Who knew that airheads could be so sensitive?
Awww gracy, I hurt your feelings, poor poor thing. You seriously need to chill out. Newflash:
This is an online forum, not high school. FYI, I have no idea who lion is, don't care to know what he is, why would I pay attention to another random clown? I'm an extremely sweet person, I hang out with nice people; clowns hang out at the circus, hence asc, tropic, lion and you get along so well, right?
Do you really expect me to mention every single annoying person on DF? Girl, you're a trip. 1st of all, I didn't put much thought into my post, like usual. 2nd, who do you think I was referring to when I said "ham-boy" ? It could very well be lion, lucifer, zion or any other annoying dude on DF. Like who cares? Figurative or not, any
normal person would "get" what I was trying to say and then would have ignored it.
moving on......