Muslim - Christian Marriage

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Muslim - Christian Marriage Nov 07, 2006
Can an Indian Muslim guy have a Christian lady as a second wife?

What's the best way to go about the process?

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Nov 07, 2006
Yes. With regards to the process, it depends on which religious entity they will get married. Would they go for muslim wedding or the christian wedding? A christian colleague of mine got married to a muslim from other nationality. She should be muslim first (converted to muslim) before they can get married. - this is my understanding. :wink:
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Nov 07, 2006
I believe she doesn't have to convert...since she is considered a people of the book. I am pretty sure that is the case for first marriages, and I am assuming it holds true for second marriages. But if a woman was marrying a non Muslim man, he would have to convert.
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Nov 07, 2006
what about the civil marriage ? they can get married and dont no one needs to convert to another relationship.... i think thats the best option
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Nov 07, 2006
There's no civil marriage here in UAE. Unlike in our country, we can get married in front of the judge and some witnesses. :wink:

Here, marriage is still under the context of religion. :wink:
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Nov 07, 2006
how about a muslim girl marries a christian guy in civil marriage in a foriegn country ..they will not be married according to uae law?
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:) Nov 08, 2006
i dont know abt it religion far as i'm concerned ... my parents dunt mind me gettin married to sum1 of da other religion :D
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Nov 08, 2006
Corcovado wrote:how about a muslim girl marries a christian guy in civil marriage in a foriegn country ..they will not be married according to uae law?

yes they will, my best friend's mother is muslim and his dad is xtian they have a civil marriage from france and they are living in the UAE.
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Nov 08, 2006
Corcovado wrote:how about a muslim girl marries a christian guy in civil marriage in a foriegn country ..they will not be married according to uae law?

Ditto to Maaad Corcs. Just because civil marriages are not practiced / available here doesn't mean they do not recognize / accept its validity.
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Nov 08, 2006
I think the important question is why on earth does that Christian lady want to be some one else's second wife? :shock:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Nov 08, 2006
kanelli wrote:I think the important question is why on earth does that Christian lady want to be some one else's second wife? :shock:

It is the big (L) K and it is called Love !!!!
They say love is blind, don't they !!!
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Nov 08, 2006
I couldn't love any man enough to want to share him with another woman. He's either committed only to me, or he needs to piss off. :lol:
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Nov 08, 2006
well u either have some of the pie or no pie at all !! what's ur call ?!!? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Nov 08, 2006
I find a tastier pie that I can have all to myself. :lol:
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Nov 08, 2006
kanelli wrote:I find a tastier pie that I can have all to myself. :lol:

U r one greedy pie lover :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Nov 08, 2006
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Nov 08, 2006
kanelli wrote:I think the important question is why on earth does that Christian lady want to be some one else's second wife? :shock:

:lol: :lol: :lol: You make me laugh kanelli! I don't like the idea of multiple-wives too. :wink:
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Re: Muslim - Christian Marriage Jan 05, 2007
girl_glen wrote:Can an Indian Muslim guy have a Christian lady as a second wife?

What's the best way to go about the process?

I think this is not possible having your 2nd wife a christian lady? Because for them this is considered bigamy even if your a muslim and has the right to marry up to 5 girl but that is not entitle to a christian belief, the only solution for you is ask her to convert her religion into muslim also.
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Re: Muslim - Christian Marriage Jan 06, 2007
pitbulero wrote:
girl_glen wrote:Can an Indian Muslim guy have a Christian lady as a second wife?

What's the best way to go about the process?

I think this is not possible having your 2nd wife a christian lady? Because for them this is considered bigamy even if your a muslim and has the right to marry up to 5 girl but that is not entitle to a christian belief, the only solution for you is ask her to convert her religion into muslim also.

This is incorrect. It is allowed to marry upto 4, not 5. It is also allowed for muslim men to marry women of the book (Jewish, Christian) regardless of whether it is a first, second etc marriage.
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Jan 06, 2007
I was going to ask that question,k are we talking about 2nd wife as in the guy will have two wives? Or 2nd wife in that he divorced the first one.

If it's the first scenario, then Christinanity sees polygamy as a sin, so not accepted. It's one man, one woman - end of.
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Jan 07, 2007
You're right Chocs, for the Christian partner in this, the marriage would be null and void unless the person is divorced from his first wife.
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Jan 07, 2007
Chocoholic wrote:I was going to ask that question,k are we talking about 2nd wife as in the guy will have two wives? Or 2nd wife in that he divorced the first one.

If it's the first scenario, then Christinanity sees polygamy as a sin, so not accepted. It's one man, one woman - end of.

Actually, Christianity DOESNT see polygamy as a sin. The following is qoute from another website:

"Polygyny is mentioned in the Bible! It was practiced by Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, and Solomon, among others. It is specifically legislated for (Deuteronomy 21:18-17). Jesus mentions a wedding of a man with ten women without any condemnation (Gospel of Matthew 25:1-13 - read it!) while Paul places restrictions on polygyny only for priests and bishops (see for example 1 Timothy 3:12).

The famous Christian thinker Augustine of Hippo (354-430 CE) commented that polygyny had "recently" been banned among Christians since it was not a Roman custom and Christianity was now to be the official religion of the Roman Empire. A later Christian thinker and reformer, Martin Luther (1483-1546), advocated for polygyny on the grounds that what was lawful in the Bible should be acceptable to Christians."

A simple search about the relationship between Christianity and Polygamy and you will be surprised. :wink:
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Jan 08, 2007
uae75 wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:I was going to ask that question,k are we talking about 2nd wife as in the guy will have two wives? Or 2nd wife in that he divorced the first one.

If it's the first scenario, then Christinanity sees polygamy as a sin, so not accepted. It's one man, one woman - end of.

