bear wrote:it's how the lesser forms of the male gender express anger, distaste, or superiority.
I have no respect for anyone male or female that throws a punch intending to do harm and not out of self defense.
But I do have a question...
Why is it that women go on and on about equal rights for the genders, but when it comes to marital/relationship abuse the reply is always "Men have no right to hit women"?
As far as I see it, no one ever has the right to hit anyone. Men shouldn't hit women or other men, women should hit men or other women. Unless it is in self defence. believe me, if a woman came at me with a frying pan (it's just an example, I'm not placing a stereotype), I would try to get it away from her or subduing her first (as i would with a man attacking me with any weapon). But if i couldn't, I wouldn't give a second though about knocking her out. But then I've known some pretty tough women in my time, some very good fighters.
But Why do women cry out about equal rights, but then all they have to say about being attacked is "a MAN doesn't have the RIGHT to hit a WOMAN"?
If your going to go on about equal right (which belive it or not, I'm in favor of) shouldn't the argument have some continuity? Statements like the one I am questioning, set a double standard which is no better than whats going on now. And it's not the only one, the one about men always having to pay for dinner (Yes, women sometimes offer. As infrequent as it is, they still do. But men still hold this macho "I'm not a man if she pays" idiocy) is another one but thats for another post.
Beardude - you have made good point here..
My lady is always moaning at me to not leave the toilet seat up after i have taken a pee. I always say to her "you need it down, i need it up" we are both 'equally' capable of lifting or dropping the toilet seat

I am over 6ft, I weigh about 200 pounds (i like my food a bit to much), i don't bruise easily and (i am ashamed to admit) used to enjoy a drunken punch up with other lads in my younger twenties.
My missus is 5ft 4, shes bruises easily, her bones are not as strong as mine and she is less physically strong - this is not an 'equal' footing.
For me to take her on in a fight - it would not be equal.
She is also my princess and i could not dream of hurting her - but thats off the point i am making.
She is a lot smarter then me (I hope she is not reading this) so when it came to study - we both had an equal chance to learn and do well. She exceeded and got her masters. I played around and could not be bothered to put a lot into to study so did not make much of the opportunity. But we both had an 'equal' chance.
I have probably gone off your point and misquoted now - if so apologies where there due.