mostly fan-fiction for various games), a few reviews/previews for one of the Indian gaming magazines and a bunch of other stuff (mostly in technical writing/animation scripts). Love reading as well though, and probably have one of the larger collections of Star Trek novels this side of London, I bet.
That's really it though. Otherwise I'm pretty boring to know. :p
1. What's the gaming scene/industry like in Dubai overall?
2. Are there any gaming magazines in the local area?
3. Is there any demand for technical writers (Freelance or otherwise) anywhere in Dubai?
4. What games are most popular in the local LAN gaming zones? CS, DoTA, WoW, etc?
5. What's the rate of original games in the stores? Is it horrendously expensive, or are the rates reasonable?
6. How's the online gaming there? Does Xbox live exist/work?
7. Any companies out there hiring ex-GMs or going into the computer games publishing biz?

(sorry, just had to ask

As mentioned, any answers to the above would be appreciated. The info on the website and links have answered most of the questions regarding moving already (although I might have more later!) so that isn't too much trouble, from what it seems.

Hey mate.
Firstly, Welcome to the Forums and soon to Dubai!.
I was in the same situation as you and was a Jobless 23 year old...
But I eventually found something here so don't worry. You will find something if you look hard enough!.
its nice to meet a fellow gamer ...something you don't see often in Dubai (you just find workaholics!

Unfortunately, Gaming here is on a smaller scale compared to Asia or The West. It is picking up now, slowly. Recently there was an Xbox 360 tournament at the Mall of the Emirates.
To Answer your Questions:
1) Picking up. But the cost of Consoles and hardware may be high and availability is still restricted to some specialist electronic stores. With the rise in expat populations, the gaming scene will definitely grow!
There are quite a few Lan Gaming Centers in dubai, the majority of which are in 'old Dubai'. Most of them don't hold serious competitions.
In general, everything is available in Dubai, if you know where to look.
People mainly play games at home, and I think the majority are under the age of 25. (Less older gamers in Dubai). The UK has a Huge proportion of older gamers.
2) There are some Gaming Magazines and PC mags, for the Middle East. I am a member of one called 'Charged'. Nothing Special but its worth a read.
3) Not sure about this one. Although if there is a demand, it would be hard to find. As the other guy suggested, find out a list of Dubai based PC mags, and then send them your CV (try the Dubai Media City).
4) Alot of the Lan Gaming zones have all of the latest games. But people often restrict themselves to playing the oldest version of CS 1.3...for the cheats (i prefer Source), Warcraft, etc. Again, the majority of lan centers don't often hold organized competitions.
5) Original Games - New Releases are about 189 Bucks. For example, at Virgin Megastores, you can pickup the new CNC3 with the freebies (key chain, shirt, etc) for 189 Dhs.
Older releases don't depreciate in price that much...Unless you go to Carrefour, then you may find cheaper titles. The industry is still a Joke here.
6) Online gaming is really affected by the rubbish performance of Etisalats 'Network'.
At times the Pings will be normal/reasonable. Other times it will be all over the place. The internet here is not as stable as it would be back in Singapore. Some people have got Xbox Live to work. Not sure on the performance though.
I have managed to find a few Dubai based CS: S servers with a decent ping.
7) Not that I know of...You want to start something with me
If you have any other questions PM me.