I Want To Move To Dubai, I Dont Know What Dubai Is Like!

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I want to move to Dubai, I dont know what dubai is like! Mar 25, 2005
I am thinking of moving to Dubai and I dont know what Dubai is like, compared to Australia. I need to know if i wanted to live there would I need citizenship and is it hard to get citizenship.
Please help.
From Melissa

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Moving to Dubai Mar 25, 2005
You are able to live and work in Dubai as long as you have a valid UAE residency stamp in your passport. In order to get this you need to either be sponsored by a company (for which you work), or by your husband (if you have one). The residency stamp is valid for three years after which it is renewed depending on the type of employment contract you have.

As a non-UAE national you will never be allowed permanent resident status. There is a mandetory retirement age of 60 (or 65, sorry can't quiet remember), after which your Residency is revoked have to leave the country.

Work may or may not be easy to get, depends on the type of work you do. As an Australian you need to have a terssiary education and be fully qualified in some facet. Your papers need to be attested by the UAE consulate in Australia (proberbly in Sidney??)

There are plenty of Australian living and working in Dubai, like fleas on a kangaroo! Austrade has office here as well as some of the local Australian authorities.

I think you need to have worked here for 3 years before you get a Tax Exemption Certificate - until then you still continue paying tax in Australia.

Dubai is quiet different ... I would suggest you speak to as many people who have actualy been and stayed here - not tourists. After the first 2 weeks the shine wears off!

If you have any specific questions - drop me a mail. I cannot find work for people though!!!!! That is something you need to do yourself! :shock:
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You have been so helpful Mar 27, 2005
Thankyou very much for your information. I spent a long time trying to get someone to give me that sort of information.

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Mar 30, 2005
Desert......desert all round.

Nothing but sand....and camel spiders...12inch in diameter...
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Mar 31, 2005
:evil: OK...now that spider just totally grossed me out! if you are trying to make me change my mind about moving out there....i think you may have found the way!!! where on earth was that picture taken from????

are there lots of those things around??
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Re: Moving to Dubai Sep 11, 2005
dbxsoul wrote:After the first 2 weeks the shine wears off!

Dear dbxsoul,
I see you often caution newbies that any excitement would vanish after awhile in Dubai. I would greatly appreciate it if you could elaborate on this. Is it because newbies go to Dubai with unrealistic expectations, and hence are let down or is it a case of boredom in Dubai?

I am considering relocating our family with 2 yound children to Dubai, but before I make up my mind, I need to find out as much as possible to prevent any setbacks.

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Sep 11, 2005
dbxsoul was a fantastic source of info for me and thanx again mate! I've been here only two months but I guess as far as the shine wearing off I'll just have wait. For us this is a pretty easy posting (been to a developing country) and going to the supermarket only gets frustrating with such a huge choice PLUS everything imported from home is cheaper-BONUS!! Only problem so far is eating too many Dunkin' Donuts, too much Cinnabon and vast quantities of Baskin Robbin's ice-cream!! I can live with this!! Joking aside the traffic is awful and the heat, although cooler than last month, is on par with the traffic. I find people friendly and nice and also helpful-haven't had anyone at home push my grocery trolley to the car park, hail a taxi for me and load the groceries in! Also the taxi drivers are friendly and helpful too! :shock: I love it! :D
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Sep 12, 2005
I don't think Camel Spiders are enough to put someone from Australia off, seeing as they have 8 of the worlds most dangerous and poisonous species in their country.

It's true what DXBSoul says that the shine can come off Dubai after a while. Mainly because many people are superficial because it's such a transcient town so many people don't really care. And things start to get to you after a while, driving, rent hikes, etc.
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Sep 13, 2005
Hi Melissa
dbxsoul mentioned Aussie tax. You are tax exempt I think if you work away for 2 years as a non-resident (you don't pay Aussie tax in that 2 years but if you come home within that period then you will have to pay tax on your previous earnings). As such you pay 10% flat tax on your interest from income such as bank accounts however you pay a min. 29% on income from rental. It would be best to check with an accountant tho' as there is some rule about being tax exempt if you work for a period of 90 consecutive days but I don't know what sort of job that applies to and I'm no accountant so always check first. One thing you should consider when becoming a non-resident is suspending your private health insurance which can be done for a maximum of 2 years without loss of benefits. Also the UAE Embassy is in Canberra and you will first have your documents notarised by a notary republic then you take them to dfat (department of foreign affairs and trade in your state) then you send them registered post with return registered post to the UAE embassy in Canberra then when you get here you have them stamped by the Aus Embassy here and some UAE dept here!! Hundreds of dollars later you should be on your way. Also if you are married and were married in a church this certificate means nothing you must get a marriage certificate from biths, deaths and marriages and conveniently you can apply on line for these!
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Re: Moving to Dubai Jun 06, 2010
dbxsoul - great post.... reference your comment .....

I think you need to have worked here for 3 years before you get a Tax Exemption Certificate - until then you still continue paying tax in Australia.

Do you know how this applied to people coming from the UK?
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Re: I Want To Move To Dubai, I Dont Know What Dubai Is Like! Jun 06, 2010
WOW... this post takes me back a bit.
As for the UK tax, not sure how they apply it I'm affraid. I don't get on to DF as much or as often as I used to. See if Sage & Onions is still around, he would have the relevant info regarding UK taxes. Sorry I'm not able to help this time around.
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Re: I Want To Move To Dubai, I Dont Know What Dubai Is Like! Jun 06, 2010
cheers v much
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Re: Moving to Dubai Jun 07, 2010
OilGasMan wrote:dbxsoul - great post.... reference your comment .....

I think you need to have worked here for 3 years before you get a Tax Exemption Certificate - until then you still continue paying tax in Australia.

Do you know how this applied to people coming from the UK?

Final UK tax exemption is based on being outside of the UK for a fiscal year (April to April) with not more than 61days spent back in the country during that year.
sage & onion
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Re: I Want To Move To Dubai, I Dont Know What Dubai Is Like! Jun 18, 2010
Thanks sage & onion....

your avatar rocks
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