Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!!

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Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!! Feb 08, 2007
I have an external 60GB hard drive that has alot of my saved work that just stopped working. The IT department in my company tried to access the data with no success, however they did say that someone with the right data recovery equipment could tackle the issue.

Can someone please tell me if there is anyone in Dubai that can help me recover my life's work?

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Feb 08, 2007
Hi, i believe i've seen some companies specializing in data recovery here in Dubai, why don't you Google and check the companies?
I would like to help you but unfortunately i can't remember the names, i found them on Gulf news few weeks ago.

I know how it feels because i've been in the same situation many years ago :(
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Feb 08, 2007
You could try computer plaza,

Read through some of the suggestions in this link and hopefully you get back your stuff.

good luck.
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Feb 08, 2007
Try GetDataBack NTFS/FAT.
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Contact me Feb 16, 2007

Did u had any luck fixing ur HDD ?

If u still didn't fix it, PM me, and I'll do my best to help u on that.

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Oct 15, 2008
Hi Sir. Im from More Computers are we specialized in datarecovery services. Please call me on 0507550647
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Oct 16, 2008
thanks for you reply.

i will get back to you if i need any help.

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Oct 16, 2008
2 type of hard disk damage.

1. None physical, which means ur hard disk still spins and the mechanics are not broken, just corrupt partition or files.

2. Physically damaged, like the hard disk falling down and cracking in half, disk does not spin, internal damage, disk scratches.

Case 1 can be EASILY solved free.

http://www.hot-paprika.com/erdr.exe (worth over 300 USD, free for you)

Case 2, ur screwed....i myself have searched all over the UAE and did not find any company that specialize in data recovery for case 2.

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Re: Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!! Dec 09, 2008
If you can post the exact model and all the information from the phsyical drive. (remove it from the case to get this information) someone may be able to help you.

Is it that the drive simply does not power on or startup anymore? If so it is very fixable but it may be a difficult/costly fix depending on what model of hard drive you have.

alwayssuperstylin wrote:I have an external 60GB hard drive that has alot of my saved work that just stopped working. The IT department in my company tried to access the data with no success, however they did say that someone with the right data recovery equipment could tackle the issue.

Can someone please tell me if there is anyone in Dubai that can help me recover my life's work?
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Mar 31, 2009
3 steps to consider with your hard disk.

1. Did you drop it or tampered with it physically?
- Probable cause of failure will be Physical failure
- Solution find a company with the right equiptment and experience in data exctraction.

2. Have you accidentally reformated it or corrupted your HD.

- Probable cause will be non physical failure
- Solutions you can recover it your self using data recovery softwares or give it to a company with a better softwares and experiance.

3. You didn't drop your HD and you are sure that you haven't corrupted or accidentaly reformatted you HD.

- Probale cause will be your HD controller or your external HD casing.
- Solution you can buy a new HD case and try accessing your HD or other wise if its your HD controller having a problem well regardless of Laptops or Desktops, ask your local tech support guy.

We can help you with data recovery if the problem us not physical, we can also change your HD casing with extra cost that is.

Contact Us for more details
Portland Computer Solutions
Ph: 044308557
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Apr 01, 2009
Bunch of amateurs who dont know nothing.

2 type of data recovery

1. Software
You use software to recover all corrupt and deleted files.
Hundreds freely available online. Such as "Recuva"

2. Hardware
THERE IS NO COMPANY IN THE UAE, who will open your hard drive and recover the data on the disc that is in it. Usually, when you drop a hard drive for example (like i did 3 years ago) you break a pin inside it that holds the disk....if your lucky, u did not scratch the disk, the harddisk case can be opened, disk removed, and put into a case of another similar hard disk casing. THIS PROCEDURE IS VERY DELICATE and can omply be performed int he right environment....THEY DO NOT DO THIS IN THE UAE.....ALL COMPANIES USE SOFTWARE RECOVERY TOOLS LIKE I MENTIONED ABOVE.....what more do you expect from lol....such people.

If your case is #2. Ur faked......

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Apr 12, 2009
Hello everyone. This is a prime example why a 150 dollar external hard drive is worth it's weight in gold. Backup your "life" I've seen this happen before and yes they will be lucky to retrieve their data. Depends what actually happened to it. Once I brought a hard disc back to life by merely unplugging it and pugging back in. That was lucky.
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Re: May 05, 2009
Yes once i had also used Stellar Phoenix Partition Recovery tool which is quite some effective and useful. this software carry out inclusive scan of the hard drive using influential scanning algorithms and ensure perfect partition recovery. The user interface of this software is extremely interactive and is capable of recovering all kind of data and files. You may try this software it will help you out and recover you data as well.
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Sep 15, 2009
Hi guys,
There are two types of Hard Drive damages.

1. None physical, which means ur hard disk still spins and the mechanics are not broken, just corrupt partition or files.

2. Physically damaged, like the hard disk falling down and cracking in half, disk does not spin, internal damage, disk scratches.

In case one you can easily save your all data and fixed the problems.

There is a software called (FINAL DATA)(just type FINAL DATA SOFTWARE in google search engine) by using this software you can recover your all data i have tried this software and recovered my all data eaisly.

