Feb 07, 2007
the absolute best gift to (almost) any woman of valentines day is under clothes.
Sure, you could do the mainstream thing and get the chocolates, and the stuffed animal, and the card, and the roses. However, the chocolates will lead to the "do I look fat?" conversation and all the rest is just a bit overdone.
Underware is simply the best gift, and here's why:
1) Men and women's taste in ladies under garments is more or less the same. If you like them, you can pretty safely bet that she will like them.
2) There is a slight innuendo that goes with giving a woman a pair or set of undergarments. It says, "I think you are hot, thats why I want to give you pretty underwear". Ladies appreciate that kind of thing soon long as your not creepy about it.
3) It's a perfect opportunity for flattery. DO NOT TRY TO FIND OUT WHAT SIZE YOUR LADY WEARS! Instead, guess. But guess smart. Here's how. If your lady is petite, she will wear small and thats all you get. Unless it's obvious that your lady wears large, in which case you get medium. Very infrequently will gaging size this way be unappreciated.
There you have it. Ladies, feel free to disagree with me. I know a lot of you will. But hopefully there will be at least a couple of you who agree (then I won't feel like a idiot).
One last bit of advice fellas, do not under any circumstances say anything to the effect of "I want you to model them for me". If she wants you to see your present to her on her, you will... just don't ask for it.
- bear
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