Bleakus wrote:you know what i wanna see.......a heavy metal nightclub
currently they are called gigs but yeah....a nightclub with metal music instead of techno
Second that. I need to get my mosh on.
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Bleakus wrote:you know what i wanna see.......a heavy metal nightclub
currently they are called gigs but yeah....a nightclub with metal music instead of techno
PTMike wrote:21 years old to enter a club? whoa!!! Are they strict on this as I'm only 19. Should I wait 2 years until I come to Dubai? lol
MaaaD wrote:O there are posers and real clubbers in every city in the world .. usually each has there own scene and do there own thing ... dubai's poser culture is very much thriving, however the real clubbing culture is still very immature but i am sure it will develop as people become increasingly educated about the music ..
and trust me Dubai is _nothing_ compared to cities like LA in terms of wannabes and posers ..
just keep dancing big O
liverpool4ever wrote:^^ V. good points you've got there...
Personally, the best club in dubai for me at the moment is Peppermint, the music is alright, but as you said the crowd sucks... The policies at the door suck as well, but heck, the clubs here are not cheap to operate, unlike the ones in other parts of the world, clubs here need these crazy stuck-up people who dress as if it's a wedding and spend as if it was the last night of their lives, without them, clubs wouldn't survive...
gregory863 wrote:that place is pretty cool. the band rocks. i play pool there, have a few drinks then head on because there's no dancing there. how many clubs in dubai are like this??? a bunch of people sitting around like statues!
Tropic23 wrote:gregory863 wrote:that place is pretty cool. the band rocks. i play pool there, have a few drinks then head on because there's no dancing there. how many clubs in dubai are like this??? a bunch of people sitting around like statues!
Dancing isn`t important, isn`t it??
redbullny wrote:Dubai has a million festivals right. So why not have something like the Love Parade.
That's true club culture NOT the superficial crap you see in clubs here which in reality are disguised whore joints.
redbullny wrote:Dude I am not denying the fact that alcohol in the open is not permitted here. I have lived here longer so I would know that, thank you.
All I am saying is that it is possible to have a smaller version of the Love Parade with several big DJs instead of just one without selling alcohol on the streets and instead perhaps have specific venues where people can stop by and have a drink. I mentioned "something of that nature" meaning it doesn't have to be the same thing with people drinking away on the streets. This obviously would need to be a collaborative effort and would be difficult to control but it is surely possible with some careful planning.
And also I am talking about causing more tourists to come here whereas you are talking about the existing local population here which has got nothing to do with promoting tourism.
redbullny wrote:Dubai has a million festivals right. So why not have something like the Love Parade.
That's true club culture NOT the superficial crap you see in clubs here which in reality are disguised whore joints.