U.A.E Racism Against Immigrant !!! Outragous

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U.A.E racism against immigrant !!! outragous Aug 27, 2005
What do you guys think of this ... I believe U.A.E is one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to justice,fareness and human rights ... Every new regulation is somehow against immigrants , even though that immigrant ( alwafdeen) has contributed so much to this country .. and helped this country develop and prosper , the government insist on dicrimination against them ... If you live as an immigrant there ( I dont know about Dubai but I lived in many other cities including Abu Dhabi ) you are considered a second class human being , like a slave and your superiors are the locals ... discrimination is rampant in this country , everywhere you go you will find it ... you can't enter clubs because you are an immigrant , you can't enrol in this semester in the university because you're an immigrant , you can't get a good salary because you're an immigrant , what's next , you can't breathe because you're an immigrant ... :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:

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Aug 28, 2005
Relax... Its not that bad...
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Aug 29, 2005
I will not hasitate to slap the SHIT out of a local. As long as they can indentiry you, it's all good. I'm waiting for someone in a Ferrari to get out his vehicle....Pump Esco has a new car!!!!! :iroc:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Aug 29, 2005
It's a sad fact that it happens so much in this country. And yet there are many immigrants that have become successful business people here who still find problems.

Dubai is built on the hard work and dedication of foreigners, the locals have much to be thankful for, for that.

But you know what you have a choice, you can either choose to let people treat you that way or you can stand up for yourself and do something about that.

It's one thing that annoys me a little, you're a human being, you have a voice, you don't have to stand for it, if someone is mean to you because of who you are or where you come from then do something about it, you don't have to sit back and take it.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 29, 2005
Liban wrote:Relax... Its not that bad...

NOT THAT BAD , HaHaHaHa , it was a joke right ... My father lived there for over 30 years , I was born there and lived 19 years there ... and I know what I'm talking about ...
They're nothing but racists , scumbags and stupid human beings .... Can you tell how it's not that bad , can you show me any justice in their system toward immigrants ... It's not even just a bad , racist and intolerant system , it's also a mentality .. The locals consider you second class just because ur an immigrant .... I would love to see one of locals to reply to me but I know they're too ignorant and uncivilized to use the internet for debates and discussions , the internt for them is only for music , movies and p<3n ... that's it
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Re: U.A.E racism against immigrant !!! outragous Aug 29, 2005
3weela wrote:What do you guys think of this ... I believe U.A.E is one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to justice,fareness and human rights ... Every new regulation is somehow against immigrants , even though that immigrant ( alwafdeen) has contributed so much to this country .. and helped this country develop and prosper

Ok yes this part is true ... my family had been here for ages .. even before the trade center was built .. hell when i came here there is no SHk Zayed and the only tall building around is DTC, we lived and brought our business here and yes we along with other expat Entrepreneurs really did contributed so much in this country ... and our family had been here for YEARS !!!!! what do we get ??? nothing ... we cant even be naturalized, we cant even own a land of our own ... and to top of they continously increase the fees .. sponsorship, license etc. etc. all their laws economically and legally are all in favour to the locals ... well thats the only complain i have about dubai .. its greedy it doesnt let expat Entrepreneurs get its maximum R.O.I

3weela wrote:you are considered a second class human being , like a slave and your superiors are the locals ... discrimination is rampant in this country , everywhere you go you will find it ...

Well i never experience that kind of treatment on my almost 20 years of stay here ... and im sure my family never got those too ... as how i see it ... The Goverment and rules are racist ... but the locals are ok ...

3weela wrote:you can't enter clubs because you are an immigrant , you can't enrol in this semester in the university because you're an immigrant , you can't get a good salary because you're an immigrant , what's next , you can't breathe because you're an immigrant ... :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:


A )Clubs = I was Partying here in dubai when i was in highschool (and im Asian) the days of Lodge and Cyclone !!! yeah !!! missed those days gate crashing .. and getting drunk !!! those where good times

B ) Schools and University = I graduated my Highschool here .. i did col. in Phils though (it was more fun !!! ) but most of my friends graduated and had a degree here in dubai ... hell theres even a Filipino, Indian, Chinese, Pakistani, and god knows Schools here !!! .....

