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Jews Sep 23, 2005
Recently I have seen and read alot about the world War 2. Ghettos, concentration camps, death camps, liquidation.
Some muslim guy in a post said," Where is the next hitler to kill the jews again?" .
Even though alot of things about Israel, killing, etc etc have been going off on both sides. I would answer this question as "hopefully NEVER EVER"

Yes we have differences, Yes we hate each other but never to wish something as bad as hitler would stand upon them. World War 2 was the bloodiest war in history. Millions of innocent people died, Nazis blamed jews for problems as an excuse

Even though most muslims hate jews I wish they would never think about such a thing happening again.

Families parted,

children from their mothers.

the death camp where millions of jews were burned after their death.

stripped off and had to walk 100 miles to the border in rain and snow.

humiliation, torture...its sad only a demon would be happy to see this...

"If you feather us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?"
- William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

All humans are same, we should accept each other for who they are, It is true somethings will not go back to normal after all the blood is spill but then why drag this blood longer while we can fix things right, love each other.

Even though im not a muslim,jew or a christian, infact its not even my place, but we shouldnt create differences, it encourages demons like hitler to do repeat such a thing , if stand up for each other's religion. Hope their faith in their religion stays on and we wish the best for others.
Christians, Jews & Muslims, our community has some bad people in one time or another, we cant blame each other but unite and eliminate the hate.
peace be with you :)

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Sep 23, 2005
Muslims do not hate Jews....

The creation of Israel and that country's subsequent actions is what alienates Arabs (Christian and Muslim)...

Just wanted to clarify that....
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Sep 23, 2005
I doubt most of the people who say they hate Jews have ever even met any......... :wink:
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True Sep 24, 2005
sorry if i missed that out. I meant it was for the same reason the creation for israel etc had done that
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Sep 24, 2005
I hope and wish that we never ever see another human being who is was as truly evil and twisted as Hitler.

About 15 years ago I went to Berlin just after the wall came down and of course went around to see some of the places where people endured such suffering and torture, it's something I will never forget, very haunting.

Also walking in no-mans land around the Brandenburg gate and standing on Hitlers bunker was totally weird.

World War II was horrific for all those involved, my grandfather was in the merchant navy and his ship was torpedoed, he spent over 2 years as a prisoner of war, I'm thankful that he was treated well though. And at his release the German officer in charge actually gave him his military dagger - oh what a great souvenier!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 25, 2005
i hope and wish that we never ever see another human being who is was as truly evil and twisted as Hitler.

Hitler does exist but by different names in modern society. What about American who dropped atom bombs in Japan? How many people have been killed in Afghanistan ,Iraq on the name of war against terror.!!!

About 15 years ago I went to Berlin just after the wall came down and of course went around to see some of the places where people endured such suffering and torture, it's something I will never forget, very haunting.

what about abu ghraib prison in Iraq?
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Sep 26, 2005
It's hardly comparable is it? When you look at the way people were treated, forced into the gas chambers, others forced to move the bodies of the dead into giant furnaces. This was absolute genocide and ethnic cleansing, seen over by a mad man.

With regard to things in Iraqi prisons, those incidents are also completely unacceptable, but please don't be so naive to think that these things haven't been going on in any war or conflict, because they always have, it's just that now you have journalists on the front line and digital cameras etc so it comes to light now.

What about the Amercian airforce officer who was raped in a hospital and they tried to amputate her legs for no reason, or the British officers of Bravo Two Zero who were beaten to a pulp, forced to eat human faeces etc, is that also not terrible?

It happens on both sides, people seem to forget that any conflict is up close and personal. Prisoners of war under the Geneva convention should be treated in certain ways, but this rarely happens, it's just you don't always hear about it.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 26, 2005
With regard to things in Iraqi prisons, those incidents are also completely unacceptable, but please don't be so naive to think that these things haven't been going on in any war or conflict,

what was that ,just the peace days when Hitler killed millions? Was that not the war? So why cry ? you accepted that such things happen in wars (e.g. torturing and killing ) then why to blame Hitler ?

What about the Amercian airforce officer who was raped in a hospital and they tried to amputate her legs for no reason, or the British officers of Bravo Two Zero who were beaten to a pulp, forced to eat human faeces etc, is that also not terrible?

