UnMarried 1xDivorse 2xChildren 1xStep Child 1xGirlfriend

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UnMarried 1xDivorse 2xChildren 1xStep Child 1xGirlfriend Apr 24, 2007
and 2 cats (but I couldnt fit that in the subject line!)

I have been offered a job in Dubai which is due to start in Aug / Sep 07

I am divorsed with 1 child from the marriged

My partner / girlfriend and I have a child together

My Partner also has a child from a previous relationship

We have 2 cats

and a 3 bed semi full of stuff that needs shipping!

My Partner will work in her own right, and will therefore be able to stay on a working visa etc as will I.

So now for the questions.....

How would the visas for the children work?? Do they need visas?

Does any one have any recommendations on good reliable cost effective shipping from the UK to Dubai?

Has anyone else taken Cats to Dubai? How did you do it, and what hoops did you have to jump through?

Knowing that Dubai is running 220 - 240v electric, I assume that things like bedside lights etc will still work, and I may as will stuff them in the shipment?

We are thinking about living in Sharjah as it is cheaper, and the from my understanding the rental prices are protected from going up in any 3 year period.

Roughly how long will it take in Rush hour to drive from Sharjah to Dubai for work?

What are the best satellite / cable companies, for News, and Children’s Programs, as well as the odd film etc.

Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Apr 24, 2007
Just wait for concord to answer all the above questions.
Dubai forums GURU
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Apr 24, 2007
I wish you the best of luck.... I have a similar, but not so complicated situation and posted a question yesterday.

It seems that living with your girlfriend is not a problem as long as you are discrete! Although Concord did advise me that we should marry before leaving the UK! (when I say we.... i of course mean me and my boyfriend)!

I have been researching this myself..... will come back to you when I have found a www. that give some clear and definitive answers!
English Girlie
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Re: UnMarried 1xDivorse 2xChildren 1xStep Child 1xGirlfriend Apr 24, 2007
nomes wrote:and 2 cats (but I couldnt fit that in the subject line!)

I have been offered a job in Dubai which is due to start in Aug / Sep 07

I am divorsed with 1 child from the marriged

My partner / girlfriend and I have a child together

My Partner also has a child from a previous relationship

We have 2 cats

and a 3 bed semi full of stuff that needs shipping!

My Partner will work in her own right, and will therefore be able to stay on a working visa etc as will I.

So now for the questions.....

How would the visas for the children work?? Do they need visas?

Does any one have any recommendations on good reliable cost effective shipping from the UK to Dubai?

Has anyone else taken Cats to Dubai? How did you do it, and what hoops did you have to jump through?

Knowing that Dubai is running 220 - 240v electric, I assume that things like bedside lights etc will still work, and I may as will stuff them in the shipment?

We are thinking about living in Sharjah as it is cheaper, and the from my understanding the rental prices are protected from going up in any 3 year period.

Roughly how long will it take in Rush hour to drive from Sharjah to Dubai for work?

What are the best satellite / cable companies, for News, and Children’s Programs, as well as the odd film etc.

With all the above you want to live in Sharjah, to be honest it is probably better if you look for a job in Watford.

You need to be married if you are coming with your "Partner", especially if you plan to live in Sharjah, you should have adoption certificates probably both ways if you know what I mean.

Bringing you cats will be expensive, I am sure some here will advise you waht to do with them.

Furniture, probably better to buy it here.

Rush hour driving to and from Sharjah, depending on where you are going to work +/- 4 hours per day.
sage & onion
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Re: UnMarried 1xDivorse 2xChildren 1xStep Child 1xGirlfriend Apr 24, 2007
You need to be married if you are coming with your "Partner", especially if you plan to live in Sharjah, you should have adoption certificates probably both ways if you know what I mean. : Quote:

I have to tell you that is kinda the information I'm getting off the 'net!
There are alot of sites that confirm this.

Has your employer been no help with advice??
English Girlie
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Apr 25, 2007
OK, I am looking at it like this

We are essentially a married couple, and doing a registry office job is no prob, if that’s what we need to do, but would prefer not to be "forced" to get married!

Scenario A

We come as two separate people, i.e.
Me with my daughter (no way can she be adopted... evil ex wife)

Partner with the other two children etc.

