My friend I didn’t give you my website address because I was curious to see how much initiative/drive you had.
initative and drive to search you? or your company? I wish your name was " Bill Gate" or "lopez" ;0) . I am not in my teen to solve the riddle, or who is who and what is what ;0) Any one with two masters (telecommunication and E-Business) should be able to easily find out my ip address and since I’m connecting via work look up the dns which will give you my company’s name and URL. Or if you had initiative but lacked skill you could go on google, I made it very easy for you, you know my line of business, my name, my location.
you sound like girls.
Even if I looked past all the racist BS you spew if you can’t do this simple task you don’t have the skill set to work for me.
sweetheart !! have i said that i would work for you? after reading your remarks " you ll ban me in middle east or GCC" i was anxious to know who is the cutest soul behind this satement. You fascinate me, you insult locals in one paragraph and then try to pick one up in the next. You don't appear to have a strong command of either English or Arabic. You cop an attitude like you are gods gift to the planet and you think anyone will hire you?
Man i do lot of stuff at same time .Thats why i dont edit or try to correct my english or so called arabic because i dont get paid for writing ;0) !!Man be a CEO not a third class person who jst start fighting wid all ppl ;p
do you need management training?
My advise to you is become a little humble, respect and learn from your new surroundings. I’m not perfect, nor is anyone else but respecting people and listening will make you grow.
how sweet !! i assume weather is nice today in Dubai
Working with Pakistani as privilege?
i think otherwise !! i would prefer to work wid dogs instead of working wid a pakistani based company ;0) !!