C ) Salary = well its true that employers do color checking with in regards of salary but its for the reason that european standard of education is considered as a top standard here in U.A.E so if you really look at it its not really color screaning but its more like educational / experience screaning and about the locals having huge salary ... well i guess it is just right and i admire UAE for taking care of its locals ... cause in this field where my country failed big time ... salary im not really complaining ... cause im happy for what i have for now ....

you see UAE is Fair and locals are nicer compare to its neighboring countries Oman, Saudi, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq.. we still are lucky to be here and not on those ones...

[color=blue]basically all we have to do to get by is ... accept the fact that its their country and try to enjoy our selves while we make money ... thinkingh about all this negative things wouldnt really help you nor would it change anything ... lets just take the day as it come and be thankfull of what we have and for being here to live another day .......[/color][/b]
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Aug 29, 2005
Well said Major!

You know I sometimes wonder what many locals think of what's happening to their country, I mean the die hards who would rather life the simple life and just live in the desert with camels, trust me several locals I've met wish for a simple life.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 29, 2005
I think we are more like...3rd class citizen.
But I am not really complaining since I am pretty well paid...hehe.

As for the clubbing scene, the "doorman" are really picking what are the races or class aloud into the club...they pick them according to how they look. Its call crowd control. They want to see certain kind of people in their club. If you want in, dress to kill.
I have locals that tells me they are sick and tired of begging to be let in.
Thats the locals. That was what I was told anyway.

But I have to agree that the local government has to realize that its the expats thats building this place. If they want us to stay, they have to treat us the same. Orelse this place is going to become a place for people to come in, make some money and bail. I still don't see why the locals don't have to pay for water/electricity.
Thats so unfair.
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Aug 29, 2005
3weela wrote:
Liban wrote:Relax... Its not that bad...

NOT THAT BAD , HaHaHaHa , it was a joke right ... My father lived there for over 30 years , I was born there and lived 19 years there ... and I know what I'm talking about ...
They're nothing but racists , scumbags and stupid human beings .... Can you tell how it's not that bad , can you show me any justice in their system toward immigrants ... It's not even just a bad , racist and intolerant system , it's also a mentality .. The locals consider you second class just because ur an immigrant .... I would love to see one of locals to reply to me but I know they're too ignorant and uncivilized to use the internet for debates and discussions , the internt for them is only for music , movies and p<3n ... that's it
next time you wanna post something , PROVE IT

Chill dude.... 8)
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Aug 29, 2005
abs wrote:As for the clubbing scene, the "doorman" are really picking what are the races or class aloud into the club...they pick them according to how they look. Its call crowd control. They want to see certain kind of people in their club. If you want in, dress to kill.
I have locals that tells me they are sick and tired of begging to be let in.
Thats the locals. That was what I was told anyway.

ok clubs ... dude when a club restricts people of entrance its not really that is because of their race .... because in those places like boudoir, sho chos, el Malecon, Tangerine, Oxygen and other up market clubs ... they do crowd controll to protect their regular up market crowd .... its not being bad ... nor that they think you cant pay but its the code, uniform, or if i may say rules ...
they are also protecting you from feeling outcasted if you dont dress well so if you really want to get in those clubs ... all we have to do is follow their flow and groove ... cause people who can follow rules are people who are civil when they get drunk ... so in short theres so much in that crowd controll than just plain discremination ... is basically protection ... cause usually if a person knows that there is a rule to follow and he choose not to go along with them then he is a potential trouble if he gets drunk ... so if he did get in and made a scene in side the club .... all those other up market crow that are actually paying huge cash looses interest in the place and thats a thing they cant afford to happen ... basically its business ..... nothing racial nor personal ... just business ... if you are a owner of a multi million DH Establishment ... for sure you would be protecting your clientele's interest ... as the saying goes "its not the quantity but its the quality"
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Aug 29, 2005
mAJOR pAIN wrote:
abs wrote:As for the clubbing scene, the "doorman" are really picking what are the races or class aloud into the club...they pick them according to how they look. Its call crowd control. They want to see certain kind of people in their club. If you want in, dress to kill.
I have locals that tells me they are sick and tired of begging to be let in.
Thats the locals. That was what I was told anyway.

