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petz Feb 06, 2007
I feel really bad for my pets, being stuck indoors all thier lives cause there's no other space for them to run in an appartment.

I'm thinking of giving them a new home. I do want to keep them, but it's obvious ,hangin out in a cage- however big it is- is never like the real thing.

So does anyone know what my options are in case I'm giving them away? Cause I have no idea where pets are taken after thier owners abandon them.

Also, do you think I should do this, or is it fine if they stay in thier big cage, the two of them? I have two guinea pigs, a mom and it's baby. But the baby has already grown a lot, they are pretty much the same size.

I can't let them get out cause they'll make a mess all over the floor.

I read the best way to keep them is to put thier iron cage outdoors on grass. But I can't do that, therefore, asking for advice.

So what are my options? Where can I start?

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Feb 06, 2007
My friend has a guinea pig and she lets it run around in the bath for exercise. It can't escape because of the slippery sides and any mess can be washed away afterwards. Easy peasy!
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