A Smoke Free Dubai?

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A Smoke Free Dubai? Feb 16, 2007
Question for you here. With Dubai being so cutting edge and on the front of so many things, when will they catch up with a lot of the modern world and go smoke free in public places. I wouldn't even want to bring my children to the mall for fear of exposing them to second hand smoke. I know they've got the designated areas that you can hold your breath and speed walk through but people just smoke where ever they like. Just curious if there have been any real efforts to clean up the breathing spaces?

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Feb 16, 2007
Dubai Municipality tried to Ban smoking in Public spaces on October 15, 2004 this ban was lifted within a couple of days.

They say that it will be imposed again this year, let's hope so;

http://www.gulf-news.com/nation/Governm ... 99042.html
sage & onion
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Feb 16, 2007
You should see my local "American" college. 80% of people smoke, including girls and professors.
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Feb 17, 2007
I hate the smoke!!!!! :(
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Feb 17, 2007
gtmash wrote:You should see my local "American" college. 80% of people smoke, including girls and professors.

damn yo were is that

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Feb 17, 2007
ISH wrote:
gtmash wrote:You should see my local "American" college. 80% of people smoke, including girls and professors.

damn yo were is that


There are two "American University" of whatevers here. I'm in one of them. I think the other one's the same.
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Feb 17, 2007
Coming from Scotland it's the only thing I miss - smoke free bars. What gets you here is that people don't smoke in restaurants as such, more have conversations whilst wafting a lit cigarette in everyone else's face and having about 2 puffs of it.

Roll on a smoke ban, it's for the good of everyone.
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Feb 18, 2007
scot1870 wrote:Roll on a smoke ban, it's for the good of everyone.

Speak for yourself.

Ban non-smokers. Most irritating bunch of tards around.
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Feb 18, 2007
^ian^ wrote:
scot1870 wrote:Roll on a smoke ban, it's for the good of everyone.

Speak for yourself.

Ban non-smokers. Most irritating bunch of tards around.

+1 And ex-smokers are the worst of the lot. :x
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Feb 18, 2007
sauron wrote:
^ian^ wrote:
scot1870 wrote:Roll on a smoke ban, it's for the good of everyone.

Speak for yourself.

Ban non-smokers. Most irritating bunch of tards around.

+1 And ex-smokers are the worst of the lot. :x

seems ur a heavy smoker :) i just realised what smoking has done to me couldnt run 500 mts at a stretch and at one time i used to play 50 overs cricket games. i have been forced to cut down and its getting better can run for 3 kms without a break now. I dont say i have quit but have reduced wont be able to give it up completely i guess :S .
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Feb 18, 2007
Jeevan wrote:
sauron wrote:
^ian^ wrote:
scot1870 wrote:Roll on a smoke ban, it's for the good of everyone.

Speak for yourself.

Ban non-smokers. Most irritating bunch of tards around.

+1 And ex-smokers are the worst of the lot. :x

seems ur a heavy smoker :) i just realised what smoking has done to me couldnt run 500 mts at a stretch and at one time i used to play 50 overs cricket games. i have been forced to cut down and its getting better can run for 3 kms without a break now. I dont say i have quit but have reduced wont be able to give it up completely i guess :S .

I wanna stop, but sanctimonious reformed smokers irritate me. Grrrrrrrrr.........gimme another fag.
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Feb 18, 2007
^ian^ wrote:
scot1870 wrote:Roll on a smoke ban, it's for the good of everyone.

Speak for yourself.

Ban non-smokers. Most irritating bunch of tards around.

Agreed... I'm all for keeping people who don't want to smoke away from people who want to smoke. But isn't It enough to have a smoking and non-smoking section?

If you don't want to smoke, stay in the non-smoking section. Why should a smoker's freedom be impeded? I, as a smoker, do refrain from smoking while walking around a mall. Why should I have to exit the mall in what could be 48 degree heat, if all i want to do is sit at a coffee shop, sip a cup and smoke a couple of butts?

