shafique wrote:We have 3 girls and we did have homeopathic medicine to try and have a son 3rd time round (which obviously didn't work).
You were trying too hard Shaf!
Its all about timing.
Male sperm are faster than female sperm, but they don't have as much stamina and die earlier.
Female sperm last longer, but are not as fast.
To have a boy, you need to have intercourse as close to ovulation as possible so that the male sperm get to the egg before the female sperm.
To have a girl you should do it often before ovulation, but stop 2-3 days before ovulation so that by the time you ovulate, all of the male sperm have died and there are only female sperm left to fertilse the egg.
You must have been going at it 24/7!
Either that, or you husband works for the miltary and has been spending too much time near the radar which kills off the male sperm.
For the record, I understand why some people would like to chose the gender of their child and you won't change a culture overnight. However, I am firmly against aborting a child of an unwanted gender, and if someone can chose the gender of their child before conception, at least the abortions would not occur. I am referring to India/Pakistan where the recorded male births far exceed females.