ok clubs ... dude when a club restricts people of entrance its not really that is because of their race .... because in those places like boudoir, sho chos, el Malecon, Tangerine, Oxygen and other up market clubs ... they do crowd controll to protect their regular up market crowd .... its not being bad ... nor that they think you cant pay but its the code, uniform, or if i may say rules ...
they are also protecting you from feeling outcasted if you dont dress well so if you really want to get in those clubs ... all we have to do is follow their flow and groove ... cause people who can follow rules are people who are civil when they get drunk ... so in short theres so much in that crowd controll than just plain discremination ... is basically protection ... cause usually if a person knows that there is a rule to follow and he choose not to go along with them then he is a potential trouble if he gets drunk ... so if he did get in and made a scene in side the club .... all those other up market crow that are actually paying huge cash looses interest in the place and thats a thing they cant afford to happen ... basically its business ..... nothing racial nor personal ... just business ... if you are a owner of a multi million DH Establishment ... for sure you would be protecting your clientele's interest ... as the saying goes "its not the quantity but its the quality"

The club scene is really wierd to me. I'm used to Austin, and wearing baggy clothes and Tims, but here, everything is TIGHT, except for the girls. I get get pissed off because they always say you can't wear shorts, but its HOT!!! I used to wear shorts all the time. I can't stand being in a hot and crowded club. I can understand dressing Gucci-down and all that, but I dont really dig that crowd, I'm more humble and would rather be comforatable. Those people look so uptight, its crazy.
Pumpkin Escobar
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Aug 30, 2005
Ok with regard to clubs and door policies, you have to remember that clubs and bars are also businesses, their aim is to make money. The best way for them to cash in obviously is over the bar, now having observed this for a fact and spoken to many door staff, the western expats as we all know are drinkers, they like nothing more than getting their wallets out and getting plastered, so obviously clubs like these kinds of people. Where as people from other nationalities will order a bottle of water between 4 of them, plus don't get offended but we all know there are certain guys who just stand and lear at the women all night and make it an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Locals are not allowed to enter these establishments in their local dress, if they're wearing western attire then it's fine.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 30, 2005

I am an Emiratiie first and foremost, proud to be. And I am not uncivilised, as you can see I can use the internet for discussions.

The way you portray my country's rules and regulations does not show anything but your own lack of understanding of how governance evolves.

The U.A.E is a country of nearly 800,000 citizens and an alarmingly large immigrant population that exceeds 3 million, it is a fairly young state and politically immature. So, you cannot possibly compare it with states like England, Canada, France, Australia etc... These states only got to this progressiveness in terms of immigration in the last century, in some cases 200 years of their independence, hell, Australia had its White Australia Policy intact until 1973.

So the U.A.E has way more time to go.

The "racism" you are talking about is a "protectionist" policy, we are still a developing nation, and we need to preserve what ever riches we posses to our people, untill they are ready, I think they should remain a priority. I don't think that's racism.

I guarantee you and any other "Arab" national who immigrates to the U.A.E that I as an Emiratie I would be treated like dirt in that immigrant's nation, even worse that the supposed discrimination he faces in Dubai as an immigrant.

We do not consider you sub-human because you're an immigrant, I am amazed that someone claiming to be an intellectual like yourself would make such an ignorant generlisation. What do you mean "they're too ignorant and uncivilized to use the internet for debates and discussions, the internet for them is only for music, movies and p<3n".. and you're going to tell me that all 16 year olds in the States and the rest of the west use the internet to read the Financial Times and Wallstreet Journal, give me a break.

