University In Dubai...

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university in Dubai... Apr 02, 2007
it's been a long time i came here :oops:
school take all my time this last month!!!lol
anyway, i'd like to know if someone know this university:
Middlesex university...?in september i will begin a bachelor insh'Allah in this university,
in that way if anyone know something about that, it will be great because
i come from france and i'm a little bit afraid about go away ... :shock:
see you soon and sorry for my english i know that i have to improve it :P

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  • Reply Apr 03, 2007
the website:
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Apr 03, 2007
This "university" is in a compound housing other "universities." In fact, if you go to another floor of the same building, you might end up on the "campus" of another "university."

Knowledge Village is hilarious.
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Apr 03, 2007
It's ranked 96 out of 109 British universities.
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Apr 04, 2007
on what floor is American university Dubai situated??

or do they have a seperate "campus"??
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Apr 04, 2007
The Middlesex here is a franchise. And AUD is not in KV.
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Apr 04, 2007
cheap_Deal wrote:on what floor is American university Dubai situated??

or do they have a seperate "campus"??

AUS is better...
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Apr 04, 2007
There are so many good universities in France or in UK (which is just a couple hours away from Lille by train). Why in Dubai? Most of universities/colleges in Dubai are only affiliates.
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Apr 04, 2007
bushra21 wrote:
cheap_Deal wrote:on what floor is American university Dubai situated??

or do they have a seperate "campus"??

AUS is better...

AUS is too hard for its own good. In engineering anyway.
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Apr 04, 2007
no need for univeristy.

use university money to get villa rent to expats and make more money than engineers :lol:
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Apr 04, 2007
gtmash wrote:
bushra21 wrote:
cheap_Deal wrote:on what floor is American university Dubai situated??

or do they have a seperate "campus"??

AUS is better...

AUS is too hard for its own good. In engineering anyway.

are you kidding....aus is a lot easier than any uni ive been to...but then again, like you said it could just be the majour
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Apr 04, 2007
@bushra, what was your major?
so AUD vs AUS , AUS is better?
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Apr 04, 2007
cheap_Deal wrote:@bushra, what was your major?
so AUD vs AUS , AUS is better?

at aus i was majouring in journalism and public relations...
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Apr 05, 2007
xty wrote:There are so many good universities in France or in UK (which is just a couple hours away from Lille by train). Why in Dubai? Most of universities/colleges in Dubai are only affiliates.

Actually, i come from's a partner with Middlesex so it's an exchange, i really like to come in Dubai, moreover, i'm still a student but i'm working in the same time in order to get enough money for accomdation etc i Know that it's not the best university but i can't pay 20000$ for a bachelor! :shock:
By the way, there are many university in france, that's true!but diplomas aren't known very well out of France!
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Apr 06, 2007
friiident wrote:i Know that it's not the best university but i can't pay 20000$ for a bachelor! :shock:
By the way, there are many university in france, that's true!but diplomas aren't known very well out of France!

I don't know for undergraduate, but I've seen that for graduate (business school) in Dubai/Sharjah are not much cheaper as well. From AUS site, for a master degree it costs about 25-30K USD. If not that big different, I'd better take in US/EU (which is more "valuable" in Middle East for high salary job).
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Apr 06, 2007
so if i'd like to get a job with highest wage in dubai after my bachelor it's better for me to pass my bachelor in London for example? Because accomodation and fees are lowest than in dubai!!!
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Apr 06, 2007
friiident wrote:so if i'd like to get a job with highest wage in dubai after my bachelor it's better for me to pass my bachelor in London for example?

correct, discrimination is there. it sucks and not fair for some people but that's the fact.
friiident wrote:Because accomodation and fees are lowest than in dubai!!!

that's right. dubai is too expensive.
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Apr 06, 2007
xty wrote:
friiident wrote:so if i'd like to get a job with highest wage in dubai after my bachelor it's better for me to pass my bachelor in London for example?

correct, discrimination is there. it sucks and not fair for some people but that's the fact.
friiident wrote:Because accomodation and fees are lowest than in dubai!!!

that's right. dubai is too expensive.

that's too bad, i thought that Dubai will be a better place in order to boost my if i want to work in dubai i think i should pass my bachelor
in London first and then try to get a job in dubai!
do you if there a lot of algerians (i was born in france but my roots are from algeria :D ) in dubai?
to conclude, in dubai is it hard to date a girl? :oops: in france, it's easier that's a fact but in dubai i think it's very hard or i will have
to date expat girls... :roll:
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Apr 06, 2007
friiident wrote:that's too bad, i thought that Dubai will be a better place in order to boost my if i want to work in dubai i think i should pass my bachelor
in London first and then try to get a job in dubai!
do you if there a lot of algerians (i was born in france but my roots are from algeria :D ) in dubai?
to conclude, in dubai is it hard to date a girl? :oops: in france, it's easier that's a fact but in dubai i think it's very hard or i will have
to date expat girls... :roll:

good for your CV in terms of work experience, not education.
i'm sure there are many algerians. there are many more from other northern african countries like egypt, tunisia, marroco. i just can't tell the difference ;)
if you have sports car, live in expensive apt, and plenty of money, it won't be difficult ;) just kidding. you'll have plenty of choices from many nationalities ;)
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Apr 07, 2007
xty wrote:
friiident wrote:that's too bad, i thought that Dubai will be a better place in order to boost my if i want to work in dubai i think i should pass my bachelor
in London first and then try to get a job in dubai!
do you if there a lot of algerians (i was born in france but my roots are from algeria :D ) in dubai?
to conclude, in dubai is it hard to date a girl? :oops: in france, it's easier that's a fact but in dubai i think it's very hard or i will have
to date expat girls... :roll:

if you have sports car, live in expensive apt, and plenty of money, it won't be difficult ;) just kidding. you'll have plenty of choices from many nationalities ;)

lol sorry but as i just said i'm a student so no money, no sport car etc...but i'm awesome guy :P im kidding :D
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Apr 10, 2007
xty wrote:
friiident wrote:i Know that it's not the best university but i can't pay 20000$ for a bachelor! :shock:
By the way, there are many university in france, that's true!but diplomas aren't known very well out of France!

I don't know for undergraduate, but I've seen that for graduate (business school) in Dubai/Sharjah are not much cheaper as well. From AUS site, for a master degree it costs about 25-30K USD. If not that big different, I'd better take in US/EU (which is more "valuable" in Middle East for high salary job).

I am thinking about studying for MBA in Dubai. I made some search on the net about Dubai Universities and was thinking about applying either to Dubai American or British University. You stated that US/Eur education is more recognized than Dubai's one. Although I will have a free housing in Dubai, I do not want to waist my money and time. MBA in Dubai will cost around 20.000-23.000 USD. If this is a case, may be it worth to spend another 10.000 US and do it in US? I would be grateful for any comments or views on this topic.
Ms. L.A.
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Apr 11, 2007
If money wasn't a problem for me you can be sure that I will pay for the best bachelor or MBA...
the biggest advantage in France is that university is free, this year i paid 39€ for a bachelor... :shock:
but it's university it's not a business school like HEC (in HEC fees=8000€)
if i was in your shoes...i would choose the best...a ES/EUR education!
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