I know this is not my most eloquent of posts, but my brain hasn't roused yet. you'll have to forgive me.
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Feb 18, 2007
BORN AGAIN NON SMOKER - And proud of it :lol:
sage & onion
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Feb 18, 2007
Glad to hear it Sage, good on ya.

Sorry for being aggressive in my previous post people. I understand that non-smokers enjoy not smoking and not being around smoke. But I think they fail to understand that smokers smoke because they enjoy it. I'm not one for making it hard for someone to enjoy the little time on this planet by robbing them of their right to.

It's a choice people have to make themselves, either non-smokers go out where you know people may be smoking, or you stay in environments you know are controlled or that you can control. Smokers make the same choice, either they will go somewhere they know they are not allowed to smoke and obey the rules, or they go somewhere they know they are free to smoke.
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Feb 18, 2007
To smoke is just stupid :!:

It is expensive.......you blow your money in the air....how smart is that?! :roll:

It stinks......your clothes, your hair, later your skin, your fingers,....
Very sexy.... :brushteeth:.....to kiss an ashtray....

And last but not least: IT IS UNHEALTHY!!!!

Do you know that you give your body 3000 toxins with one fag???
Every fag means: My life minus 20 minutes.

And the worst fact is that non smokers like me die more often then smokers because of the smoke.

That`s not fair.

Wake up druggies!!!!!

Smokers are loser....

Sorry, when my posting is so harsh, but I saw so many smokers dying already in my life. It makes me sick....
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Feb 18, 2007
Tropic23 wrote:To smoke is just stupid :!:

It is expensive.......you blow your money in the air....how smart is that?! :roll:

It stinks......your clothes, your hair, later your skin, your fingers,....
Very sexy.... :brushteeth:.....to kiss an ashtray....

And last but not least: IT IS UNHEALTHY!!!!

Do you know that you give your body 3000 toxins with one fag???
Every fag means: My life minus 20 minutes.

We know, we don't care. It's also very unhealthy to drive a car, go out in the sun or live in a city. Are you going to move to an island? No you won't, because you like the rest of us are Internet addicts.

Tropic23 wrote:And the worst fact is that non smokers like me die more often then smokers because of the smoke.

True, which is why I am not opposed to the segregation. All I'm saying is there should be public places where smokers can go to be social and still do what they enjoy.
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Feb 18, 2007
I think in Dubai are enough places for smokers.....


Well, do you mean cafes for example with few tables for smokers and few for non-smokers?

I don`t understand this logic, because the air is still full of smoke.
It`s unimportant if you sit at a non smoker table, when 3 tables further is a smoker table.

Don`t think that the posting is against you.

It`s your life....your health....

I`m just upset, because of the whole smoke story.
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Feb 18, 2007
I understand your position, and I am not taking your opinion personally at all. :D

And believe it or not. I agree, the smokers should be farther away from the non smokers. Thats why my most frequent hang out is non smoking downstairs, and smoking upstairs.

I don't agree with your stance on pollution though... the amount of pollution caused by cigarettes pales in comparison the the pollution caused cars, or industrial revolution or even the flatulence of cows.
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Feb 18, 2007
I maintain my stance... smokers are better people.

I'm yet to be proven wrong.
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Feb 18, 2007
bear wrote:
We know, we don't care. It's also very unhealthy to drive a car, go out in the sun or live in a city.

The worst part is making non-smokers smell the stink and join in the cancer count.

People drive a car, but it is illegal to kill someone with one.
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Feb 18, 2007
sauron wrote:
I wanna stop, but sanctimonious reformed smokers irritate me. Grrrrrrrrr.........gimme another fag.

Try a gay bar.
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Feb 18, 2007
gtmash wrote:
sauron wrote:
I wanna stop, but sanctimonious reformed smokers irritate me. Grrrrrrrrr.........gimme another fag.

Try a gay bar.

