Give Me Info About HINDUISM?

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Jun 28, 2005
Dude consider the following:

There are several citations in the Bible prophesing the coming of prophet Muhammad, (Peace and Blessing of God Be Upon Him). Isaiah 42: 4 says:

' He will not fail nor be discouraged, till he has established justice in the earth; . . . “
Isaiah 42: 4]

The Ministry of Jesus peace be upon him lasted only three years and at the time of his departure from this world it could not be truthfully said that 'he established justice in the earth'. However, Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, preached for 23 years and most certainly 'established justice in the earth' before he departed from the earth. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that the verses refer to the coming of Prophet Muhammad.

And as I discussed this many times now, let me put it in different wards regarding Deuteronomy 18:18

"I will raise for them a Prophet like you (Moses) from among their brethren and will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them, all that I command him".

Let me make some comments about the above: Christians believe that this is a reference to Jesus peace be upon him. One important word here is "Prophet". Christians believe Jesus is the son of God not a prophet of God. Another important word is "brethren". If it were Jesus the word would have been "children" because Jesus peace be upon him came from the children of Isaac. Since Ismaaeel him was the brother of Isaac, the reference is therefore to the children of Prophet Ismaaeel who will be brethren to the children of Isaac. Again the only Prophet from the brethren of the Jews and the Christians was Prophet Muhammad peace
and blessings of God be upon him.

The next important phrase is "Like you ( Moses)". Even a cursory comparison will show us that Jesus peace be upon him was very unlike Prophet Moses peace be upon him.

Prophet Moses' birth was natural whereas the birth of Jesus was miraculous without a father, to a virgin, peace be upon her. Prophet Moses married and had children, Jesus did not marry and of course did not have any children. The ministry of Jesus lasted three years and did not see the laws of God establish in his time. Prophet
Moses, preached the law of God for many decades and saw in his time, the law of God established. Comparing Prophet Moses, with Prophet Muhammad , brings out an amazing similarity.

Muhammad's birth was natural, he was married and had children; preached the law of God for 23 years and saw in his own time God's Law established in his land.

The phrase: "I will put My words in his mouth", takes on great significance because Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings of God be upon him, was unlettered; he did not know how to read or write. Normally God would put the message in the Prophet's mind.

In this case attention is drawn towards "words" being put into the "mouth". Prophet Muhammad's sayings as well as eye witness accounts describe his receiving the verses of Hhe Holy Quran, and his tongue moving with the words being put in his mouth.

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Jun 28, 2005

Historical links of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with the Bible (Gospel and the Old Testament).
(All quotations are from the New King James Version.)

In the Old Testament, it is said:

“He (Prophet Ismaaeel) dwelt in the Wilderness of Paran; and his Mother took a wife for him from the land of Egypt.”
[Genesis , 21:21]

Psalm 83:4-6 talks about the enemies of among others Ishmaelites, and Hagrites (Hagar being the
mother of Prophet Ismaaeel).

"4- Blessed are those who dwell in your House; They will still be praising You.”
“5- Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on the pilgrimage.”
“6- As they pass through the valley of Baca. They make it a spring; The rain also covers it with pools."
Psalm 83: 4-6]

There are several interesting points in the above verses. The name Baca could be Hebrew whereas the word Mecca is Arabic. Added to this the fact that there is a designated House of God built by Abraham peace be upon him in Mecca where yearly pilgrimage was performed from the time of Abraham and Ismaaeel peace be upon them both, even to this day. The valley of Baca could indeed be the same as the valley of Mecca. The above verses seem to place Hagar, Ismaaeel and their children in the valley of Mecca where Prophet Muhammad, (Peace and Blessing of God be upon him), was born.

Isaiah, 21:12-17 mentions

“12 . . . In the forest in Arabia you will lodge . . .”
“ 15 For they fled from the swords , from the drawn sword, from the bent bow, and from the distress of war.”

