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Leaving!! Mar 05, 2007
Hi Everyone! With work etc I haven't been on the forum for ages! We're leaving. So just a quick note to say goodbye and thanks. Thanks for the laughs, fun and info. This forum was a valuable source of info before we came here and once we got to dubai. Take care evryone!! G.

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Re: Leaving!! Mar 05, 2007
GAB wrote:Hi Everyone! With work etc I haven't been on the forum for ages! We're leaving. So just a quick note to say goodbye and thanks. Thanks for the laughs, fun and info. This forum was a valuable source of info before we came here and once we got to dubai. Take care evryone!! G.

My sweet aunty !!

Please Mind the Gap between Australia and Dubai :P

Hope u r having good time. Please perfom Haij in Saudi arab before leaving for Australia , i heard only the pious people like "Dubai Knight" get the opportunity to live at Holy Land :=) .

PS1 "Scarlet told me that that you had got married with Daddy (arniegang) and moved to one of his lake in UK :=) ."

PS2" It was nice talking to you and my humble appologize if i ever corssed the limit , though i did :=) ".

Your loving Pakistani nephew
HP :roll:
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Mar 05, 2007
Not going back to Australia!! Now that'll keep you guessing!!
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Mar 05, 2007
GAB wrote:Not going back to Australia!! Now that'll keep you guessing!!

so Pakistan it is then ;) all the best and it was great meeting you, take care
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Mar 05, 2007
Good , dont go back to Australia , its quite far . I thought "Brit" were scared that Aussies will get back , so make this country at another corner of the world . See India and Pakistan r close and all Indian and Pakiz are in UK :=) .

why r u leaving us ? :oops: What sorta job keeping u buzy? cooking and cleaning at home or putting bricks at any sky scraper :P .

i dont see aunty kenelli at forum now. I think she is getting old and she would not be able to dance (bangara ) on my marriage :roll:
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Mar 05, 2007
Wow, its been a long long time.

All the best to you and your loved ones.

Take HP wid you please!
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Mar 06, 2007
bye GAB, wish u luck :)
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Mar 06, 2007
good luck dude
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Mar 06, 2007
:( :( bye bye ..
All the best :)
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Mar 06, 2007
Good bye - sorry to see you go.

All the best for the future.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Mar 06, 2007
Helloooooooooooooooo & Goodbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Hopefully you can find a PC to log on with and visit us sometimes :wink:
sage & onion
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Mar 06, 2007
Good luck GABs - was great to meet you last year - sorry that you've not been on here for a while though, but nevertheless, good luck!!
Dubai forums GURU
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Mar 07, 2007
relax ppl , she is not going in "Iraq".

whats gonna be her nice rest of life? my Old aunty :=) ......

1=) mouth without teeths

2=) high blood pressure

3=) visiting place ................Hospitals

4=) cursing ppl who r driving fast

5=) cursing husband 10 times in day when he doesnt flush at toilet

6=) awaking up 5 in the morning and complaing why do ppl sleep all the day hehehe

7=) kangoors picture all over the house :P
Dubai Forums Knight
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Mar 07, 2007
wish u all the best. bye
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Mar 08, 2007


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Mar 11, 2007
take care and have a safe trip Gab!
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Mar 11, 2007
Concord wrote:Take HP wid you please!


All the best GAB !

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Mar 12, 2007
:lol: Thanks!!
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Mar 12, 2007
:lol: Thanks!!
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Mar 12, 2007
Thine pallid face grows lined and grey,
Thine hair, like autumn leaves, doth sway,
And cling to life, denying reason,
Defying wind and changing season.
Devoid of hope it clings in vain,
Where once there grew a lion's mane.....good bye
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