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Sep 19, 2006

You know the original saying "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference".

I have come across a very interesting altered flavour to this which is as follows: "God, grant to serenity to accept the people I cannot change; courage to change the people I can and wisdom to know that the 'only people' I can change is "ME".

Obviously, I am not suggesting that you must change yourself to be like your other friends / acquaintances, but you CAN change your outlook, expectations, attitude and views on things & people. YOU can decide that you will live life by your standards and you will NOT let others or others' ways of life to take control of your life.

Remember, NOBODY except YOU can actually control your happiness, your mood, your well-being and even your financial goals.

More power to you.

Chin up!

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Apr 13, 2007
alaghbar wrote:Dubai is full of surprises; I guess you had to be careful

You know all .. if There are no such bitches here, Dubai won;t tbe the way it is now

I think they are a source of tourism

Oh God :twisted: .. I hate them to death.. Wonder how could men do this with justa body
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Apr 13, 2007
You know what !!
These such kinda of women are avliable every where, every contry, even in all gulf countries
but the difference here is that they have thier freedom here
as you can say allowed & banned at the same time
I swear if there was no 1 russian girl here, Dubia will be a city of ghosts
it wouldnt have been the way it is now
They new how !! :D
but why not ... let then do hwat ever they want ..
Loosers Only go to such bitches
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Apr 13, 2007
prostitutes... an inescapable reality in every country whatvever part of the world you're in.

Reason= Poverty
Soltuion= Universal prosperity

@Storm. Much as i hear you that these women "DON'T HAVE A CHOICE " as you say, you're wrong! They DO have a choice, and that choice is whether take a job to help them get by, even if it would be a hard job or TAKE THE EASY WAY OUT and make EASY MONEY!

POVERTY is not an EXCUSE to break the law and to throw your VALUES out of the window. It should have been a motivation!

I am so sick of hearing reasons like these that try to make excuses for behaviors as such. Open your eyes and stop romantacizing the circumstances of these women. :!:
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Apr 14, 2007
Dai wrote:prostitutes... an inescapable reality in every country whatvever part of the world you're in.

Reason= Poverty
Soltuion= Universal prosperity

@Storm. Much as i hear you that these women "DON'T HAVE A CHOICE " as you say, you'rw wrong! They DO have a choice, and that choice is whether take a job to help them get by, even if it would be a hard job or TAKE THE EASY WAY OUT and make EASY MONEY!

POVERTY is not an EXCUSE to break the law and to throw you VALUES out of the window. It should have been a motivation!

I am so sick of hearing reasons like these that try to make excuses for behaviors as such. Open your eyes and stop romantacizing the cusrcumstances of these women. :!:

nicely saied :)

btw welcome to the forums
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Apr 14, 2007
alexandra wrote:
Dai wrote:prostitutes... an inescapable reality in every country whatvever part of the world you're in.

Reason= Poverty
Soltuion= Universal prosperity

@Storm. Much as i hear you that these women "DON'T HAVE A CHOICE " as you say, you'rw wrong! They DO have a choice, and that choice is whether take a job to help them get by, even if it would be a hard job or TAKE THE EASY WAY OUT and make EASY MONEY!

POVERTY is not an EXCUSE to break the law and to throw you VALUES out of the window. It should have been a motivation!

I am so sick of hearing reasons like these that try to make excuses for behaviors as such. Open your eyes and stop romantacizing the cusrcumstances of these women. :!:

nicely saied :)

btw welcome to the forums

err... thanks, i guess. :)
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Go ahead call you wont regret May 27, 2009
i know this person absolutely awesome

call him and he will set you up, price are great as well; Ibrahim

john maxim
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Jun 10, 2009
I am not into such topics... the prostitution is living on the dark edge of life.
many prostitutes get suicide... also many people get HIV AIDS etc after that... many of them get empty feelings inside... i am not with or against... i just do care my business and i don't like to comment or judge any prostitute.
everybody get a mind and knows his/her best way to God...
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Jun 11, 2009
then why did you comment?
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Sep 14, 2009
What part of Dubai does this happen in?
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Re: Prostitutes Sep 24, 2010
??? Crazy!!!
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