(Probable connection with the enemies mentioned in Psalm 83: 4-6 quoted above; also settlement in Arabia is confirmed; the verse 16 which follows, also confirms these verses are about Ismaeelites, Kedar being the 2nd son of Prophet Ismaaeel):

“16 For thus the Lord . . . all the glory of Kedar will fall;”
“17 and the remainder . . . people of Kedar will be diminished . . . “

Isaiah 42:1-13 These are very moving verses about 'God's elect servant' who will bring forth justice to the Gentiles. A point worth noting is that Gentiles are the non Jews and it was confirmed by Jesus peace be upon him that he was sent to the Jews.

Moreover Muhammad peace and blessings of God be upon him is consistently named by God as “Mustafaa” which means “elected”, and was also named by Gid as “Abd” which means “servant”. Prophet Muhammad always referred to himself consistently as the 'servant of God'. The above verses cannot be about Jesus peace be upon him as many Christians believe, for at least two reasons:

Firstly, the Christians and the Catholics describe him as the son of God and not the servant of God; whereas Prophet Muhammad is known exclusively as the Servant and the Messenger of God.

Secondly, Jesus was sent exclusively to the Jews whereas Prophet Muhammad was sent among the Gentiles. I am not saying I agree that Jesus is the son of God but if we wanna look at things this way then my argument stands.
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Jul 03, 2005
He will not fail nor be discouraged, till he has established justice in the earth; . . . “
Isaiah 42: 4]

He shall bring out judgement. The bible is talking about the ends of days when Jesus comes back. All dead shall be risen to stand together with the livings and be JUDGED. All Christian knows that. Judgement day is the END OF DAYS. So that was talking about the Son of God.It is not talking about Mohammed because IF , like you said, brought justise to this world..
dude..just wake up and smell the coffee..look around and ask it really? Justise happens when ALL evil doers, unrepented sinners GOES TO HELL. THATS..JUSTISE. You cannot let a murderer still roam the streets and call THAT JUSTISE.

The Ministry of Jesus peace be upon him lasted only three years and at the time of his departure from this world it could not be truthfully said that 'he established justice in the earth'.

Jesus did not establish justice what so ever. He came with the message and told the world you have ALL fall short of the glory of God. And that He has been given all authority from the Father . Only Jesus can forgive sin.
Preaching for a very long time don't really stand up to the last 3 days of Jesus's death and ressurection. He has died for man and then conquered death. There IS no justice until Jesus comes and judge.

And as I discussed this many times now, let me put it in different wards regarding Deuteronomy 18:18

"I will raise for them a Prophet like you (Moses) from among their brethren and will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them, all that I command him".

That one is not talking about Jesus. Maybe you are might be talking about Mohammed. So lets read on.

Deuteronomy 18:18 I will raise up prophet from among.....

Deuteronomy 18:19 And it shall happen,whatever man will not listen to My words which He shall speak in My name, I will require it of him.

Deuteronomy 18:20 BUt a prophet who shall PRESUME to speak a word in
My name which I HAVE NOT COMMANDED him to speak or who shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet SHALL DIE.

Deuteronomy 18:22 When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD,if the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptiously. You SHALL NOT BE AFRAID OF HIM.

ALL the things spoken in Isaiah has been full filled to the fullest by Jesus Christ. So Mohammed should not claim that all those things was for him 600 years after it has already been fullfilled. No he can't.

The next important phrase is "Like you ( Moses)". Even a cursory comparison will show us that Jesus peace be upon him was very unlike Prophet Moses peace be upon him.

OFCOS Jesus is not like him. NOT at all!.
Like what John the Baptist said:' After me shall come one whose sandals I am not FIT to carry."

Dude...Jesus is way..way..way above the sinner call Moses. Not that I don't have respect for him but he is but a man.
He disobeyed God. Why do you think he was not allowed into the promise land but died in the desert.

