Hello Everyone,
I am a 22 yr old American IT Professional with 5 yrs experience, in 2003 me and a fellow co-worker came to Dubai to set up a Wireless Internet services company in the prestigious DIC, after 17 months we went bankrupt, however, I loved my time in Dubai, to me Dubai is the most dynamic and vibrant place I have ever traveled to, it has everything from the mind boggling skyscrapers to the naughty nightlife of Naif road!
I am desperately trying to find a job in Dubai, there are plenty of IT jobs and I understand that employers prefer UK or US professionals, however, I have not gotten a single response, is it because I don't have a college degree?
I see that a lot of people on this site are getting good jobs with all the perks and they have similar credentials, is that the reason why no one is responding to me? believe me I have been to 20 different Middle Eastern recruitment sites and have sent over thousands of CV's for the past four years! and I haven't gotten a response
So should I get a college degree and then try to get a job in Dubai or anywhere else in the GCC? your feedback will be highly appreciated, thanks.
You can respond to this post or send me an email techsource2005@yahoo.com