Finally having said all that, let me say this:

A degree of favourism is directed towards citizens in the U.A.E I agree, and some people in Dubai do still have racist attitudes towards immigrants, but that's not all of it. They are racist towards each other too. That is a sad fact but it does exist, not only in the U.A.E but in every other country in the world. Germany was considered the pillar of the civilised world when Hitler decided to commit genocide against the Jews just because they're "Jewish." So racism exists, and it does bother me as a human being before it bothers me as a citizen of the country, and as the youth of the U.A.E gets educated things will look better, they certainly looking better now than they were 10 years ago. It is a process that comes with education and encouragment of tolerance and understanding, don't expect it to happen in a night.

Bear in mind dear, that most of the people in the U.A.E have only been introduced to Higher Education in the late 70's. So we're still learning. A relaxed attitude towards differences not only in race, but also in gender and religion is occuring, and I am glad it is. However one must be patient. The Civil Rights Act in the United States was passed nearly a century after slavery was outlawed. It is a process.
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Aug 30, 2005
Well spoken Distressed... 3weela really overexagerrated the situation.

Shoukran habibi for your insight.... And if you think the UAE is racist, ask some Palestinians living in Lebanon what their treatment is like.... Then you will think much differently of the UAE...
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Aug 30, 2005
well said .... well said !!! and i really do admire Emirates for taking care of its nationals .... thats what its supposed to be ... !!!!

and with the current situation ... Emirates are taking steps to make its rules more expat friendly like now the "NO BAN and NO NOC rules " thats a good step .. ..... but im still waiting for a time that emirates considers giving its asian business people a chance to be naturalized or something like the right to own lands or stuff like that specially those who are here for a long time.
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Aug 30, 2005
Thanks you guys.

maJOR pAIN ..

I believe it is time to introduce something like "permanent residence" to immigrants in the country, without regard to their ethnicities, European, Arab and Asian alike.

Hopefully something like that will occur soon, especially with the legislation of the 99 year visa type. Things are getting better.
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Aug 30, 2005
Can I borrow some money? Just let me borrow like a few million, I give it back :wink:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Aug 31, 2005
Hey Distressed,

I have to say it's great to have an Emirati with opinions and views such as yours. (sadly not all are as open minded and forward thinking). People such as yourself are the way forward in this country and I hope that your visions become realised.

The UAE has made me and my family very welcome for the last 8 years and I hope that we'll be here for a while to come yet.
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Oct 24, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:Ok with regard to clubs and door policies, you have to remember that clubs and bars are also businesses, their aim is to make money. The best way for them to cash in obviously is over the bar, now having observed this for a fact and spoken to many door staff, the western expats as we all know are drinkers, they like nothing more than getting their wallets out and getting plastered, so obviously clubs like these kinds of people. Where as people from other nationalities will order a bottle of water between 4 of them, plus don't get offended but we all know there are certain guys who just stand and lear at the women all night and make it an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Locals are not allowed to enter these establishments in their local dress, if they're wearing western attire then it's fine.

Umm, I beg to differ... big spenders at clubs are not Westerners but actually Asians. When was the last time I saw a Westerner pick up a tab in the VPS section for 10,000 DHS? :roll: However, I have many Indian and Lebanese friends who book tables and run up huge tabs...

To the original poster, things aint hat bad now as many clubs realize who the big spenders are 8)
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Oct 25, 2005
It was just what I heard straight from the doormen's mouth.

But yeah the Lebanese go mental in the clubs too. Of course there are well off and harding working Indians/Asians too, but this is where they become a victim of pre-conceived ideas in the UAE, because the majority are employed as low wage workers, many people lump them all in the same category.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Oct 25, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:It was just what I heard straight from the doormen's mouth.

But yeah the Lebanese go mental in the clubs too. Of course there are well off and harding working Indians/Asians too, but this is where they become a victim of pre-conceived ideas in the UAE, because the majority are employed as low wage workers, many people lump them all in the same category.

