My husband got offered a job in the telco industry in dubai and so we are moving around March! I would appreciate if you could help me find my way through the info jungle on the web.
I am pregnant (due in July) and am happy to get recommendations on doctor/hospitals to give birth . I am having difficulties to find good infos on general family issues (besides water parks and fun stuff to do with kids).
Where are relaxed areas to live (other than the Emirate Hills/Greens/Meadows - area etc.) We prefer to buy a property with 4 bedrooms (appt or house..) We are German/French speaking and would like to send our kids (4 and 2) to the french school located close to the American hospital - from which I understand is not a place where you live with a family wanting to be surrounded by other families.
Finally, how easy is it to furnish your home in Dubai. Is there enough places to shop for lets say European - Contemporary style furniture for a reasonable price?
Thanks a lot for any of your help -