Some Questions About Schengen Visa Rules

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Some questions about Schengen visa rules Mar 11, 2007
I have 3 months multiple entry business visa for Schengen country applied from French consulate in Dubai. Am I allowed to enter/travel to other Schengen countries without entering first or visiting France?

Another case, I have a friend who is traveling to Greece (one of Schengen countries) for vacation. But due to more difficulties (visa applicaton, Greek embassy, etc), she was suggested by travel agent to enter first to "easier" (more popular for tourists) Schengen countries like Netherlands, Germany, France, etc. Spend one two days, then proceed to Greece. But then we have other idea. To get the visa (from one of these "easy" countries), cancel the ticket booking, then change the flight directly to Greece. Will she be allowed to enter Greece with Schengen visa issued by other country?

Basically both cases are likely the same, the difference is multiple entry business visa and single entry tourist visa.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Mar 12, 2007
I don't know.

What i know is salmon fish taste good in Norway.
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Mar 12, 2007
asc_26 wrote:I don't know.
What i know is salmon fish taste good in Norway.

LOL. I love smoked salmon!
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Mar 14, 2007
So noone knows?
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Re: Some questions about Schengen visa rules Mar 14, 2007
xty wrote:I have 3 months multiple entry business visa for Schengen country applied from French consulate in Dubai. Am I allowed to enter/travel to other Schengen countries without entering first or visiting France?

Another case, I have a friend who is traveling to Greece (one of Schengen countries) for vacation. But due to more difficulties (visa applicaton, Greek embassy, etc), she was suggested by travel agent to enter first to "easier" (more popular for tourists) Schengen countries like Netherlands, Germany, France, etc. Spend one two days, then proceed to Greece. But then we have other idea. To get the visa (from one of these "easy" countries), cancel the ticket booking, then change the flight directly to Greece. Will she be allowed to enter Greece with Schengen visa issued by other country?

Any help would be appreciated.

I knew nothing about Schengen visas (and had to look up the term). But it seems to me that the purpose is to make travel easy througout those countries. It should not matter at all what contry you enter so long as you have a visa which should be valid for the Schengen countries. I imagine at entry the usual questions will be asked (what are you doing here, where are you staying, how much money you have - particularly for those travellers from 3rd world countrie). If you have multiple entry visan then you should have not problem.

You might want to look here:
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Apr 04, 2007
Does not matter. You can enter through any country. I had the visa from Belgium and entered via Paris.
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Apr 04, 2007
Thanks for the info.

So, my friends have managed to get Greek (Schengen) visas with all the hassles. Those Greek embassies (in Jakarta, in Bangkok, in Abu Dhabi where my friends and we applied for the visas) are all out of their mind! It's like we're terrorists or something. I understand if it were the first time. But all the references, tickets, hotel booking, credit cards, my salary certificate, copy of old schengen & residence visas (we lived in FR before), everything have been given. Even one of my friends has her passport stamped "must report back to Greek embassy in Bangkok on xx/06/07". They are afraid that she just lies or goes to other Schengen countries instead. We had not this kind of problem earlier (other Schengen countries). What's the matter the Greek? What's the matter with EU now?
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Apr 04, 2007
Yes i can confirm that, you can enter anywhere in the schengen states as you arrive from your international destination then any flights you take in Europe are considered "internal" and you wont even have to go through immigration. so for example if you fly for example KLM to Finland you will clear immigration in Amsterdam and then the flight to Helsinki will be a domestic flight.
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Apr 05, 2007
MaaaD wrote:Yes i can confirm that, you can enter anywhere in the schengen states as you arrive from your international destination then any flights you take in Europe are considered "internal" and you wont even have to go through immigration. so for example if you fly for example KLM to Finland you will clear immigration in Amsterdam and then the flight to Helsinki will be a domestic flight.

For trips between one Schengen country to another Schengen country, I'm aware of it. I had once to change terminal in Vienna to proceed to Italy. And several trips by train between countries. What I was asking is about the first entry.
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Apr 05, 2007
xty wrote:
MaaaD wrote:Yes i can confirm that, you can enter anywhere in the schengen states as you arrive from your international destination then any flights you take in Europe are considered "internal" and you wont even have to go through immigration. so for example if you fly for example KLM to Finland you will clear immigration in Amsterdam and then the flight to Helsinki will be a domestic flight.

For trips between one Schengen country to another Schengen country, I'm aware of it. I had once to change terminal in Vienna to proceed to Italy. And several trips by train between countries. What I was asking is about the first entry.