The problem with this is that our son has my name on his birth cert.

And then we "share" a house

Scenario B
We get married
Partners child who isn’t mine, and has a birth cert with "unknown father" on it, gets a father named on it... i.e. me (I don’t have any probs with this, and was looking at the adoption option anyway)
And we leave my child from my marriage with my evil ex wife, and she visits on school hols etc.

So based on the above, please feel free to shoot me with all you’ve got

Many thanks for every ones help


p.s. Re Watford.... ummm LOL Both my partner and I have spent a lot of time living and traveling in countries other than the UK..... we aren’t the normal small minded thick people who you may expect to end up in this mad family situation, and im sure we wont be the last. But hey that’s life.... you can’t help who you fall in love with
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Apr 25, 2007
p.s. Re Watford.... ummm LOL Both my partner and I have spent a lot of time living and traveling in countries other than the UK..... we aren’t the normal small minded thick people who you may expect to end up in this mad family situation, and im sure we wont be the last. But hey that’s life.... you can’t help who you fall in love with

Whilst I have nothing against what you are saying, you have to realize that this is an Islamic state run basically under Sharia law, most of what you have outlined above is against those laws. Here of course their is never a problem until their is a problem however if you came here and resided together without the right paperwork, and were then caught, you will both be jailed and deported, what would then happen to your respective children????. This is simply the reality of the situation,
sage & onion
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Apr 25, 2007
nomes wrote:We are essentially a married couple

There is no such thing as essentially in Shariah law, either you are or you aren't. They don't even have engagement, so be wary of that.

Living in Dubai with an unmarried partner goes on all the time and they are fairly relaxed about it (until of course they need to be otherwise), but Sharjah? No way!!

Then you might have problems getting visa for the children, but if one of you are the biological parent of the child, then it shouldn't be a problem, so long as you are both on separate work visas (which you'll need to be anyway) and sponsor your respective siblings on these visas.

Whilst Shariah law does not recognise engagement or unmarried arrangements, it does recognise divorce, meaning they will accept a situation where only one of the childs parents is in Dubai.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Apr 25, 2007
Dude, just stay wherever you are. The hassle isn't worth it.
Dubai forums GURU
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Apr 25, 2007

So We will get married, and put both names on the birth cert of 2 of the children, and the child from the divorse, will be ok.

Then Live in Dubai

and all will be ok.

Got that, thats no problem to do.

Any body know about taking cats?
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Apr 25, 2007
nomes wrote:and all will be ok.

Inshallah that may be the case but be aware you are still taking risks.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Apr 25, 2007
How is it still taking a risk if all the paperwork is in order?

1 x marriage certificate
2 x birth certificates, all in the same name as the marriage certificate, with both of us named as parents on the birth certificates.

Will they pull up the fact that the children were born before we were married?
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Apr 25, 2007
The child from the divorce may be an issue, because if they felt like it, they'll ask where the other parent is. Rules are not clearcut here.
Dubai forums GURU
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Apr 25, 2007
Due to evil ex wife it is unlikely that she will end up in Dubai, I cant see the ex alowing it, but she would visit during school hols I expect
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Apr 25, 2007
gtmash wrote:The child from the divorce may be an issue, because if they felt like it, they'll ask where the other parent is. Rules are not clearcut here.

In the case of a female, the immigration will ask for permission of the Father of the child before giving a residence permit.
sage & onion
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Apr 28, 2007
You will definately have to get married, there is no question. If it were just the two of you, no problem, but the children will be the big issue, you cannot have children here out of wedlock - simple as.

With regard to the cats? Get yourself 2 IATA approved travel boxes, making sure the animals have enough room and can lie, stand comfortably. The animals have to have all their paper work in order, vaccinations and rabies. They have to have blood work done, to say they are fit and healthy. You must get an import permit from the Ministry if Agriculture and Fisheries here in Dubai and an export permit from the UK.

Book youre travel for the animals well in advance as airlines will only travel one family of animals on any one flight. Someone must travel with them, or there must be someone the other end to receive them.

Emirates were brilliant when I brought my cat and dog over.

You need to talk to Defra in the UK and the Ministry here.

Check out www.dubaikennels.com

they can also help with arrangements.

Good Luck.
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