No Reason ? They are invader,who just messed wid a country for the sake of oil . They should be treated more bad. I think iraqi people should take the war back to their own countries (UK and US).So American or British people realize the pain of Iraqi people.
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Sep 26, 2005
Huge huge difference, those killed in the holocaust were mostly non combatants...not saying that captured soldiers being tortured and killed is ok at all, its disgusting, but its even worse when its civilians...And we're talking about 6 million lives being extinguished here! Have some perspective....The bottom line is nothing can be compared with Hitler's evil, perhaps there are more evil people than him, but very few have held sway on such a magnitude...what happened in the Nazi era is the low point of all humanity...

I don't think Choc was trying to say what happened in Abu Ghraib was acceptable, just that it wasn't the first time...war does strange things to those who are in the thick of it, its something the rest of us can never understand, thankfully so. And it smacks of hypocrisy to speak of Abu Ghraib while saying something as vile as torture of captured prisoners should be worse...what's wrong is wrong no matter who perpetrates it

[quote="HP"][quote]With regard to things in Iraqi prisons, those incidents are also completely unacceptable, but please don't be so naive to think that these things haven't been going on in any war or conflict, [/quote]

[color=red]what was that ,just the peace days when Hitler killed millions? Was that not the war? So why cry ? you accepted that such things happen in wars (e.g. torturing and killing ) then why to blame Hitler ? [/color]

[quote]What about the Amercian airforce officer who was raped in a hospital and they tried to amputate her legs for no reason, or the British officers of Bravo Two Zero who were beaten to a pulp, forced to eat human faeces etc, is that also not terrible?[/quote]

[color=red]No Reason ? They are invader,who just messed wid a country for the sake of oil . They should be treated more bad. I think iraqi people should take the war back to their own countries (UK and US).So American or British people realize the pain of Iraqi people. [/color][/quote]
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Sep 26, 2005
I am not trying to defend what hitler did, but i think what the modern day state of Israel is doing in systematic genocide of the Palestinians is just as bad as what was done to them during the Nazi era.

It is really sad that the people who got it the worse in World War II are inflicting horros upon a people because of ethnicity or national origin, the same exact thing they suffered from 50 years ago !

What the Nazis did is horrible, what the Israelis are doing today is just as bad
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Sep 27, 2005
Huge huge difference, those killed in the holocaust were mostly non combatants..

I remember once US dropped bombs on marriage ceremony in Afghanistan and killed 40 people by considering them terrorists. Have they dropped Atom Bomb on combatants Japanese? How many civilians died? jst check the history..........yeah Yeah Yeah , we call it now "casualties".

not saying that captured soldiers being tortured and killed is ok at all, its disgusting, but its even worse when its civilians...

You jst drag a person from his home and accused him and put him in Jail calling him solider or member of al-qeda .

And we're talking about 6 million lives being extinguished here! Have some perspective....The bottom line is nothing can be compared with Hitler's evil,

Killing 6 millions are same as killing one person. Just ask from victim families . Just ask from mothers who loose their sons , just from kids , who loose their dads . Let say , if someone kill very close family member of you ,would you not consider him or her equal to 6 millions? The numbers don’t matter , the thing which matter is how important a person is to u

perhaps there are more evil people than him, but very few have held sway on such a magnitude...what happened in the Nazi era is the low point of all humanity...

same goes to Bush era, does it make any difference ?

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Sep 27, 2005
HP you have valid points, BUT nothing compares to the scale of the atrocities that Hitler was responsbile for.

Plus I also recently read personal accounts from the pilots who dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (yeah everyone forgets that one!) and they had no idea of the impact it would have. "My God, what have we done?" - Robert Lewis, the co-pilot of the Enola Gay, the B-29 that dropped the first atomic bomb. Plus there were also accounts from survivors of those bombs and yes what they saw, heard, experienced was horrific.

Albert Einstein wrote a letter to President Roosevelt advising of the Nazi Germans research and discovery of nuclear fission, this prompted the Americans to start the Manhattan Project which created the atomic bomb. When it was tested in Mexico:

The brilliant light from the detonation pierced the early morning skies with such intensity that residents from a faraway neighboring community would swear that the sun came up twice that day. Even more astonishing is that a blind girl saw the flash 120 miles away.