First entries are meant to be painful :P Seems overcomplicated and unless someone asks the visa place (my previous post) or has done it before, then it would be hard to answer. If I were making the rules I would say, if you have a visa for X country then enter there (if the visa says the country you will be entering), if the visa is for "Schengen country" then it won't matter. For example if you go to the states, technically it does not matte where you enter but think about it: if you have to apply for a visa they will ask you for the plane ticket and if you say your purpose is to visit someone in California but the ticket is for Miami then maybe you won't get a visa. If your purpose is to go to Greece then apply for Greece. If you don't want to do that then Apply to Italy and buy a cheap ticket to Greece - might be worth the hassle. Or apply to Greece and enter thru Italy and report back to us so we know the answer.
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Jul 06, 2007
one question : do locals need visa to enter EU countries? i heared there is no reciprocity between UAE and EU redarding the visas
has this changed? i would appreciate any infos.
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Jul 06, 2007
alexandra wrote:one question : do locals need visa to enter EU countries? i heared there is no reciprocity between UAE and EU redarding the visas
has this changed? i would appreciate any infos.

Check all visa info through
Emiratis and most other countries need to apply Schengen visa. Only citizen of few countries can enter without visa or with visa on arrival.

And to answer my own question (after experiencing myself), FYI:
Yes, we can use Schengen visa to enter other Schengen country which is different than the Schengen country where we applied the visa from.
My client had difficulties when applying Schengen visa from French embassy (always, everywhere, because it's French!) then applied to German embassy instead. Use the visa to enter France with no problem.
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Jul 06, 2007
thanks for the info xty :)
before i posted i tried to log into that website but it didnt open.

the answer to ur own question is accurate 100%
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Jul 07, 2007
xty wrote:And to answer my own question (after experiencing myself), FYI:
Yes, we can use Schengen visa to enter other Schengen country which is different than the Schengen country where we applied the visa from.
My client had difficulties when applying Schengen visa from French embassy (always, everywhere, because it's French!) then applied to German embassy instead. Use the visa to enter France with no problem.

That solves the riddle. Thanks for remembering to update us.
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Jul 07, 2007
Forgot one thing.
Since our visas were business visas, fortunately the company we visited had offices in France as well as in Germany, so we asked invitation letters from Germany office even though we visited France office. "Fake" flight/hotel bookings were made accordingly to support, then changed after getting the visa.

It may not be applied if you're applying for tourist/visit visa (different main destination) or where there's no company/sponsor in the alternative country. However, I think "fake" bookings may do also.
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Re: Some questions about Schengen visa rules Jan 25, 2009
xty wrote:I have 3 months multiple entry business visa for Schengen country applied from French consulate in Dubai. Am I allowed to enter/travel to other Schengen countries without entering first or visiting France?

Another case, I have a friend who is traveling to Greece (one of Schengen countries) for vacation. But due to more difficulties (visa applicaton, Greek embassy, etc), she was suggested by travel agent to enter first to "easier" (more popular for tourists) Schengen countries like Netherlands, Germany, France, etc. Spend one two days, then proceed to Greece. But then we have other idea. To get the visa (from one of these "easy" countries), cancel the ticket booking, then change the flight directly to Greece. Will she be allowed to enter Greece with Schengen visa issued by other country?

Basically both cases are likely the same, the difference is multiple entry business visa and single entry tourist visa.

Any help would be appreciated.

Does any one have experienced him self the above? I am planning a trip to Tallin ( Estonia ) and there are no embassy of Estonia in Dubai. Alternate option is Schengen visa from German embassy here in Dubai, but I am not sure if I can directly enter Tallin with a Schengen visa issued from German embassy.

I will appreciate your help in the matter.
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May 26, 2009
Hi... I am indonesian

I applied for my Schengen Visa Yesterday

only for 13 days visa..
I got my schengen visa before from holland and the UK... cos I studied there...

They said I will get it after 15 days.

I applied through VFZ - for Italian Tourist Visa

Complete with Invitation letter and stuff...

I want to know... to you who applied before .. did it really take 15 days or less for the application to be approved?

Also I didn't surrender my tenancy contract because I dont have one..

do you think it will be difficult or I will get it...

Please give advices... I am very nervous waiting..
UAE, Dubai Forum starter
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May 26, 2009
Yes it will take couple of weeks (fastest one week) to apply for Schengen. The application process has been outsourced to VFS. And they mostly will give the visa validity date only according to the tickets!
If you gave all the documents (tickets, hotel booking, bank statements) mostly you will get it. IMO no need for tenancy contract if you have already residence visa.
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