The ministry of Jesus lasted three years and did not see the laws of God establish in his time. Prophet

I am lost here. You seem to have the timing all wrong here.
Moses came before Jesus. Moses received the 10 commandments on Mount Sinai from the God Almighty. Its 2 slabs of rock with the laws on it. It is then placed in the "Ark of God" and carried around by the Jews.
The Law was established when Moses came down from Mount Sinai.
The Law was in effect BEFORE Jesus was born..which is 600++ years before Mohammed was even conceived.

Muhammad's birth was natural, he was married and had children; preached the law of God for 23 years and saw in his own time God's Law established in his land.

The law was established on Mount Sinai. Way back dude.
If you go check out Mount Sinai will realise the portion whereby God descended upon to write to Moses is still charred black from the Holy Fire God came down with.

In this case attention is drawn towards "words" being put into the "mouth". Prophet Muhammad's sayings as well as eye witness accounts describe his receiving the verses of Hhe Holy Quran, and his tongue moving with the words being put in his mouth.

This kind of things happen quite often in Church today, my friend.
Believers can speak a language that he/she does not know and yet can be understood by a native of that language. Its call "speaking-in-tongues"
Its a miraculous sign God sends down time and time again and has NEVER siezed till this day. Ever heard a Chinese speak Ancient Hebrew and was understood by a Jewish from Israel?

He (Prophet Ismaaeel) dwelt in the Wilderness of Paran; and his Mother took a wife for him from the land of Egypt.”
[Genesis , 21:21]

You..think that was refering to Mohammed?
That way before Moses. was before Isaac and Jacob if I am not wrong. That boy "Paran" was cast out of Abraham's generation. Abraham threw them out. But God had mercy for the child simply because he carried the bllod of God's beloved servant, Abraham.
God said He will make the boy into a great nation but he will always live by the sword. Paran was already OUT of the covenant God gave to Abraham.

Psalm 83:4-6 talks about the enemies of among others Ishmaelites, and Hagrites (Hagar being the
mother of Prophet Ismaaeel).

"4- Blessed are those who dwell in your House; They will still be praising You.”
“5- Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on the pilgrimage.”
“6- As they pass through the valley of Baca. They make it a spring; The rain also covers it with pools."
Psalm 83: 4-6]

I don't know where you got that from but the bible does not write it that way. So that scripture is unknown to me. I tried to look for it but those marks does not reflect what you wrote. Its totally different.

Firstly, the Christians and the Catholics describe him as the son of God and not the servant of God; whereas Prophet Muhammad is known exclusively as the Servant and the Messenger of God.

Servants of God does what God tells them to do. It also means to send messages to people God designated. You are playing with words.
Servants does what God says.

Secondly, Jesus was sent exclusively to the Jews whereas Prophet Muhammad was sent among the Gentiles.

Jesus was not sent to the gentiles. Agree.
Paul was. Not Mohammed. But then you may claim that after such a long time. But just for your info. St.Paul was told by Jesus to minister to the gentiles because all are His.

Liban. Somethings can be copied from ancient time.
If by claiming something that was already written thousands of years ago. I can also say things like: "Liban was sent to convert the Christians to Muslims." And I will not be wrong. But to claim that an ancient scripture was writting about you would be wrong.

You quoted the scriptures...I love it.
But please...most of what you typed are reading them out of context..which many people like to do...but its wrong.
If you read further back on Paran and will know why. And you will know Paran has no share in Abraham. God just pitied them and gave them something because he was..afterall...a birth of Abraham.

All the scriptures mentioning names like :"Light of the world, Prince of peace, the lamb...etc etc.. is talking about Jesus the Son of God.

The glory of God descending upon.......
That phrase was talking about Jesus because when Jesus was baptised by John, Heaven opened...a dove descend upon Jesus and a loud voice rang from the heavens saying:" This is MY SON, and in Him, I am WELL PLEASED." That was God by the way. Many witnessed the light from heaven..the glowing dove..and hear the booming voice from above.
I assure you no P.A systems was available during that time.