Upon witnessing the explosion, its creators had mixed reactions. Isidor Rabi felt that the equilibrium in nature had been upset -- as if humankind had become a threat to the world it inhabited. J. Robert Oppenheimer, though ecstatic about the success of the project, quoted a remembered fragment from the Bhagavad Gita. "I am become Death," he said, "the destroyer of worlds." Ken Bainbridge, the test director, told Oppenheimer, "Now we're all sons of bitches."

The atomic bomb has only ever been used twice on those fateful days in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and I hope that they are never used again.

What is going on in Iraq I don't agree with, but also don't forget those who also died in 9/11, and don't forget that this also was a horrific, cawardly terrorist act which killed thousands of innocent people.

On another note, I'm now thankful that the IRA has supposedly destroyed all it's arms, although there's been no clear evidence of it, and hopefully Northern Ireland can also move forward towards a peaceful future, people always forget that in Ireland and the UK we've been dealing with those terrorist acts for nearly 4 decades, here's to an end to it all.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 28, 2005
Plus I also recently read personal accounts from the pilots who dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (yeah everyone forgets that one!) and they had no idea of the impact it would have. "My God, what have we done?" - .................................................................................., "Now we're all sons of bitches."

How cute. Were they thinking that they were going to drop the parcel of DHL in Japan? Later they realized oh damn, it was atom bomb. They didnt know the impact ,were they innocent kid? Even you asked from a kid about the atom bomb , then he or she would elaborate all the details in seconds.

What is going on in Iraq I don't agree with, but also don't forget those who also died in 9/11, and don't forget that this also was a horrific, cawardly terrorist act which killed thousands of innocent people.

why do you not agree what is going on in Iraq? Everyone was against the decision of Bush but his follower dog (tony blair) . Swedish inspector who later withdrawn from the inspection team of UN ( in other words US) ,interviewed and told TV” There are no weapon of mass destruction and Bush is only going for OIL”.

Did US find Weapon of mass destruction in Iraq?
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Sep 28, 2005
HP you miss the point sometimes, I was just adding another perspective on some of these things. You seem to forget that many times these guys are just following orders and know no different.

With regards to Iraq, they went in for the wrong reasons, there were excuses such as the weapons of mass destruction, but nothings ever been proved and I'm ashamed that Tony Blair followed Bush as are many people from the UK, I do not support that decision. It's all hypocrisy, Saddam needed to be removed BUT the country is in a worse state now than ever before. The Americans are friendly to people like Saddam and supply them with ewapons to invade others when it suits, I find these policies totally ridiculous.

I was talking to a young lady who is Iraqi yesterday, but she has lived in the UK most of her life and she's totally confused and saddened by everything. Iraq could be a grat place in the future but it's people need to be able to do things on their own without the interference of others who only have their own interests in sight.

I also feel for many of the young soliders in Iraq, as many of them were recruited from the poor ghettos in the states, basically their only option for any sort of career is to join the millitary. They're young, impressionable and don't know any better than what the moronic government is teaching them - watch Michael Moore's movie!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 29, 2005
Damn u guys. 1/10 of my genes are of a Jew (I come from Great Genghis Khan who had many Jewish females). Why do u guys blame us? Ok we wear skull cap and have elvis presely style hair, that doesnt mean u guys have to start a whole new topic crtitcizing jews. In the end I say" God has chose people but they are few, I know I am one cos I am a Jew!" :D
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Sep 29, 2005
sniper420 wrote:In the end I say" God has chose people but they are few, I know I am one cos I am a Jew!" :D

when i was kid , i was very much interested to see two things "pig and jew". I developed the interest because whenever my maternal grandmother used to insult ,she used to call people jew or pig . And I used to write in Pakistani community forum , and people used to call me Jewand dog :roll:

sorry i didnt mean to insult , i mean that there are communication gaps between jew and muslims . I think if Israel stopped creating problem ,then there is no problem ................. :P

what about Jew girls> do they look cute :oops:
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