offical news will be on sunday , I think !
just let the guys enjoy their new richy life style in hawai for god sack

insurance company will pay the damage anyway hellooooooo

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
gtmash wrote:The police chief said the public is stupid for not tackling those guys and blocking the exit with a private car.
Yay for vigilante justice! Not. What a silly police chief to say this - why would he encourage the public to potentially risk their safety in such a way? Frustrated maybe...gtmash wrote:The police chief said the public is stupid for not tackling those guys and blocking the exit with a private car.
gtmash wrote:The police chief said the public is stupid for not tackling those guys and blocking the exit with a private car.
bushra21 wrote:gtmash wrote:The police chief said the public is stupid for not tackling those guys and blocking the exit with a private car.
sounds like he watches too many action films...
Chocoholic wrote:It's all over the news today. The thieves have been caught and all the jewellery recovered. The culprits were Eastern European - no surprise there.
sage & onion wrote:gtmash wrote:The police chief said the public is stupid for not tackling those guys and blocking the exit with a private car.
gtmash wrote:Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim, Chief of Dubai Polices, said: “I have previously said that the robbers stole one minute of our time, but they did not and will not steal Dubai Police’s professionalism.
"This professionalism along with the police tactics are smarter than any criminal. A criminal’s success is temporary because he will not get away with his crime and then be arrested against his will,” he added.
Translation: "See, we're not incompetent. Booya!"
laracroft wrote:no.. they mentioned that they are europians and they got pictures of them too..
gtmash wrote:laracroft wrote:no.. they mentioned that they are europians and they got pictures of them too..
Including the picture where the suspect is posing with an abaya in a shop!
Stylinexpat wrote:http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticle.asp?xfile=data/theuae/2007/April/theuae_April821.xml§ion=theuae
Without giving Identity of the Nationalities.. That's odd.. Were they locals??
KeithL wrote:Stylinexpat wrote:http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticle.asp?xfile=data/theuae/2007/April/theuae_April821.xml§ion=theuae
Without giving Identity of the Nationalities.. That's odd.. Were they locals??
I wonder if the whole story, investigation, etc will ever be revealed
Chocoholic wrote:It's all over the news today. The thieves have been caught and all the jewellery recovered. The culprits were Eastern European - no surprise there.
Leftcoast wrote:Actually the Canadians caught them...the local police "loosers" (does this mean the police are "loose"?) couldn't do a thing except blame the public for not doing their (the police's) job...and yes, I'm willing to bet the theives were Arabs since if they had been any other nationality it would be all over the news here in Dubai.
gtmash wrote:Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim, Chief of Dubai Polices, said: “I have previously said that the robbers stole one minute of our time, but they did not and will not steal Dubai Police’s professionalism.
"This professionalism along with the police tactics are smarter than any criminal. A criminal’s success is temporary because he will not get away with his crime and then be arrested against his will,” he added.
Translation: "See, we're not incompetent. Booya!"