President Clinton Mk II?

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President Clinton Mk II? Jan 20, 2007
I see Hilary Clinton has thrown her hat in the ring for the Democrat presidential nominee at the next election. Long been mooted and so not really a surprise, will be interesting if she's helped by public backlash to the "testosterone" politics of Bush.

I've never really warmed to her but her husband was, above all, a great international statesman who looked to solve many long-standing problems (peace in Palestine and reconcilliation in Northern Ireland among his interests) and Hilary was long rumoured to be the real driving force in his presidency.

Will America have the balls (as it were) to vote a first women president, and would it be welcomed around the world?

Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 21, 2007
It will be interesting to see the impact Barak Obama (whose middle name is 'Hussein') has. He is very impressive - both as a orator and a writer. I've been impressed by what I have read, seen and heard of Mr Obama.

Interesting times ahead with the next Dem Pres candidate being potentially a black or a woman.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Jan 21, 2007
A Black Muslim president may just be the one to save the world from the utter state its in.
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Jan 21, 2007
Obama is a practising Christian - but with liberal views, considered to the left of the party and Hilary Clinton. His father was Muslim, I think.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Jan 21, 2007
shafique wrote:It will be interesting to see the impact Barak Obama (whose middle name is 'Hussein') has. He is very impressive - both as a orator and a writer. I've been impressed by what I have read, seen and heard of Mr Obama.

Interesting times ahead with the next Dem Pres candidate being potentially a black or a woman.


Yes, he seems to be gaining a lot of support. Whether he can translate that in to hard sponsorship cash (which is essential in the US presidential race) remains to be seen, if he doesn't get a shot this time he could well be a future prospect.

Al Gore also a potential on the Democrat side, he's seen a massive transformation in his public image with his recent environmental crusade.

I think I'd be happy if it was any of those 3, all appear to be more liberal and accepting that there is a world outside the US and you can't keep pissing them all off.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 21, 2007
Whoever spends the most money and has the best propaganda will win. :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 21, 2007
Having a brother fudge the vote in the state he governs is also helpful 8)
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 22, 2007
the democrats will lose again if they present a black man or a woman as there presidential candidate in 2008. America will not elect a black man or a woman to presidency .. not in 2008. If they want to have a chance Edwards is probably a better bet, a white man from the south.

I really hope i am proved wrong though.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jan 22, 2007
I am hoping that George W. Bush screwed up enough that the American public would seriously consider a black man or a woman for president coming from the Democratic party. You could be right though MaaaD...
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 22, 2007
I was reading an interesting study about how pop culture tracks cultural trends and sets the climate for political and social inductions to society. Pop culture is both a sort of brainwashing and testing arena. According to that barometer, the US population has favorable prospects in electing a black male president, but disfavorable in electing a woman president of any race any time soon.
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Jan 22, 2007
yes because the US presidency is decided by the MTV watching population. those that are so affected by pop culture are not the majority of voters on election day.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jan 22, 2007
Well, Condoleeza Rice has climed high in politics and gets a lot of respect from fellow Americans. She's both black and female. It was a huge step forward and can impact many Americans' thinking after seeing Condoleeza Rice in such a prominent position for all these years.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 22, 2007
btw Clinton voted _with_ the war on Iraq, just an FYI which adds to her unpopularity within democrat circles.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jan 23, 2007
common now do you all really think theyll ever allow a brother to take control of the white house ... that aint never gonna happen in out lifetime .. thats for sure.
Mr. DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 23, 2007
Condi Rice for President over H. Clinton. Experience wise, Rice is more than qualified. However, is america willing to accept female president? and the rest of the world - supporting US?
Dubai forums GURU
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Jan 23, 2007


I know who i'm voting for...
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jan 25, 2007
Have to say I really don’t like Rice, leaves me colder than Hilary does. Don’t think she’ll be helped by her current close role in the ongoing Iraq war (even if she only inherited the job).
Dubai Expat Helper
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