GAB wrote:by the way I too am an expat but it just amazes me sometimes how people think if they speak loudly and slowly someone will understand them more clearly.

Some people don't realise how good they have it!!
Hahahaha I totally agree with you... I am an Asian and my bf is British and he talks to me like that sometimes when I didn't hear what he said the first time then he will repeated himsef very slow and very loud. I feel like I was retarded when he does that especially in front of people.
One example, he was eating ice-cream the other night, and I ask him what ice-cream is it... than he told me it is Rum n Rasin, i didn't catch it the first time so the second time he repeated in a very slow, loud and flat tone. Man... i was trying to explain to him that maybe my english isn't perfect but i am not retarded, ... by saying the same things over again slower and louder won't not make me understand more what you are trying to say. If i don't know what is rasin and what is rum doesn't matter you repeat 100 times i will still have no clue what you are talking about. Sooooo, next time if i don't understand what is rasin say grape instead, when i don't understand rum say it is alcohol.
so please people, if we don't understand then we don't, no need to repeat the same things louder and slower for 10 times, you only need to rephrase your words. If we don't understand what is a mug, say a cup.