Arnold (Axvoice Inc)
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Re: Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!! Sep 17, 2013
We can recover data from Desktop Drives, External Drives, Memory Cards, PCs, Laptops, RAID/Server, NAS/SAN, Tape Drives, Flash Drives, all types of operating systems and other storages devices common in use. We do database recovery, desktop recovery, Outlook email recovery, file recovery and more.

call me on 050 3605098 !
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Re: Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!! Sep 18, 2013
My hard drive got crashed, i need to recover ma data, can anyone help me up
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Re: Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!! Sep 18, 2013
why the harddisk crashed and i dont knw how it happens
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Re: Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!! Sep 21, 2013
In this type of situation, better to go for any third party recovery tools like "remo recover". As I used this application to restore data from hard drive and it retrieved all the files in few minutes. Hope it will also help you
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Re: Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!! Sep 21, 2013
Karishma , even if your hard dirve is dead, i can help you recover your data ! send your hard disk to my office in burdubai for a free inspection and estimation.
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Re: Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!! Sep 26, 2013
Yes, by using good data recovery tool you can retrieve your data from crashed hard disk drive. Give a try to Remo Recover tool, it can assist you. My friend has used this utility and he rescued all his data very easily.
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Re: Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!! Oct 08, 2013
I need help from the experts... My Seagate 320gb stopped working (suspect electrical power surge). I sent it to a recovery lab but received the bad news after internal check is that the disc is scratched and data could not be recovered. Can anyone tell me if it is worth clinging to hope that someone can recover the data or shall I just toss it?? Appreciate any feedback. Thanks
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Re: Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!! Jan 03, 2014
that's the last thing I don't want to her from does technicians. That's why it's so important to make copies/backup of your impt. files.
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Re: Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!! Jan 05, 2014
If someone will be facing similar problem to open-poster and seek for help in Dubai , i would recommend our company.

We are doing all kind of works with hard disk drives and SSD drives. Swapping magnetic heads, soldering SMD components etc. List of our services is: http://www.angeldatarecovery.com/services/
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Re: Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!! Jun 03, 2014
Dear people,

You can recover your data if you have bit of linux knowledge.

1. Download Gparted Live USB disk from http://gparted.sourceforge.net/liveusb.php

2. Boot it through Live USB from your machine.

3. Once the Gui opens up, open up Terminal and run photorec

4. identify the harddisk you want to recover and proceed as per the instruction.

Please refer the following URL for more information.
http://www.bootmed.com/bootmed/tutorial ... -photorec/

If you need any assistance on recovering the files, I would be happy to help you. Please call me on 056-3963069.

I would be happy to help you to recover the data if it's non-commercial usage.

Also watch youtube video as follows :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJdx2ORi3r4
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Re: Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!! May 17, 2015
Smart Data Recovery Abu Dhabi
Data Recovery Expert
Smart Data Recovery has Been Engaged in Technical Services and Guaranteed Data Recovery Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.We are specilized in Data Recovery.Data Transfer,Data Backup,Media Duplication,Softwar and Hardware Repair.We have been an established and popular company with an excellent track record for the best customer satisfaction.
UAE. 050-1347422
Call 00971566133236

--- May 18, 2015 ---

alwayssuperstylin ,
SMART DATA RECOVERY ,Data recovery Dubai

We can recover the data.SMART DATA RECOVERY, professionally certified Data Recovery Company provides 100% surety in the recovery of the data regardless of the problem. Only After the Diagnosis We can give you the detailed Report of the recovery. There is no Charge for Diagnosis. We can Recover Any type of Damaged Data Storage, Media( Hard Drive, Flash Drive, Memory card, SSD , Server, RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, NAS Storage, SAN Storage).We are UAE -Abu Dhabi based and if you are in Abu Dhabi, then you can directly bring your media to our office , otherwise Send The Damaged Hard Drive or Media to our Company through courier (we recommend DHL,FEDEX,UPS, ARAMEX). Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any more queries.

You can Contact our Engineer: 00971-501347422,026260771

--- May 18, 2015 ---

Greekman ,
We can recover the data.

SMART DATA RECOVERY, professionally certified Data Recovery Company provides 100% surety in the recovery of the data regardless of the problem. Only After the Diagnosis We can give you the detailed Report of the recovery. There is no Charge for Diagnosis. We can Recover Any type of Damaged Data Storage, Media( Hard Drive, Flash Drive, Memory card, SSD , Server, RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, NAS Storage, SAN Storage).We are UAE -Abu Dhabi based and if you are in Abu Dhabi, then you can directly bring your media to our office , otherwise Send The Damaged Hard Drive or Media to our Company through courier (we recommend DHL,FEDEX,UPS, ARAMEX). Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any more queries.

You can Contact our Engineer: 00971-501347422, 00971-566133236, 00971-558344007

--- May 18, 2015 ---

scratched ,
We can Recover the data.SMART DATA RECOVERY, professionally certified Data Recovery Company provides 100% surety in the recovery of the data regardless of the problem. Only After the Diagnosis We can give you the detailed Report of the recovery. There is no Charge for Diagnosis. We can Recover Any type of Damaged Data Storage, Media( Hard Drive, Flash Drive, Memory card, SSD , Server, RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, NAS Storage, SAN Storage).We are UAE -Abu Dhabi based and if you are in Abu Dhabi, then you can directly bring your media to our office , otherwise Send The Damaged Hard Drive or Media to our Company through courier (we recommend DHL,FEDEX,UPS, ARAMEX). Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any more queries.

You can Contact our Engineer: 00971-501347422, 00971-566133236, 00971-558344007
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Re: Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!! Dec 22, 2015
Dear All, We can recover data from Desktop Drives, External Drives, Memory Cards, PCs, Laptops, RAID/Server, NAS/SAN, Tape Drives, Flash Drives, all types of operating systems and other storages devices common in use. We do database recovery, desktop recovery, Outlook email recovery, file recovery and more. call us on 055 2220 840 for a free consultation ! visit www.datarecoverydubai.ae
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Re: Hard Drive Crash! DATA RECOVERY HELP!!! Oct 07, 2016
Data Recovery Dubai
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