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Physio May 10, 2007
Hi, I'm a physiotherapist just beginning to look for work in Dubai. I've got a good idea of what to expect in a hospital setting but I'm struggling to find information on private practices. Can anyone tell me the best way to find a job in a private practice? At the moment I'm not in the country. Also does anyone now the salary range to expect or even how much the average physio charges for initial and followup appiontments? Any help would be great thanks.

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May 14, 2007
hi there, I know this may be a bit short and prehaps not very comprehensive, but here goes.

All private businesses are operated according to UAE ledgislation, the simplist form of this is a partnership (49%- 51%) between yourself and a UAE/ national sponsor. They were going to amend this, but I'm not sure it it has been done yet. The captilisation cost is in the region of 300,000 AED. In otherwords, to go into private practice you would need to find a local sponsor, once you have done this, then you could set up the practice and obtain the required lisences.

If memory serves me correctly a private practitioner will charge between 500 and 1000 AED per consultation, depending on the nature of his particular skill, and the technical requirements of the consultation. No "private practitioner" i ever went to charged less than 300 AED for a consultation - which normally lasted about 1/2 hour.
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