Peace and grace to you brother.
I hope you don't get angry with me.
I apologise if I sounded rude in anyway.
But Jesus is my LORD and thats the truth.
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Jul 04, 2005
Damn :roll: I for some reason dont beleive God can have son or daughter and that to a human. I am also against the celibacy practice doneby nuns ,bishops etc.
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Jul 04, 2005
Dude I am not angry at you for trying to relay what you think is true....

But truth be told, the only Lord is God Himself.

In any event continuing this thread is pointless.... We will eventually start to turn in circles... 8)

I beleive in God and what he taught us as written in the Holiest of Books, the Quran al-Kareem (The Blessed Quran), the truth is what comes out of God's teachings as per the Quran...
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Jul 04, 2005
sniper420 wrote:Damn :roll: I for some reason dont beleive God can have son or daughter and that to a human. I am also against the celibacy practice doneby nuns ,bishops etc.

...Lam yallid wallam youlad... This is out of the Quran as a small part of the description of God. I took it because what it says basically that God wasn't created nor does He procreate. It was told to us through Mohammad (PBUH) by God and was written in the Quran at the same time the words were spoken.

Also makes no sense for theologians not to get married... Then again that only applies to Catholics because for them religion has become an institution... even a business... Most other Christians can marry like Protestants and Eastern Orthodox...

Jewish Rabbis can marry and so can Muslim clerics...
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Jul 04, 2005
I agree with the catholic comment.

Liban. The Holy Bible is way before the Quran.
It has been proven unaltered despite all the rubbish people try to throw at the bible.
The bible repels them all with scientific evidence.
NOBODY can come and claim anything false about the bible.
I personally challenge them.
This is the Word of God. And there is only one God.
There is only one book.
And the latter can claim all they want to because they can never stand up to the scrutiny of the true word of God.

1 man saw another man did something is not a proof of anything.
1 man claim something is not an evidence too.
Only the claim of hundreds of witnesses can be call proof.
Hundreds....not 1 or 2 fella in a dark room near some country side where nobody walks.

Peace and Grace
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Jul 04, 2005
Lawd Lawd Lawd!!!!!! :shock:
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Jul 05, 2005
abs wrote:I agree with the catholic comment.

Liban. The Holy Bible is way before the Quran.
It has been proven unaltered despite all the rubbish people try to throw at the bible.
The bible repels them all with scientific evidence.
NOBODY can come and claim anything false about the bible.
I personally challenge them.
This is the Word of God. And there is only one God.
There is only one book.
And the latter can claim all they want to because they can never stand up to the scrutiny of the true word of God.

1 man saw another man did something is not a proof of anything.
1 man claim something is not an evidence too.
Only the claim of hundreds of witnesses can be call proof.
Hundreds....not 1 or 2 fella in a dark room near some country side where nobody walks.

Peace and Grace

I totally disagree with the fact that Bible wasn't changed. If u read a bible from ark ages, u will read loads of pornographic stuffs like Abraham sucking his cousin's V**gina and saying ur v**** tastes like wine. Damn and one prophet sleeping wwith his daughters and David murdering neighbour and sleeping with his wife. These stuffs didnt happen. How can a prophet leading a huge mass perform this act and then quote in bible. Ands abs research bit more u shall know what I am talking about. If men can kkill prophets then changing bible is not big deal. If it did then let's sin and repent later. :lol:
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Jul 05, 2005
The bible has been changed countless times... Just look at how many versions of it are available... The King James, The Morman, the Lutheran, etc...

The Holy and Blessed Quran, the Book of God, the Devine Book, the Book of books has never changed since God spoke through the blessed mouth of the Prophet Mohammad while the prophets closest disciples took notes.

Glory to God and Praised be His Words.
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God and gods in Hinduism Sep 01, 2005
Although I am not a Hindu myself, my understanding is that many Hindus view the various gods of Hinduism as actually being manifestations of one
Supreme God or Godhead.
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