Actually, Christianity DOESNT see polygamy as a sin. The following is qoute from another website:

"Polygyny is mentioned in the Bible! It was practiced by Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, and Solomon, among others. It is specifically legislated for (Deuteronomy 21:18-17). Jesus mentions a wedding of a man with ten women without any condemnation (Gospel of Matthew 25:1-13 - read it!) while Paul places restrictions on polygyny only for priests and bishops (see for example 1 Timothy 3:12).

The famous Christian thinker Augustine of Hippo (354-430 CE) commented that polygyny had "recently" been banned among Christians since it was not a Roman custom and Christianity was now to be the official religion of the Roman Empire. A later Christian thinker and reformer, Martin Luther (1483-1546), advocated for polygyny on the grounds that what was lawful in the Bible should be acceptable to Christians."

A simple search about the relationship between Christianity and Polygamy and you will be surprised. :wink:

Actually bigamy or polygamy is not basing in bible here in our country. Our law here states that bigamy is punishable by our government and I don't think the christian lady or her family would agree on that kind of scenario unless the lady is only looking forward to the wealth of that muslim.

This is incorrect. It is allowed to marry upto 4, not 5. It is also allowed for muslim men to marry women of the book (Jewish, Christian) regardless of whether it is a first, second etc marriage.

Yeah it is allowed in the muslim koran but not to the christian what you have read in the net was the past history of abraham et al. Because they don't have laws back then. Even in other countries like U.S. you need to apply for a divorce before marrying another girl. I think this depends also in the place where the muslim guy live. If this is in Iraq and we know that some of the family there even if they are christian won't show that they are christian because of the conflict. If that christian lady married a muslim with a wife either she loves that guy, she wants that guys wealth or she's been intimidated.
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Jan 08, 2007
It really doesn't matter nif it is quoted in the Bible. These days in Christianity and in the majority of countries world wide to have more than one spouse is not accepted. And heck what woman would share her bloke with someone else?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 08, 2007
pitbulero wrote:Actually bigamy or polygamy is not basing in bible here in our country. Our law here states that bigamy is punishable by our government and I don't think the christian lady or her family would agree on that kind of scenario unless the lady is only looking forward to the wealth of that muslim.

Read my comment carefully, I was commenting on Christianity seeing polygamy being as a sin. I already know it is not allowed in most western goverments if not all. But I do feel I need to add this info, I myself, saw more than one example in the USA where Christian women accepting the fact they they are second wives to muslim men, although these guys, have neither the wealth, or the social standard, ofcourse it was unofficial, so they will avoid getting prosecuted.

In addition to that, the Mormons "not sure about the spelling" accept polygamy as way of their lives, and just recently they prosecuted a UTAH Judge for polygamy!!! so yet again, they do it unofficially. These examples contradicts your points of women accepting to be 2nd just for wealth, and it being against Christianity.
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Jan 08, 2007
It's twisted which ever way you look at it.
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Feb 17, 2007
are interfaith marriages allowed in UAE?for both Muslim men and women also? :roll:
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Feb 17, 2007
Second wife???


very funny.....

I would have better plans with my life....
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Feb 17, 2007
Hi all,

I guess we're all debating a topic without sufficient knowledge about the subject discussed here. Mostly speculations.

Why dont you guys refer to a good website >ask the scholar or >ask about Islam. They have a panels of scholars ready to answer and I believe the topic in question was already covered there.

In a nutshell Muslim men are allowed to marry christian or jew women on condition their children has to be brought up as Muslims. Some muslim countries does not allow this due to a lot of complications arise especially when the marriage turn sour and also because modern Christian theology are considered very differently interpreted compared to prophet Jesus or Muhammad times.

Muslim women are NOT allowed to marry non-muslim men.

Before you engage an interfaith marriage with Muslims please consider the complications that may arise for you ,your future spouse and your future children. Do not take this lightly.Civil marriage is only a backdoor to circumvent Gods laws. If you think to cheat're only cheating yourself.

As for me. I only proposed to an ex- christian lady for marriage after she voluntarily accepted Islam. We're still happily married..with 3 kids alhamdulillah

May our Creator guide all of us to the truth. Amen!
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The Muslim view of marriage (plus my opinion) Feb 17, 2007
Hi All,

As I am new to this forum, please allow any mistakes to be forgiven, but I would like to comment seriously about the topic.

Yes, a Muslim male is allowed (according to religion, and most Arab countries where Sharia law is prevalent) to marry up to 4 wives only if he can treat them equally (seperate housing, spending equal nights with each one, and giving them the same financial support). His wife (or wives) must be a believer (i.e. a Muslim, Christian, and/or Jew) with the understanding that his and her children would be raised up as Muslims. The wive (if non-Muslim) does not have to convert unless she is a non-believer (i.e. worships idols or anything other than the Almighty).

Meanwhile, a Muslim female cannot marry other than a Muslim male (so if he is Christian or Jew), then he would have to convert. The reason is that the children would have to be raised as Muslims (i.e. according to the father's religion)

Now, the practice of marrying more than one wife is not prevalent in the Middle East (except amongst the extremely wealthy or the extremely poor and improvished). Once a person makes a mistake, why would he do it again?!?!?!? lol.

Seriously though, it is something that is joked about, but rarely is found in the Muslim countries and is used by Westerners (generalizations) who just want to point out the "badness" of the Muslim faith for their own ulterior motives.

Also, it is important to recognize that in certain Western countries, poligamy, even if you are Muslim, is a crime and you can be prosecuted if commit it.

Civil marriages in other countries are recognized in the UAE which is a solution but I do not advocate it for Muslim women as it is against the religious teachings.

Hope that clarifies the issue for a lot of people.

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