So that's where you hang out.
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Feb 18, 2007
All the smoking preachers in here , you know its bad and better stop bragging about u smoking and caring two hoots about it, its a very weak attempt of boosting ur sagging self confidence , so if ur not already grown up, grow up and quit before u kill urself and others.
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Feb 18, 2007
THE COVENANT wrote:All the smoking preachers in here , you know its bad and better stop bragging about u smoking and caring two hoots about it, its a very weak attempt of boosting ur sagging self confidence , so if ur not already grown up, grow up and quit before u kill urself and others.

the covenant, dumb movie..
how do smokers kill themselves & others? I know I m a responsible smoker haha I smoke in the open with other smokers.
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Feb 18, 2007
THE COVENANT wrote:All the smoking preachers in here , you know its bad and better stop bragging about u smoking and caring two hoots about it, its a very weak attempt of boosting ur sagging self confidence , so if ur not already grown up, grow up and quit before u kill urself and others.

I thought a wonder-bra was supposed to cure sagging self confidence?
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Feb 18, 2007
easternjewel wrote:
THE COVENANT wrote:All the smoking preachers in here , you know its bad and better stop bragging about u smoking and caring two hoots about it, its a very weak attempt of boosting ur sagging self confidence , so if ur not already grown up, grow up and quit before u kill urself and others.

the covenant, dumb movie..
how do smokers kill themselves & others? I know I m a responsible smoker haha I smoke in the open with other smokers.

Yea i know only a dumb one like u can give such a dumb answer, whatelse can be expected from you
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Feb 18, 2007
^ian^ wrote:
THE COVENANT wrote:All the smoking preachers in here , you know its bad and better stop bragging about u smoking and caring two hoots about it, its a very weak attempt of boosting ur sagging self confidence , so if ur not already grown up, grow up and quit before u kill urself and others.

I thought a wonder-bra was supposed to cure sagging self confidence?

yea ask those who have used it even i heard the same :lol:
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Feb 18, 2007
easternjewel wrote:
THE COVENANT wrote:All the smoking preachers in here , you know its bad and better stop bragging about u smoking and caring two hoots about it, its a very weak attempt of boosting ur sagging self confidence , so if ur not already grown up, grow up and quit before u kill urself and others.

the covenant, dumb movie..
how do smokers kill themselves & others? I know I m a responsible smoker haha I smoke in the open with other smokers.

Yea i know only a dumb one like u can give such a dumb answer, whatelse can be expected from you

I am not offended, try again.
I don't see why people like you are against smokers... about that whole passive smoking thing, you can just leave poor smokers alone you know...
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Feb 18, 2007
easternjewel wrote:
easternjewel wrote:
THE COVENANT wrote:All the smoking preachers in here , you know its bad and better stop bragging about u smoking and caring two hoots about it, its a very weak attempt of boosting ur sagging self confidence , so if ur not already grown up, grow up and quit before u kill urself and others.

the covenant, dumb movie..
how do smokers kill themselves & others? I know I m a responsible smoker haha I smoke in the open with other smokers.

Yea i know only a dumb one like u can give such a dumb answer, whatelse can be expected from you

I am not offended, try again.
I don't see why people like you are against smokers... about that whole passive smoking thing, you can just leave poor smokers alone you know...

This is true as long as the poor non smokers are left alone EJ, unfortunately some of the places you go to here, take Longs Bar, it is impossible to stay in that place if you are a non-smoker.
sage & onion
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Feb 18, 2007
easternjewel wrote:
easternjewel wrote:
THE COVENANT wrote:All the smoking preachers in here , you know its bad and better stop bragging about u smoking and caring two hoots about it, its a very weak attempt of boosting ur sagging self confidence , so if ur not already grown up, grow up and quit before u kill urself and others.

the covenant, dumb movie..
how do smokers kill themselves & others? I know I m a responsible smoker haha I smoke in the open with other smokers.

Yea i know only a dumb one like u can give such a dumb answer, whatelse can be expected from you

I am not offended, try again.
I don't see why people like you are against smokers... about that whole passive smoking thing, you can just leave poor smokers alone you know...

If you smoke smoke in your own confined space, why do you want others to face the brunt of smoking. burn your lungs, dont trouble others. and i am not saying this coz i dont smoke, its just that what you are trying to defend is utterly wrong
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