Sexualisation 'harms' Young Girls

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Sexualisation 'harms' young girls Feb 21, 2007
A news item about a US survey:

Ok - let the comments fly..

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Feb 22, 2007
Can see some of the points but you do get the feeling that the research is more from the viewpoint of "it seems harmful from our middle class view of what childhood should be like". The world has moved on a lot in the last generation.

No denying it's a bit worrying as a parent myself (if overstated), much of the blame rests with the parents who buy this stuff. The common misconception is that stuff like this is advertised at kids, it's subtly aimed at parents who have all the buying power and it's them who put the most pressure on their kids.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Feb 23, 2007
Interesting first point about childhood having changed from the 'middle class view of childhood' - that the world has moved on.

My opinion is that children and childhood hasn't changed - sure the environment has, but there have been many societies in the past that had highly s.e.x.ualised public displays - go back to Soddom and Gomorrah, and more recently the latter days of the Greek and Roman empires (eg Pompey).

The choice of how one raises children and to what extent s.e.x.uality is an open vs a private display is a matter of choice for society. Victorian England had particular views about women covering up - to the extent that showing an ankle was considered scandalous - times have changed, but there are still societies and religious groups that do not believe in overt displays.

At the end of the day - the human beings are no different, but the environment has changed. The survey highlights the fact that the environment in the States leads girls to be more 's.e.x.ual' in appearance, attitude at younger and younger ages.

As a father of 3 daughters - it did have some resonance with me.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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