True I suppose.. though most people can tell a well off indian / businessman from the labourers and lower class pretty easliy.. and most big businessmen in the UAE fall under Arab or Indian nationality..
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eye Feb 06, 2006
eye opening :shock: didnt know about free water and electricity, suppose you would be jealous..teehee actually didnt know there was water charges..thought i was going to get away from that in the uk, please God (Allah) tell me theres no council tax nearly died of death with that, in ireland there is neither of those charges, but we do have a fair bit of racism as the ports are just opening the last few years for more "outsiders" to come in, but their the ones taking over and running buisnesses.....Now living in the desert with a few camals does sound nice....at least youd get a tan, so when u visit home and its pissing raining youve got sun glow beaming and radiating from your skin and make all your friends and relitives envious hehehe, where am i going with this.......serious issue though needed a bit of lightening :wink:
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Feb 06, 2006
Shouldnt locals be treated a bit better then non-locals?

I mean, it is THEIR country, and they have the right to allow you in or not. I understand that immigrants help build most countries, but still I think locals should always receive preferential treatment.

There is a reason why people leave their own country, and with all of the good immigration brings, it also brings alot of bad.
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Feb 07, 2006
Oh good, then if I move back to the UK, can I get preferential treatment because I'm a 'local'?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 07, 2006
You dont think Locals should get preferential treatment? I know its kind of a touchy subject because you have been an expat for a long time and contributed alot to your new home ---- but deep down do you feel like you are always 100 percent equal with people that are UAE blood?

Not all of them can go to the UK and get equal rights.

I might be totally wrong, I am just really interested in your opinion about it.
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Feb 08, 2006
Well of course it's 'their' country, but that doesn't mean some of them have to be ignorant about sharing it with those who're contributing to it and actually building the place.

Some of the attitudes suck, for example a friend of mine went to the cinema and a local guy was yapping away loudly on his phone, she asked him politely to take the call outside or talk later, his response was 'It's my country I'll do what the hell I want' - charming attitude. You see the UAE has opened it's doors to expats and relies heavily on tourism now for it's income so attitudes like this have to change, you have to be tolerant and be willing to share things with others.

I mean the situation in the UK takes the p***, you have all these guys coming in who sponge off the system take the council housing etc, what about the people who've lived there all their lives who just get moved off the waiting lists for these people - it sucks!

Thankfully, most nationals aren't like the arsehole I mentioned above.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 10, 2006
What do you think the future of imagrants in Dubai is? I am 16 years and old, in my future I am planning on going to med school and then open a practice in Dubai. Do you think the governemtn will change the way they feel about the imigrants?
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Feb 10, 2006
Opening up the doors of the UAE to naturalizatin shjould be done slowly and with great prudence.

It is my opinion that only Muslims ought to be allowed to be naturalized after some little time and only if they are fluent in Arabic or of the Arab race.

As for snobby locals, I have never gotten such a response from ANYONE. Those that act like a$$holes towards non-Arab expats act nice to me because I am an Arab and there is a certain amount of understanding to a degree - not that it justifies speaking to a foreigner in that way... I speak to strangers with the upmost of respect.

Just say in a nice way in Arabic.

"Ya akhi, 3mol ma3rouf, iza feek itkamil 7adissak ba3d al film, bkoun mamnounak"... Means, Brother, please, if you can please continue your conversation after the movie I would be most appreciative (something like that)... Somehow it comes out stronger in English and friendler in Arabic... hmmm... Dunno why... :?
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Feb 11, 2006
Thanks Liban, one to keep in mind.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 11, 2006
Liban said, "It is my opinion that only Muslims ought to be allowed to be naturalized after some little time and only if they are fluent in Arabic or of the Arab race."

So what about the second and third generation Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Philipinos who live and work here? The UAE is the only country they have called home.

If Canada only accepted people with French and UK background, who spoke French or English, and were Roman Catholic or Protestant Christians - you wouldn't have gotten Canadian citizenship Liban. (When will you renounce your Canadian citizenship by the way?)

Other countries are supposed to be accomodating to people of other backgrounds and religions, yet the UAE is supposed to be only Arabs and only Muslims?

This doesn't sound logical and fair to me!
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